Chapter 2

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The coffee on the table was brewed hot, the steam escaping into the atmosphere.
This is the exact thing needed just for the cold morning. It had seemed like it would
rain the previous night but it had only breeze through but very early in the morning
the rain had started. It had rained from 5:00am till 7:00 am nonstop. After the heavy
down pour the rain kept drizzling till now. With this, the sky appeared bluer than in
harmattan. The temperature is so cold and the eye is moist from cold. She watched
as her partner hurried into the hall way. She had been looking through the window
from her office which is on the 2nd floor of a six storey building of Nicole
Engineering Conglomerate. The company is into the manufacturing of diverse
product ranging from domestic detergent to industrial equipment. Recently, the
company had added inverters, CCTV camera system to their product together with
the installation. This is the new project Sade Adams is working on. McDavis is the
target company Sade and her partner in marketing are working on. She had been on
the strategic plan since 8:00am when she got to the office. Now that her partner is
around they can make conclusion and plan the more. She walked back to the desk,
picked up her cup and sipped the coffee made by her secretary. This is second cup
of coffee she’s having this morning.
Just as she made to sit down, the door to her office opened, Ebere walked
straight to Sade’s desk.
“I am so sorry, the rain just spoil the show for me o” she came across Sade’s desk to
see what she had been writing on her notepad. “Good morning Sade, you are really
exceptional! Coming this early to work on a rainy day” she winked at her partner.
“Ah ha! See this lady o, some of us don’t have the ‘lawyer’ quality and effrontery to
come to work 9:30 on a rainy day” Sade replied with a smile giving her partner a
purpose look “how was your night and hubby?”
“Thanks dear, he’s fine.” Ebere replied with a grin “and you how is Peju?” though it
is been two months now that her husband passed away, Sade appears a little cheerful now still Ebere is always careful when asking after her family. The last thing
she wants is to touch a raw nerve.
“Fine dear’’ Sade answered “we cooked together last night. Sarah is the only one
missing out” she smiled.
“That is good, you two having a cosy time. Don’t worry school is almost over, Sarah
will soon join in” Ebere added. “So on McDavis, I did a background check on the
company, their IT section, the electronics/ equipment , the overall load to be
expected of inverter to transmit” Ebere sat down, brought out her own notepad,
wore her glasses as she set to work on it with full concentration. Ebere is a petite
woman, slim and faired skinned, the type of colour expected of a south-east woman.
Her hair is long and dark although she had them braided with attachment unlike
Sade who had wore her hair as she often do, all she does to the hair is straighten it
or set it into curls. Ebere is a full time career lady although recently married to a
successful young business man. The wedding had been the talk of the town in
Owerri. She went over the McDavis report with Sade. It was two hours later that they
took a break.
“Wow, how times flies” Sade commented looking at her wrist watch. “I suppose we
can take a break now’’
“It is 11:30 already’’ replied Ebere
“Yeah, I need to leave the office in 10 minutes” she began arranging the papers on
her table into a file and clear of the desk.
“Why is that’’ Ebere asked, standing to her feet
“I was called yesterday on phone by the Principal of Triumph High School, to report
to the school by noon. It looks like my teenage daughter got into a fight’’ Sade said
shaking her head
“In that case, you better get out of this place now” Ebere smiled “but...take it easy
on your daughter”
“Alright dear’’ she replied feigning a cool face. She was so pissed off by the call.
Someone has to talk some sense into that young girl’s head. She needs to stop acting like she knows it all. Whoever does that at fifteen? She thought angrily. After about
15 minutes’ drive in her Hyundai she got to Triumph High School. As she sat cross
legged on the chair facing that of the principal, wearing a cool face yet she was
seething with anger inside. This is one of the days Sade is glad to be a black woman,
her face did not betray her. If she had been white, she’s sure her face would have
given her away with the shades of colour. Since she entered the gate of the High
School she had a sense of trepidation and premonition that something had gone
wrong. However nothing had prepared her for what the principal had told her.
“…you see Mrs Adams, in Triumph High School we take character and behaviour
issue very serious, we just don’t want to produce good student who are
academically sound with bad manners or lack of respect for others or of self
control’’. The principal glancing at the report on his desk, he continued. “However
in this case it is beyond the management and that’s the reason we summoned you
“Yes, I will like to know the reason, because I’m not sure am following your line of
conversation” Sade chipped in sounding impatient.
“You see ma, Sarah Adams has been a very good discipline girl until yesterday” the
Principal said. On hearing this Sade let out a sigh ‘what had this girl done now?’ she
wondered while the Principal continued.
“Because she had always been proper and academically sound she was chosen as
one of the prefect, which I’m sure you, Mrs Adams is aware of” the principal looked
pointedly at Sade.
“It was a great shock to me when I was informed yesterday of your daughter’s
“What did she do?’’ asked Sade, starting to get irritated with the long talk of the
“She got into argument with one of her classmate, a boy, and slapped him ’.
According to the eye witness which was one of their classmate. Sarah then used a lot
of forbidden words as she rained insult on her victim” the principal rearranged the
glasses on his nose. “It didn’t stopped at that, one of Sarah’s friend, a boy, stepped forward to defend her and continue pummelling her victim from where she had
stopped till the house master appeared and caught the two boys fighting” he stood
up, went round the desk to where Sade sat, took the chair next to her and lean
“In my discussion with the house masters and mistress and with some of her
teachers who knew her well enough, we came to a conclusion. Sarah is still
depressed over the loss of her father. She is distant in class although she still
managed to score the highest in most of her tests, however she doesn’t answer
questions in class again. The last social night in the hostel, I was told she claimed to
be sick so as not to attend. I should have sent her to you sooner to talk to her but we
thought been with her peers will cheer her up but obviously it didn’t. Mrs Adams
she is still clearly in pain over the death of her father” Sade hate to hear the words
‘death’’ loss’’ but now is not the time to snap at least not at the principal. He is just
doing his work. It is Sarah she feels like spanking. So instead she replied
“I am really sorry for the trouble Sarah is causing you.” She said half hearted, all she
could think of is how she will speak some sense into the young girl. She really has to
grow up and stop acting like a judo trainee. The last thing she needs right now is for
her to listen to some strangers talking about the death of Tayo. She doesn’t want to
listen. The words of the principal brought her back to reality.
“So we thought it may be better if Sarah continued as a day student. She will be
given an exemption for obvious reason and still retain her prefect ship” he smiled.
“No!” Sade almost shouted
“Mrs Adams”
“No, sir, it will worsen this situation, I will speak to my daughter and I can give you
my word, she will not misbehave again’’
“Are you sure the sanction is not in her best interest for her now? She may need to
be close to you…”“No Sir, I object. She has her younger sister who is day-student to talk to and bring
something for her, if need be and I will come visit her every visiting day, that is
good enough for her”
“I know Mrs Adams, but I’m concern...’’ he didn’t finish his statement before she cut
“I know but she will be fine. Staying at home for now, will depress her more, seeing
the house where her daddy normally comes home to every night. The two weeks
she stayed at home after the burial was hard on her. If you give her exemption to
come from home, it will be the major topic in the school and among the student and
this will make her feel more different and isolated when what she want is to be
treated normally just like before the…incident’’ Sade paused looked at Mr Ibrahim
pleadingly “so please let her stay in the hostel, I’ll talk to her.” A minute passed
before the principal could respond.
“Very well then ma, please talk to Sarah, she will be allowed to stay in the hostel
provided what happen yesterday or a similar scenario will not happen again’’
raising his finger for emphasis.
“Thank you very much Sir’’ with that she stood up just as a knock sounded at the
“Come in” the principal said. Sarah came with her head bowed, embarrassed to
face the principal after what happened the previous day.
“Good afternoon, sir” Sarah greeted in a low voice as she looked up to see the
principal and she saw her mom, she starred at her in surprise, she hadn’t expect to
see her. When she saw the car outside she had thought she was been paranoid that
perhaps it had been someone else’s own but seeing the reality, she is more scared
than before.
“Afternoon Sarah, I have had a few words with your mother, she was about leaving
when you came in.” The principal stood up to walk Mrs Adams out”“So I will allow you two to talk after which you can return to your class, Sarah” he
said looking from daughter to mother. “Mrs Adams thanks for coming. Enjoy the rest
of your day’’ he smiled.
“Thank you sir, I’m glad you made the call” she took the hand he extended and gave
it a firm shake. She left the office with her daughter’s hand in hers.
It was 2pm already, the student are streaming out, some to the dining hall,
some to the football field, some to the shopping mall, others are seriously engaged
in gossip while strolling. The whole place is filled with young girls and boys in wine
check uniform which is the school uniform in Triumph High School. Peju look like a
little angel in her pinafore with her ‘suku’ hair style, she is really a pretty kid. She
had joined them by the car, immediately she heard her mom was around. She is a
happy kid as she stood grinning from ear to ear at her mom, Sade just love her the
more. Sarah looked pretty too; she had on a wine coloured jacket with the school
badge on it, all the school prefects had it on. In fact she could pass for the High
School Queen if there will be anything like that in the school.
Sarah and Peju looked a lot alike, it made Sade wants to take a picture of the
two girls on her smart phone but now is not the time. She needed to speak some
sense into Sarah’s head. She turned to Peju, “Peju dear, please go to your shopping
mall and buy me table water” she gave the younger girl money from her purse. She
was not thirsty she only wanted some private time with Sarah.
“Yes mom” she collected the money and ran off. Sade turn to Sarah just as the latter
had feared.
“Young lady, what was that all about?’’
“What ma?’’ feigning ignorance
“Don’t play words with me young girl” Sade snapped. As Sarah looked down
“It was not intentional that I got into a fight’’ Sarah said slowly
“How exactly did it happen, am listening” Sade said obviously irritated“I…I...I was going to my hostel after the night prep and he offered to carry my bag
and I told him am fine with it and he wouldn’t let go so…o…o…so…” she stammered
“So you slapped him’’ Sade finished for her. “Sarah, how many times do I have to
warn you to watch that your temper and attitude of taking things into your hand?
Huh?” Sade asked her daughter who remain muted. “You will have to control your
anger in future, you hear me! Or else you will be sent back home from the hostel, am
sure you don’t want to go to school from home but if you continue like this, the
school authority will have no choice but to send you home” Sade stated more angry
at herself than at Sarah that she couldn’t handle it better. She wanted to wrap her
arm round her daughter and asked her what the problem really was, but instead she
had snapped at her. She had played denial because she was afraid she knew the
answer Sarah would give. She is just not ready to talk about the passing of her father.
“I’ve heard you mother’’ angry that her mother couldn’t understand or try to
understand. “I won’t cause any trouble again. I’ll be on my best behaviour from now
onward’’ Sarah said with a frown.
“That’s very good’’ Sade replied feeling uneasy yet showing cool exterior. She knew
to her bone she has been lousy mother of recent.
“Then I need to go to the sick bay, I am still the health prefect. Good bye ma’’ she
waved to greet her mom and hurried off before her mother saw her crying.
But Sade saw it, she saw the tear drop, she wanted to hug her daughter but
her feet would not move. She was almost in tears herself when Peju arrived, she
quickly blink back the tear and smiled broadly at her as she handed the bottle of
water to her.
“Thank you, my baby. You can take the snack from the car it is for you and your
sister, but the juice and the milk is for your sister, take it to the hostel for her’’ Sade
“Ah ah mommy! Where is my juice?” Peju complained looking sad.
“Peju, don’t be such a spoilt child, you have enough juice at home, take your snack
with water, I’ll buy you ice cream this weekend’’ Sade said with a smile.“Yummy!!! Thanks mom” Peju said
“Don’t be too happy sisi, you have to score high in your maths’ test, you know? Sade
“Sure, I’ll pass. It’s a deal” Peju replied already happy at the prospect of going out
with her mom on Saturday.
“See you at home, sweetheart’’ Sade got into the car. Mother and daughter waved as
she drove off, Peju feeling high while Sade feel more burdened than she felt when
she arrived.
It was 8:45pm at the night prep the same day her mother had come to her
school. She had been quiet for the most of the day. She had gone straight to the
hostel lie on the bunk and cried, luckily for her there was no one in her arena. It had
upset her so much at her mom’s reaction. She had then made up her mind to be
quiet and keep away from everyone so as not to cause trouble. She would hate it to
be a day-student and have all the student gossip about her and her loss. The whole
scene had taken a toll on her even the snack and juice Peju brought for her had not
been able to pacify her. She had grunted the thanks. Peju been a sweet girl had
went on chatting nonstop oblivious of how sad Sarah really is. Though Sarah adore
her sister, she sometimes wish she had a sister close to her age who can understand
her, someone who she can talk to not a 10 year old who she is five years older than
and Sarah doesn’t even act her age, some of her colleagues thought she is older,
more like seventeen. Because of the way she act but been the first born had also
made her grow faster than her age.
She had been trying to read for the chemistry test scheduled for later in the
week but she had just been reading the same line over and over again. That is why
she then decided to study mathematics instead. She had been able to work a few
solution questions and the prep was almost over when she heard someone sit beside
her. She turned to look at the fellow. It was Jed.
“Hi! Heard your mom came in today?” he said“Hi! Yes she did” She continued solving the equation, it was a quadratic equation
with the unknown values represented by ‘x’ and ‘y’
“So are you going to be suspended?” He asked
“No sir”
“Did you tell your mom the full story?”
“How is it your business?”
“I am curious to know”
“Very well detective, go ask Richard, am not in the mood for your questioning”
Jed laughed, stood up and sat on the table. The reading room is a full air conditioned
room filled with chairs with independent tables attach to each. It has maps of Nigeria
on it wall and that of Africa. It has fluorescent light. The classes are six of the same
kind for each of the classes the students belong to. The SS3 class which Sarah and
Jed are is the last on the block. At this time, fifteen minute to the closing of night
prep, most of the prefect have gone to the junior classes to supervise them leaving
few student remaining in the SS3 class.
“Listen Sarah, Edward felt very bad yesterday, he is concern about you, you know?
“Yes I know, but I didn’t ask him to be’’ she stated
“You don’t have to, the poor guy likes you than normal. We knew Richard had eye
on you but we never imagine he’ll pull the stunt with you’’
“It is okay, I don’t want to hear it’’ she snapped she didn’t want to remember what
“Sarah, you need to talk someone’’ he paused, “from the books and all the novels I
have read, I have learn that you feel better when you talk to a stranger sometimes’’
“Ah ah ah’’ she faked a laugh. “Thanks but I’ll pass” Sarah replied
“Listen, Edward and Richard likes you, I on the other hand am indifferent, I don’t
like you in that concept, so come along and talk before you bury yourself in misery’’ with that Jed took her hand and together went outside the class sat somewhere on
the balcony. They were lucky the prefects are fully responsible for prep supervision
since the housemaster on duty had taken excuse and appointed the head boy to
make sure that the students are properly behaved.
“I am now all ears, you can start from your first reaction when you heard’’ Jed said
“Excuse me?’’ Sarah asked
“When you heard he died? Jed asked looking at her pointedly.
Sarah exhaled wanting to ignore him but she was tired. She was exhausted,
not having anyone to talk to, her friends are just there ready to sympathize but she
knew they won’t understand. Moreover she did not want them to start treating her
differently; acting nice towards her. So she acted strong and kept to herself. She had
not spoken to anyone till now, now that Jed is insisting she talk to him.
“Oh oh, you’re such a pest’’ she complained but he didn’t reply, instead he kept
looking at her waiting for answer. Since he wasn’t a friend maybe it’s not such a bad
idea to talk to a stranger. If he acts funny after she talks to him she can ignore him
and pretend he doesn’t exist. She decides to talk to him.
“My dad was so…” she cleared her throat determined not to cry in front of him. She
didn’t want his sympathy, she only wants to let out some of what she had kept inside.
‘It really hurts’ she thought.
“Dad was very handsome, charming, and charismatic.” she continued “He is very
smart, his drawings are very impressive. I have always been very proud of him.
While other’s dad doesn’t go out to functions with their wives, mine does. Do you
know he and mom waltz at home?’’ she smiled looking at Jed. Jed shook his head. He
didn’t want to interrupt, afraid she might stop talking. He hadn’t really thought the
stranger trick would work but he is happy it did.
“He was my role model. He is the only significant male figure in my life’’ she blinked
back the tear. “So that day my name was called on the assembly ground to wait and
see the principal’’ she paused looking at him for effect, he nodded in understanding.
“When I got to the principal’s office, he told me my dad was indisposed that am needed at home. When I got home I learnt that he was diagnosed of prostate cancer.
At 42years the prime of his life’’ she stood up her emotion were running into tears.
Jed made no move to follow her. So she stood pacing and continued.
“The tumour, we were told was malignant. It could be treated with chemotherapy
and other stuff but within one week he just got worse each day and before he could
receive his treatment approximately 10 days after his diagnosis he… he died’’. She
was sobbing now. The closing bell for night prep rang and the noise increase from
the various classes.
“Let me walk you half way to your hostel but we’ll walk slowly maybe we’ll stop at
the front of the dining hall where we can be seen by everyone but still talk in
confidence’’ he went into the class to pack his books and that of Sarah, came back
outside and hand her, her bag. “Let’s go’’ he pulled her hands. “Please continue’’ he
urged with a gentle squeeze, she rubbed her eyes and face with her palm of her
hand so no one will notice she had been crying.
“I was angry’’ she continued as they walked side by side “I was very angry at
everyone. I was angry at God, angry at mom, even at Peju for not feeling the
absence of dad as much as I.” She paused “the people who came to pay their
respect, started telling us ‘they knew how we are feeling’ telling tales about my
dad” she let go of Jed’s hand but they were still walking together toward the dining
area together. “I wish no one would visit us at house, I wish they would just keep
quiet if they must visit, I wished I don’t really have to make snacks and tea for them. I
hated it when I hear the words ‘death, sorry and loss’” She was back in control of her
emotion now. She was too angry to be crying.
“I don’t know what to say so I have never been in your position before so if you are
angry at everyone I won’t judge you. I will just walk with you and listen” Jed stated.
It made Sarah feel relieved so she turned her head away from him and smiled. “Am
still curious about the deal with Richard” by now they had reached the dining hall so
they are standing side by side.
“Yeah, nothing really” Sarah said feeling embarrassed. “Okay, I’ll tell you if you
won’t laugh” she looked up at him waging a finger.“I won’t” Jed replied “scouts’ honour’’ making a cross sign across his chest.
“Richard asked me out and I told him ‘no’” she said
“Almost every boy in the hostel want to date you but what happen yesterday’’ he
“He came over to my seat during lunch break at the dining hall and he started
saying one-thing, one-thing that he really liked me and wants to take care of me”.
She frowned, “but I ignored him and turn away from him then he came over to face
me again I told him to leave me. I lost my temper when he then said he knows am
hurting from the loss of my dad that I need a male figure and he will make it up to me
and take care of me” she shook her head. “Oh o, don’t even know how it happened,
I just raised my hand and slapped him’’ she laughed in spite of herself.
“He deserved the slap” Jed said looking pointedly at her. “He was a jerk to say
something as bad as that to you.” Sarah only nodded
“So your mum blamed you for it? Jed asked
“Yes. She didn’t ask me why I did, she did ask but it felt like she didn’t want to hear
it so I didn’t tell her. I just promised to be on my best behaviour” she shrugged
“Take it easy on her, you both have been through a lot lately” Jed said
“How come you are this intelligent and nice?” she asked with a smile. That made Jed
smiled too
“As a literature student, you get to read a lot, know a lot of characters… I guess it
“Yes it did. I feel like I owe you, I feel much better, lighter you know’’
“That is good to know, don’t feel indebted am a stranger after all.”
“Thank you Jed’’
“You are welcome. Good night” he waved“Good night stranger” Sarah waved back and left. Jed waited for her to nearly reach
her hostel, her figure almost fading away before he turned to his own destination.
The school environment look serene, the sky seems bluer than normal
because it rained through the night. It is another sanitation morning where all school
prefects are to supervise students as they clear the classroom, the surrounding of
the school. Usually cleaners are employed by the school management to keep the
school in a good condition. However, to teach the student sanitary values, the
sanitation workers are relieved on Wednesday while the student under the
supervision of the prefect, take care of the cleaning. Today like any other
Wednesday, assembly meeting was held for only 15 minutes, starting with prayers,
making special announcement and designation of work portion to student according
to their classes. All students from JSS1 to SS3 are involved with the exception of the
prefects who supervise the work. This among many other privilege makes prefectship a desirable post by all students along with the fact that they get to wear a jacket
which makes them look very corporate and like adults working in the bank, the
school social department headed by the vice principal administration, had thought it
well that the prefect had to wear something different to be respected by their fellow
students especially by their fellow colleague. So the idea of wearing a wine suede
jacket with the social badge had appeal so much to them, they had adopted this
three years ago. This had produced satisfactory result. The students respect and are
obedient to the prefects as officials on special duties assigned by the school
authority. The envy has made students to be more devoted in their academics as to
be made a prefect in their final year.
It’s been twenty minutes since the sanitation exercise has started the school
looked neater and flowers have been trimmed, the paper in the surrounding have
been picked and properly disposed, the cream and wine colour of the school
building now glows in compliment to the neat surrounding. The school has tall
buildings which. Students were assigned to clean all the school sites; the three
storeys which consist of the junior classrooms, senior class rooms, and the
administrative block, also the three bungalow buildings belonging to male and female hostel and the general dining hall with two kitchen attached to it. There are
other relatively small building, the laboratories, the shopping mall, the boarders
reading room and the school library along with the football pitch and a basketball
field which is at the rear end of school premises. Sarah stood supervising students
apportion to her. She was looking healthier than in recent day even the principal
had commented on it thinking it must have been the talk she had with her mother. In
truth, it had been the outpour of emotion she had done the night before. She feels
lighter. She still misses her dad terribly but she feels much better now. Swaying her
leg back and forth as she stood supervising, the bell rang signalling the end of
sanitation. She called out to the student.
“You have done well, today, off you go to your classes” the JSS3 students ran off to
their class while some rebellious one took a slow stride as they leave. Sarah smiled.
They are lucky she is in a good mood today, plus the administrative block look clean
enough. She turned to leave for her class when she saw Jed in the mist of four boys
chatting. She decided to thank him so she walked up to them.
He had seen her as she gave instructions to the students and even when the
principal passed she had greeted him with a smile. He felt relieved. He had been
chatting with Edward and the three boys from their class as they clean the school
library which is adjacent and a bit distant to the administrative block. The distant
between the two building is not that much which afford him the privilege to steal
glances at Sarah while he chat with the boys. She was wearing the knee length skirt
with cream top and jacket, the three piece suit were well tailored, with the black
shoe she wore, she looked very smart. Little wonder the boys are crazy about her.
She is always well dressed even the old-school hairstyle she wore looks good on
her, she is a combination of brain and beauty with exception that she is very rude
and loftily attitude, in spite of this shortcoming she is still the bane of Edward
existence. The thought almost made him laugh. He is so grateful he is the way he is.
He is not crazy about any girl. His sole mission is to get a good grade and get
admission into university at the first chance. It is enough that he is the second citizen
in his house with a name most people are not cognisant with, ‘Jedidiah’ what is the
meaning? Is it a biblical name? People would ask him, he hadn’t been chosen as
prefect when his brother had made history two years ago, as an art student being the school head boy, an unlikely thing in Triumph High School. Usually the school
gave preferences to science student first. They are regarded as being smart and
well behaved. With the look of things he might be the only one in the family who is
not a perfect because Tabitha is a science student. Everyone is already suspecting
she did be the next head girl as her result has been consistently good. He is always
so proud of his sister.
The boys are talking about making their own food in the hostel and how
delightful the scene will be when the house master, Mr Arinola catches them. The
boys thought he would go into shock and be hospitalised. This made Jed laughed
out looking up as he saw Sarah walking toward them. ‘What is she trying to do’ he
wondered but before he could walk away she was at his side.
“Hi boys, good morning Jedidiah” she said and walked away too embarrassed to
even say what she had in mind to say.
“This is impossible’’ Tunde said, one of the four boys standing with Jed.
“That girl is simply rude! Who is she calling boys?” Touchi said angrily.
“Calm down guys, she has been through a lot lately” Jed chipped in while Edward
stared continuously at her till she reached their class building. They were heading
toward the building themselves now when Edward stopped in his track.
“Jed, how is it she greeted you specifically? She looked at you” Edward asked
“I don’t know, who know what goes on in her head’’ Jed shrugged and climbed the
stairs to his class.
“Hi Jed” Tabitha greeted as he passed by her class on his way to his.
“Hi little” Jed replied with a smile and immediately the boys attacked him, teasing
him about her sister.
In biology class Mr Adetunji had introduced Ecology and concept of niche to
the SS3 science class. It was in an engrossed class that lasted for 45minutes. The teacher had been so passionate that he kept asking questions as he taught them.
Initially the class was interesting he had used teaching aid to explained ecology but
after about 30 minutes, the student became bored and tired perhaps due to the fact
that it was the last lecture for the day. The students were packing their bags silently
as the lesson was even going on before the bell for closing time eventually rang.
When the closing bell rang, they gave a ‘whoops! While the biology teacher
scold them, accusing them of been lazy and irresponsible. As Mr Adetunji grumble
at them, Sarah smiled. She was wondering why everyone expect the SS3 student to
be ‘serious’ if they are playing maturity now, what would they do when they get into
higher institution? She asked in her thought. Normally she loves biology class, since
biology is a favourite subject of hers. She found it easier to read and found it
interesting learning about human body and to study about all living organism in
general. Although she loved calculation too, still she enjoys biology, the best,
chemistry to Sarah is a subject that must be passed.
Mr Adetunji finally wrapped up the topic, leaving them with two assignments
which is a research work. Predictably, the students grumbled at the assignment
given. Sarah made a point note in her head to visit the library before the next class,
to use the textbook there.
“Am so glad we are done for the day” Fikayo said. She is the assistant head girl of
the school and Sarah’s best friend. They sleep next to each other in the same arena
in the hostel. Fikayo unlike Sarah is short and very thin and dark skinned. And
unlike Sarah’s long hair, Fikayo wore ‘Anita baker’ haircut, but she is very pretty
and smart. Sarah and Fikayo have been friends since their first senior year. Though
Fikayo had been a boarder student all along, Sarah’s coming, into the hostel has
only buttress the friendship the more.
“Me self tire today’’ Sarah replied
“Eh eh? When did Lady Sarah begin to speak in pidgin?’’ Fikayo asked in a mock
“Abeg leave me jor, I’m hungry, let’s go have some cornflakes’’.“Let me collect the book I lent Martins first’’ she moved to the last sit at the end to
collect her book and came back
“I would like to stop by Peju’s class if you don’t mind’’
‘”Oh oh, thought you said you are hungry’’
“Am sorry now, I just want to ask after mother”
“Oh…you should’’ Fikayo slowly replied, feeling remorseful she knew what had
been happening and she does sympathise with Sarah. She had tried so many times
to reach out to her she just keeps saying she is not ready to talk about it. Fikayo
sincerely hopes Sarah will talk to her, instead she prays for her. It seems that is all
she can do for her for now. They left the class and began to walk toward the junior
class building.
“Ah ah, lest I forget’’ Fikayo started
“I saw you greeting the boys in the morning, what’s up?
“Nothing now, I wanted to greet Jed but it will be too rude to greet him alone amidst
other’’ Sarah replied. “You know how I feel when people just bump in and start
talking with someone I was probably talking to without taking excuse, it is so
improper’’ she rambled on hoping Fikayo will not press her the more.
“Iwo lomo, you have bigger problems, you and your principles’’ Fikayo replied
noncommittally. At that time they were almost at the building when they met Peju on
the way. She was heading home already. Sarah smiled when she saw Peju, her
uniform was wrinkled and her black shoes all dusty. She kept bouncing looking
down as she held tightly with both hand to her bag which she carried on her back.
“Hey miss’’ It was how her dad usually called her. Peju stopped in her track and
looked up, seeing her sister she dissolved in a smile.
“Oh it’s you, you sounded like daddy’’
This declaration made Sarah hesitant. She hadn’t meant to remind her younger sister
of their dad. It had been more of a reflex action.“How did your day go today?” Sarah asked
“Hello Peju” Fikayo greeted.
“Peju looked from Sarah to Fikayo. It’s the first time she was noticing her.
“Hi senior Fikayo’’ she greeted. “My day was good as it can be, lesson, breaks,
boring a bit since I didn’t stir a fight with anyone’’ Peju babble on as the three girls
walked towards the school gate. Sarah asked about her mom and Peju reported
dutifully how Sade is fairing. She is sleeping well now, though Peju still share the
bed with her. The project at work has been taking her time of recent and this has led
Sade to hire a sitter, who is a twenty one year old girl living in the neighbourhood.
She had been willing to work for them while she awaits her admission to the
university. Peju described the girl to Sarah and told her she liked the girl. ‘who
could have thought that I will have a nanny at age 10’ Peju joked, finally at the school
gate where they had to part, she gave two chocolates to Peju to give to their mum,
she felt responsible for her. She somehow feels she is obliged to take care of her
and not the other way round. After all she is the first born. It doesn’t matter if she is
not a boy nor is it relevant to her that she is only fifteen. Collecting the candies with
a broad smile Peju dashed home while Sarah and Fikayo continued their walk to the
At the school library Sarah flipped through the economic text book she had
picked from the circulation desk. It is the first day of school for the week, she wanted
to do her assignment before the next class but it doesn’t appear she is making any
progress. She looked up to view the library everywhere was solemn; the students
heads were bent over the books they are reading. The room was illuminated with
fluorescent light which made the creamy colour of the room more radiant. It was
fully air-conditioned. At the entrance you have a reception stand, the library
receptionists stood and check in library cards. They are responsible for receiving
request concerning textbooks and borrowing of books. Adjacent to that is the
circulation desk with books arranged in shelves in alphabetical order. On the
opposite of the main library at entrance is a small room for internet requisition, where internet service is available on the computers there and students are allowed
in after proper interrogation to use the system for further research for their studies.
As Sarah glanced through, she decided to get to the requisition room to use the
internet, she is not sure of another textbook to pick from the bookshelf that would be
more fruitful and faster. As she closed the textbook and made to stand up, someone
pushed her back to sit down and sat next to her. She looked up to see who it was, it
was Jed.
“Hey DOC” Jed greeted. He was always so polish which has earned him ‘the
literature man’ with the junior girls in the hostel. Now that she thought of that, she
can’t disagree with them, although she has no intention of calling him that now.
“Hello Jedidiah’’ she greeted back, she didn’t really appreciate been pushed
around even with the person she feels indebted to.
“Are you being rude or do you just like calling my full name” Jed said
“Is Jedidiah not your name?’’
‘’it is but I prefer Jed’’
“And why is that”
“I don’t really like my name, it is so peculiar and almost everyone ask where it is in
the bible. It’s enough to be a second, average son without adding an ominous name”
he rambled on while Sarah smiled.
“It is actually a nice name. I came across it in 2 chronicle and I decided to give my
first son” smiling more broadly ‘beloved of God’ right?”
“I don’t know why I rambled on. I wanted to ask how you are faring’’
“Oh!” feeling embarrassed she answered “I’m much better. Thanks for the last time.
It really helped”
“That is good. And how is the rift between you and your mother?
“We are good now. I even send her cookies or was it chocolate, the other day.
Thanks” she answered with a smile.“You are welcome”
“Do you always speak like this? I mean in this context?”
“How do you mean?” he asked
“Nothing. You just don’t get to see people talk the way you do with all the courtesy
instead they are eager to learn and speak pidgin”
“Yeah, it’s partly because of the books I read. Do you read?” he asked her
“Yes I do” Sarah answered with hesitation. She wondered if having a brilliant elder
brother has something to do with him thriving to read so much. She heard about his
brother, he attended the same school with them but he was a two year senior and a
full time boarder student. Sarah only know him as the Head boy since she only came
to the hostel in her final year.
“Who are the authors you prefer?” Jed asked her
“I read Danielle Steel the most. I also read the likes of Belva Plain, sometimes Nora
Robert” her eyeballs kept rolling as she spoke. “I also read Dean Koontz and John
Saul “
“Wow!” Jed was truly surprised “you read a lot for a science student. How do you
cope?” he asked with a grin
“I like to know about things” she shrugged.
“But why horror novel? John Saul is more of horror, isn’t it?”
“It is fascinating, you know” she smiled
“Really?” Jed couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he didn’t understand her.
“Yeah.” She answered “I was going to the ITC when you came by. See you later,
Jed.” With that she stood up.
“Alright. But if you don’t mind I have a book you might like, I have read it anyway
and I like it.” Jed said
“Who wrote it?” Sarah asked with interest“Karen Kingsbury. You may not know her but I want you to try her” he urged.
“Okay, what’s the title?” she asked reluctantly, she only jumps at Danielle Steel’s
“A time to dance” he replied
“They had better dance well” she said and left for the internet section of the library..

##I hope you guys loved it##please don't forget your comments and likes means a lot to me😍😍

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