Chapter 8

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Sade Adams was glad to have her two daughters at home for weekend. Since
her daughter’s departure, the house has become lonely for her ever since Peju
decide to move into the hostel with the excuse that she need to concentrate more on
her studies and Sarah far off in the university. Peju’s motive for leaving for boarding
school was due to too many influence of social media, movies and internet which
was distracting her from her studies and being a science student with the prospect
of studying engineering in the university, she realised she needed to buckle up
especially to make it into the university at the first trial like her sister.
It sometimes looks like being in a trance to Sade each time she sees what her
once little girls have become. Sarah is gradually approaching twenty, already she
will turn eighteen in august and in her third year in Medical school. The most
amazing and surprising is her little Peju who is now a teenager; she turned thirteen
in April and now in her SS1 and would be in SS2 by September. Though the tunnel
was dark, somehow a tiny ray of light managed to shined through and saw them
through it all. Indeed, it must be the works of the Almighty, Sade concluded in her
mind. The girls have grown more beautiful over the years; Sarah is now 5ft9inches
and still maintains her slim figure with beautiful curves. She is tall for a girl. She must
have gotten the height from her dad. Peju on the other hand, has the sweet teenage
beauty and innocence that melts Sade’s heart. She was truly proud of her girls, her
only sadness is that she wished her husband was still alive to see how well their girls
had turned out to be plus she feels so lonely of recent. She is not in any relationship
yet despite that it’s been four years since he departed from them. She had gone out
on date a few times with someone, when her friends and family had insisted and
even tried to play matchmaker, but she was just not ready yet for a commitment.
First because she wanted to take care of her children and then she wasn’t ready to
be a second wife to anyone and single men her age are so rare and so were the
widowers. What she couldn’t deal with is a divorcee; she didn’t support divorce of
any kind. She believes the two parties should put extra effort to reconcile and reunite to make it work again. Then there is a little fear deep within her that another
person she opens her heart to might end up leaving her shattered like Tayo did. She
just couldn’t do that over again. Mourning her husband almost killed her. Though it
seems silly for her to think history might repeat itself but like all phobias, she alone
could feel and understand it.
She willed back the memories and concentrated on the dinner she was
preparing for her girls. She had left the office early around to go to the market
to get the necessary ingredient she will need. Peju was already home but she had
some assignments to do which she will submit the following week and she wants it
done before Sarah returns so they could chat in the evening together, so Sade had
excused her and did most of cooking alone. Sade didn’t mind doing all the work
alone, she was just happy her kids are home with her. She had asked the two to
come this weekend so they could plan their vacation well. Peju’s school will go on
holiday by next month and Sarah will write her final exam in preclinical to start
clinical by September, she also have roughly six weeks break. She has applied for
her annual leave at the office herself so she could spend time with her kids. It is
obvious Sarah will be more busy once she start her clinical. She really hopes her
older daughter will open up to her; she would like to know what is going on in her
life. Their talk is always very superficial, nothing deep.
She had just finished cooking and setting up the table when the buzzer sound.
That must be my daughter, she said to herself while she sent the housekeeper who
waits on her to go check who is at the door. It was Sarah as expected. The young
lady burst in running to her mother who is at the dining room and gave her a big
hug. It looked like the young Miss has missed her mum. School had been so hectic
that her mother’s arms around her were like a balm soothing her body and soul.
Sade looked her over and saw that she has lost some weights though she was not too
fleshy before but she thought Sarah had grown thinner nonetheless. Peju came out
on hearing her voice.
“Sister Sarah” she now calls Sarah with more respect. She was happy to see her at
least she will get to tease her and listen to her tales about the university. She hugged
her sister.“Peju dear” Sarah embraced her sister “hope say you no dey wahala mum sha?
Mum hope she hasn’t being throwing tantrum?” she turn to her mother and asked.
“So campus is making you speak pidgin now?” Sade mussed “ the dinner is ready
dear, we will go and shower then come down so we can all eat together and you can
tell us about your boyfriends” she teased her older daughter while Peju laughed
obviously pleased with the suggestion.
“Mother!” Sarah protested on her way to her room
“Don’t give me ‘I’m busy with studying’, it won’t work because as it happen, I was
also in the university once upon a time” Sade teased on and Sarah laughed. “Peju
help your sister with her things”
In less than ten minutes Sarah came down to join her mum and sister who
were sited already at the dining table. She was on the phone when she took her sit at
the table saying ‘yes thank you’, ‘you too’, ‘yes, bye’. Peju was the first to attack her
as she lay the phone down. Their mother pretended not to hear, as she dished the
meal on their plates.
“I swear it! The caller said ‘I love you’ right?” Peju started
“Peju you are watching too many movies and shut up, you hear?” Sarah replied but
Peju won’t give up that easy.
“Seriously sister moi” she tried French dialect. “We are the only two sibling and we
should always talk to each other” she stressed the last two words.
“Mum can you please tell this girl to be quiet while we eat” she turned to and
pleaded with her mother “for God sake she is only twelve”
“I’m in SS1” Peju interjected
“Keep your voice low girls” Sade was enjoying the trend of the conversation “It is
actually ideal to talk while we are at the dining table only it is improper to talk with
food in your mouth” she educate her girls “ so please feel free to talk, it will be
boring to eat in such a silence. More over Sarah, I quite agree with Peju, you sound different while on the call and you look guilty right now, if you asked me” Sade said
looking amused and Peju grinned happily only Sarah groaned.
“Mother, is that what you will say?”
“Daughter, how about you just tell Peju and I who called you and what you answered
‘you too’ to” She winked at her daughter from where she sat at the rear end of the
table. Peju and Sarah were sitting opposite to each other on each side of their
“Mummy that was Nick, he is just a friend” Sarah declared rolling her eyes at Peju
whose mouth propped open at her answer.
“Mummy she is talking about Senior Nickolas, senior Jed’s brother” Peju explained
to their mother then turned on Sarah again “So sister, when did ‘Nicholas become
Nick’ huh?” she raised an eyebrow in question.
“Peju!” she raised her voice a bit at her then say to her mother “mum, Peju is
overstepping her boundaries and you are letting her”
“C’mon Sarah, she misses you and she is only teasing you.” Sade tried to make a
straight face as she spoke to Peju “be careful little Miss, your sister will not have you
tease her about her boyfriend” she laughed, truly happy her daughters are home for
the weekend.
“Mum!” Sarah shrieked then laughed. Knowing her mum is bent on teasing her. “He
is only a friend” she said it with all serious expression but the other were not ready
to keep a straight face.
“Yes darling, I know. I believe you. I and your dad were friends first before
anything” they all laughed mentioning their dad does not hurt them any longer they
have all healed. Time indeed, does heal all wound except for the scar.
“Mum you remember Jed? Nick is his elder brother. He’s also in Unilorin, that is how
we met and he is only calling to see that am home safely.” Sarah explained. Hearing
herself she knows she sounded doubtful but in truth they are friends though they
have grown closer ever since the incident and more so she and Jed are close friend
she would not be thinking of dating his brother.“I remember dear. So, is he the one you love?” Her mother asked so sweetly that
they all hit the roof laughing. The conversation went on and on as they ate and later
on, Sade brought out the ice cream and pies she got on her way from office which
they had as their dessert.
The next day was a Saturday. Peju woke up with pain that she could hardly
walk. Sade noticed after their devotion in the morning but she didn’t think much into
it. But after some hours passed and she didn’t come out of her room, though she had
no specific work for her to do since the housekeeper she employed came over to
clean the house and washed the bed spread in the washing machine. Since the girls
have each left for school she has hired a house keeper who comes on a weekly basis
to get the house clean. Sade opened the door to her room without knocking, entered
and walked to where she lay on the rug rolling in pain. Immediately she sat with her
on the floor, concerned and held her in her arm. She did see her grimace when she
greeted her in the morning, her face was pale but she thought it was because she
was just waking up. “What is wrong with you?” she asked but Peju could only
mumble and point that her lower abdomen aches. Sade wonder what was in her
food that could upset her system so much and then she inquire if she had visit the
toilet which she confirmed, several times earlier in the morning. She helped her up
to her bed cover her up with her duvet as she soothes her with words. She called her
sister, Sarah to bring her pain reliever and water. Peju took the pain reliever and
then slept off after a while. Sade and Sarah left her side quietly.
In the living room, Sarah went over to the stereo set, slot in a CD of Don
William, she played the disc. The voice of the great singer oozed out of the speaker
of the home theatre. The song playing is ‘Your Sweet Love’. She hummed along as
the music was being played. The house keeper had finished her work and left, only
the Adams are left in the house. Sade looked at her daughter who was humming at
the same time reading the summary page of a novel. She has really grown up, Sade
thought. Thank God Ebere had helped with her back then but now she wants to be
available for her daughter. She wants Sarah to talk to her. She was much stronger now, years have passed and so is the time of her mourning. She is now left with
memories which she treasured in her heart. She sat on the single sofa opposite to the
three setter Sarah was lying on. She dreads having to discuss relationship issues
with Sarah but she knew she had to. As her mother, she want her first daughter to be
able to talk to her about anything, she wants her to be free with her so she can guide
her and prevent her from making any mistakes youths are prone to. She was glad
Peju is asleep so she could have time alone to speak with Sarah. She and Sarah had
been on good terms lately but still she fear she may not speak up so she decide to
trend carefully in order not to turn her off. Taking her chance she starts the
conversation “your choice of song is interesting…” her voice trailed off.
“That’s Don Williams. I actually like his songs” Sarah volunteered
“Yeah I know, I like his music actually” Sade conceded
“The wordings are what got me. So sincere and I don’t know” Sarah said looking
wistful. Sade took the opportunity to breech the topic with her.
“Well listening to a love song is peculiar to you youngsters” searching her face and
her eyes for any clue.
“Oh mother! Don’t start. It’s worse enough that you join Peju in teasing me at dinner
yester night.”
“Sarah no one is scolding you and don’t tell me you don’t miss your sister’s tease”
Sade raised her eye ball while smiling encouragingly at her daughter.
“Yes I miss her and am now over it now that she’s at it again.” she laughed
“Speaking of Peju, mum should I go and check on her”
“Let her rest for a while, I think she needs it.” She stretched her hand to stop her
since she already made to get up. “Sarah you are going to be eighteen this August
and by September you will start your clinical all things being equal. If you are
seeing someone I’d like you to feel free to talk about it and if not for distance I would
ask you to bring him home.” She spoke to her as a matter of fact but the young girl
laughed on“Mother, are you serious?” Sarah said wondering if her mum was serious or was
teasing her.
“Sarah dear, I know we’ve had our differences in the past but much more we have
been close of recent. Sarah, you are my first daughter and I would love to know
what’s going on with you.” Sade smiled at her and went over to seat with her on the
long sofa. Sarah watched her mother moved closer, she was really lonely she could
feel it. She would prefer her mum to go out once in a while, she still looks so good
and has a great body. Now she has to keep her entertained but the topic is just so
embarrassing to her. However, her mother persisted “Dearie, you remember how I
always gist you about my earlier days with your dad? Sweetheart, just tell me, about
your friends and your relationship.” Sarah kept laughing as her mother pinned her
down to prevent her from getting up.
“Alright ma, Ki le fe gbo (what do you want to listen to)?”Sarah asked in native
“Let’s start from hmmm…” Sade racked her brain “yes, start from the Jed then I
think I heard you mention one Michael guy onetime”
“Mother!” she made a face and covered her face with the novel she was holding to
avoid her mother’s gaze.
“I’m not leaving you till we talk and pray Peju doesn’t wake up and meet us on the
topic” Sade scolded.
“Jed is only a friend” Sarah said laughing feeling awkward at the line of their
conversation but knowing her mum too well she decide to talk to her after all, it
pleased her that her mum has accepted she is no longer a kid so she went further to
explain to her “and Michael is a student in my school too but he is not important
anyway” she shrugged.
“Why is that? He sounded like he has a thing for you” Sade probed further relieved
that she was finally coming out of her shell to talk to her.
“He is probably one of the guys dad used to warn me of…” her voice trailed off “he
asked me out and I was getting to like him, I asked him to give me a little more time. Mum, thank God I asked for a little time, I was going to say ‘yes’ to him so I
paid him a surprise visit in his hostel that was when I… I found him with a girl” she
stuttered and looked away feeling sad “it not important mum really”
“Yes he is not worth it, so don’t let him make you sad, dear, thank God you found out
“Yes, mum”
“Was that when Jed consoled you” Sade teased
“Oh mother! Jed is been a good friend to me all along. There is nothing between us.
He knows about Michael, before he misbehaved though” Sarah rolled her eyes.
“Really, mum we are just friends. He even like a girl in his school” she grinned.
“I see. So you are with Nick instead?” Sade pressed Sarah while the later sink
deeper into the sofa, to get away from her mother but her mother tickled her. “Jed is
okay that you are seeing his brother? Answer me, young lady?”
“Mum, sincerely am not dating Nick”
“The innocent boy practically calls you morning, noon and night”
“Mum, Nick is hardly innocent and about his calling me, he is only concerned”
Sarah replied.
“Why is he concerned about you if he is not into you? Sarah, you may not take him
serious but from my observation, it seems the young man is into you. So if you are
not interested in him, let him know before you waste his time.” Sade advised.
“He helped me with something one time and since then we talk and he checks on
me” Sarah replied but her mother noticed a flicker of pain cross her expression, but
she quickly cover it up “Nick is a bad boy o, mummy. He is a lady’s man” but Sade
already knew there was more to it.
“How did he help you, Sarah?” her voice was gentle as she asked. She was glad she
was sitting so close to her because even with the little distance between them Sarah
turned toward the sofa, tears brimming in her eyes. “Please talk to me, baby“Mum, I’m so embarrassed and ashamed to talk about it” she was crying now
“Darling, I am your mother and mothers always love their child no matter what” as
she said that Sarah raised herself from the sofa and hug her mother.
“I was almost raped mum” Sarah said and Sade’s heart sank “If Nick hadn’t passed
or heard me cry, I would have been raped me” she continued, in tears “Mother I
swear I was well dressed. I did wear a jean with a pull over sweater. I even had on a
night cap. I did not expose my body at all. I went to class to read like I do almost all
nights and he grabbed me…” she wept on as her mother held her. Sade was crying
too but silently
“Sarah listen to me” Sade sniffed back the tears as she hug her daughter closer “you
are only a victim, he was probably depressed, that’s why my dear. Sweetheart, are
you sure he didn’t do anything to you? If he did we need to check you in a hospital.
When did it happen?” Sade was quick to pull herself together and withdrew from the
embrace, holding Sarah at arm length so she could look at her as she answered.
“No mum, I wasn’t raped. Nick got there just in time to knock him off by hitting his
head with a stick and carried me off before he wakes up. And it has been almost two
years now.”
“Thank God! God bless that boy for me. Two years! Sarah and you didn’t tell me? If I
hadn’t teased you about Nick, I will still not know.”
“I’m so sorry mum, I just feel so ashamed and I couldn’t talk about it.” She had stop
crying “Nick had been so good to me. He wouldn’t even mentioned it, he only insist
I go to night class with him if I must go. At a time I was too afraid but after a month he
insisted I start going back for night classes so I won’t be terrified all my life.” She
smiled as she remembered how Nick had faithfully followed her to night class even
though she later got to know he is not a night reader. It had made them very close.
She and Jed are still very close; they still talk weekly although she never mentioned
to him anything about the incidence.
Sade further asked about her health she wanted to be certain she is well both
physical and psychology but it appeared she’s right; she truly looks alright. Sade is
very grateful Nick was there when her daughter needed help. She could not even imagine what would have happened and when she tried to, she shuddered. She was
very thankful to the almighty eyes that keep watch over them. They went to check on
Peju at Sarah’s suggestion. By the time they got to Peju’s room, she was on her
reading table doing her assignment. It’s obvious the girl was feeling much better.
Though Sade knew it was menstrual cramp but because Sarah had just surprised
her, she still enquired about her health and Peju confessed it was dysmenorrhoea
and that the pain reliever had help. Sade sat with Sarah on Peju’s bed facing Peju
herself who sat at chair as they discussed their plans for the holiday. Sarah would be
the first, to be on holiday because she will be writing her part-one MBBS exams into
clinical in three weeks in which the result will be out in a matter of one week, if she
did well her holiday start from then till the end of August if not she would take resit
and will only have three to four weeks holiday. However she has had a smooth sail
all along so everyone is planning she will join in for their two month vacation which
they are spending with their aunt, Sade’s sister in Lekki, Lagos. The invitation has
been extended again just as she did to the Adams last year and the year before and
this year again, Sade thinks it would be a great idea. She has asked for a special
leave since she didn’t have one the year before because Sarah was busy with school
and Peju with her Junior WAEC so this year her leave is spanning from July 7th to
September 1st. By the second week in July, Peju should be on holiday by 13th of the
same July to resume in September. The three agreed it will be a great time for
bonding. It had been a bonus on the kids because they are fond of their aunt whom
they will be staying with.
“Where are you?”
“I’m about leaving my hostel, am at the gate already”
“I’ll meet you at the walk-way wait for me”
“Nick, I want to go and check my result, I heard it was pasted in the department
yesterday, late in the evening.”“I know, that is why am going with you. I heard from the guys in my hostel. I know
you are a pro, so if you are not with your purse, go back into your hostel and pick it
because you will celebrate your result for me”
“Nick, let me check it first now” Sarah replied, laughing at her end of the line
“I just finished with a lecture. I’ll meet up with you in ten minutes.”
“Alright” Sarah replied not knowing what else to say.
“And good morning, sorry about the timing” Nick said, smiling.
“Morning” Sarah ended the call as Nick had told her earlier to leave the line first as
a lady. He always finds a way of inviting himself to places with her. This is not his
first time, at other times he checks on her in class, take her to lunch, talk about
almost nothing, and about everything including the girls in his life. The day he
showed up at her hostel unannounced, the excuse had been that he saw a lady back
to her hostel and he wanted to say ‘hi’ but he ended up staying for a chat. Her
roommates kept teasing her, inferring that she had something going on with him.
She did deny several time till she stops caring about what they say. Another issue
she had with Nick was that he was keeping up so much appearance with her that the
guys that walk up to her to woo her, ask what her relationship was with him but
giving her dedication to studies and the betrayal of Michael which hurt her more
than she dare to admit she simply uses Nick as a cover up. However on one strange
occasion like the time she was with Nick in one of the school canteen, a girl walked
up to her and accused her of snatching Nick from her, she had been so embarrassed
but remain muted while Nick handled the situation. Nick defended her so well that
her head was swelling but when she got back to the lab for the practical she
wondered if there was more to the protectiveness he displayed. He often spend
more time with her that it didn’t give him the room to entertain his girlfriends. Even
his friends had playfully accused her of diverting their friend’s attention from them
and when she asked him, if his girls were not missing him? He would say he was
saving his money, that he was on the run and they did laugh about it.
True to his words, Nick got to the walk-way in ten minutes. He just finished
from his first lecture today and he has two hours break before the next. Most of the classes are at their tail-end. Exams start in a matter of weeks. The weeks keep
running like an opened tap. Sarah was there before he was, standing at one of the
shop where he sometimes eats. Like déjà vu, he remembered it was the same place
he was the first time he saw her on campus. The only thing she ordered was tablewater and was reading a novel as she waits. The sight of her always makes him
smile. He couldn’t really explain it or make himself think much of it but in the
meantime he makes every excuse just to be with her just as he is doing now. He was
on a polo shirt and chinos with trainers as footwear. He looks very cool. He walked
towards her, approach her from behind and tickled her waist. She giggled as she
turned to look at him. She was far more use to his grand appearance. As always she
has an appealing appearance; she wore a simple black skirt with a similar polo shirt
he had on. Her makeup was so subtle that her natural beauty was more pronounced.
Beauty with brains is such a good and rare combination, he thought. He wouldn’t
mind to be ill as long as he gets treated by a pretty and sound doctor like her. He
had to control himself and remind himself of the purpose of this meeting. The poor
girl is already suffering from anxiety it’s already showing on her face. He hugged
her when she stood up and encouraged her ‘you will pass like always, cheer up’ as
they walked together towards College of Health Science.
The five minutes’ walk to the Sarah’s department felt like the longest walk of
her life with intermittent words of encouragement from Nick as he held her hands all
through. Though she had on a cool exterior but Nick sensed her nervousness even
as he held her hands. There were students gathered at the notice board checking
results; some were checking theirs while some were checking for friends and
others, colleagues. Sarah let go of his hand as she search intently for the scores that
matches her matriculation number. She found what looked like it. The scores were;
Anatomy 68, Biochemistry 60 and Physiology 47. As she read it she was smiling until
she saw the last score, she went back to the column with the matric number, it
couldn’t be her number, Physiology was her second best course after anatomy. But
of course it was her score as she checked again. Nick stepped closer as he saw that
she looked pale and ghostly, he held her but before he could ask the question, she
pointed to the result and immediately Nick felt kicked in the stomach. All the joy and
the excitement he was feeling earlier were immediately deflated. He was not sure how he would console her or if she will ever be consoled. He pulled her hand as he
led her to a class that is fairly empty. They sat down at the back sit as he listened to
“How could that be possible?” she started “Physiology of all courses. Nick, I read
that course and I took my time like I always do, to read carefully and answer as
asked. Tell me what went wrong?” she looked up at him as if he had the answers.
She was at the brim of tears now.
“I wish I knew, sweetheart” he felt heartbroken at what she was facing.
“Nick, you don’t understand. I have never had to re-write a course or an exam ever
in my life before. Even the courses that I’m good at, I study for them like all others.
Do you know what this means?” she asked him but when he said not a word she
continued “I will have to write a re-sit, God!” she start to sob. Nick pulled her to her
feet and held her in his arm as she cried on. He felt so bad that it hadn’t turned out as
expected. He had thought he would be celebrating with her but he was glad
nonetheless that he came with her, he didn’t want to imagine her going through it
“You will be fine, dear. You are stronger than you think” Nick sooth her.
“I have to call my mum, she has to know” she paused “she will be so disappointed”
she cried again
“C’mon Sarah, she won’t. She loves you.” Nick chided
“Nick” she looked searchingly in his face “why am I the recipient of bad things?
Like I don’t have enough trouble on my plates, I was once a victim of rape”
“Attempted rape” he corrected “and please, quit this talk it’s not good for you. Look
on the bright side, you almost made a distinction in anatomy and your biochemistry
score was good too.”
“I would gladly split the scores and have it 50, 50, 50, if I have my way.” She
retorted.“It could have been worse Sarah, you could have failed two courses instead of one
and we wouldn’t even have the choice of re-sit we’ll be facing something worse like
‘repeat’.” Nick said but Sarah flinched each time she hears ‘fail’.
“I have never failed a course before, Nick, can’t you see?” came her reply
“Sarah, please. The re-sit is in a month’s time or so. It will be over before you know
it. I mean…”he was interrupted as Sarah’s phone ranged. It was her mother. She told
her the news without mincing words but her mother encouraged her from what Nick
could deduce. The call went on for few more minutes and then it ended but as she
laid the handset down to her lap, it ranged again. She was exasperated. She
checked the screen and saw it was Jed. She picked the call said almost the same
thing she told her mother to him and in a matter of minutes Nick had her attention
“You were saying?” Sarah looked at him with tired eyes.
“I will wait in school after my exams till you are through with your re-sits. You can
revise with me if you want. You are not in this alone, Sarah.” he looked at her as he
“You don’t have to do that” she protested though she was grateful he offered, she
even smiled in spite of herself.
“Come with me to my hostel. You can rest there, no one will bother you. If you go to
yours now, people will be waiting for you, and you need to rest to be able to face
them later. I will go with you to the hostel first, before going back to class, I still have
two more lectures today.” He stated.
“Thank you so much” she said feeling so grateful yet so weak to even speak
because of the tears she had shed. “I don’t know what I would have done without
“You would have been just fine.” Nick replied and they headed for his hostel.It was mid August, Nick just returned with Sarah to his hostel, from the library.
He had followed her to read and he managed to read some things about his project
topic which they had been given against the next session which is the final session
for him. He promised to cook the dinner for Sarah while she takes time to do her
revision; her exam is in two weeks. One of his roommates was still around in the
hostel. He finished his exams last week and all students except the medical students,
who have their own calendar, are through with examination. He wanted to ensure
she was eating as much as she was reading. It seems all she could do these days is to
read, read and read. She has lost a lot of weight and had it been she could lie so
easily she would have lied when he asked her about her meals. That’s when he took
it upon himself to feed her, with that she still eats very little. She hardly has an
appetite since the day she saw her result, she dresses terribly too. The only time she
smiles is when she is with Nick or infrequent times when she is in the hostel with her
roomies. Her routine is strictly from lecture room to the library, hostel and in
between she sees Nick since he was staying behind in school primarily for her sake.
Her mum had called her about the vacation, she offered to wait for her but Sarah
wants none of that, instead she promised to meet then in Lagos after her exam. Her
mum had been sceptical at first but she quickly reassure her she will be travelling
with Nick and he was more than ready to bring her to her aunt’s residency, himself.
From the little her mum knows of Nick, she knew Sarah will be fine and Nick spoke
to her to give his word of assurance.
Nick brought out the tomatoes, pepper and onion to slice; he was going to make
jollof rice and fry plantain with it. The small kitchen was just adjacent to the main
room with a little ventilation to keep the smoke away. Gaius and Sarah teased him
about his proposed ‘dish of the century’ as he jokingly called it. He let Sarah and his
roommate continue the conversation as he did the cooking. They talked about a lot,
from school, to politics and eventually they end up discussing the death of the
former president of South African Nelson Mandela.
“The world lost a gem, a rare one for that matter. We can’t have another one like
him” Gaius said“What do you mean? He was such a fine activist and a hero, quite alright but about
the world not having another person like him, I do not concur to that.” Sarah
“Sarah, the man lived selflessly, he gave all his life to see that South African and
Africa was what it is today and made a lot of impact across the globe. The man is an
icon!” he yelled.
“Yes, Yes and Yes! He’s all that you described but rather than you declaring a doom
on the world on how we could never have someone like Mandela again” she said it
so dramatic that Nick had to stifle a giggle from where he was cooking. “Mandela
was a noble man I happen to admire a lot but I believe his death should be a wakeup
call to all of us to a selfless living, we should emulate the life he lived, I mean…” she
drew her hand in the air for emphasis “it’s been long that anyone pay a closer
attention to him though we know of his good deeds but his death brought back the
memories for us and we should reminisce with the aim of making a difference.”
“Naivety dey worry you”
“Oh please, no give me that. It’s a wakeup call for me anyway. I’d like to live a life
that generations after me will be glad I lived.”Sarah stated and Nick could not be
more charmed than he was already. Gaius and Sarah argued for a while longer till
the food was ready then they sat down to eat as they watched a movie on a laptop. It
was relieving, compared with the chaos at home.
Later on as he walked Sarah back to her hostel, she told him of her fears about
the oncoming exam and the consequence if she had to fail again, which Nick
encouraged her she would passed. She talked about the trauma of having to tell her
friends, colleagues, even when her mum called and ask after the preparation for her
exam, it saddens her so much. Sometimes she cries and at other times, she prays for
strength to carry her through. They stopped half way to her hostel and he sat her
down to explain to her that the trauma and her pain will soon be over. He decide to
tell her a little of his issues too, so as to distract her from her misery and more
because it was beginning to get to him too. His dad was taking full responsibility of
the boy he had with lady that got pregnant for him. True to his word, he refused to marry the baby’s mother though he was pressured but he maintained his stand. The
family of the strange woman came to his dad, persuaded and even threatened but to
no avail. The boy is now almost two years and he is a constant reminder of what went
wrong in their family. He is such a sweet boy and looks like their dad but the
circumstances surrounding his birth didn’t help portray the innocence and
sweetness to the older siblings. His mother has moved back into the matrimonial
bed but she was withdraw with the constant fear that any minute, he will eventually
bring home the woman and worse still the woman will move in with them. Tabitha
was terribly affected, the last time they had a one on one discussion, she told him
her fears of been able to trust a man. When he encouraged her that she would when
she met the right person, she then asked him if their dad was not the right man for
their mum. She said a tiny part of her will always expect the worse from any man if
not immediately but maybe in the nearest future. Though Nick had told her she was
been silly, it had scared him too but being the elder, he kept his worries to himself.
He gave Sarah a sketchy account of what was going on with him and his family. Sarah
felt so sad for him, she realise without meaning to, that he was affected to the extent
that he had disengaged himself from the myriad of girlfriends she knew him with.
She felt so helpless not being able to help him like he did with her instead she told
him he is a different combination of DNA though his gene is related with his dad still
they are two different people. Therefore he could make a difference and prevent
history from repeating itself on him. She spoke fondly about Tabby, on how she
helped her in college; gave her a headphone to listen to songs to cheer her up and
relax in God. What she said about Tabby made Nick smiled, he adore his sister.
Without thinking she reached out to him and hugged him, offering him the little
strength she has as she said “Nick, you will be fine” something he often says to her.
“And if it will make you feel better, I’ll pray for you and for peace, love and joy you
once enjoyed to be restored back in your family” he smiled at what she said, though
she sound all religious, she has been like that of recent but he didn’t mind tonight
because it does makes him happy knowing she is there praying for him.
Her phone rang and she pulled away from him to pick her call. It was Jed.
Nick scowled when she signalled to him that it was Jed, Sarah didn’t know what to
make of it. The same thing with Jed when she calls her or his brother and found outthey were together, he did sound angry somewhat, at one time, he politely hang up
with a promise to call much later so she could have fun. Now Nick is acting weird. It
must be a thing that runs in the family, she concluded. They walk on to her hostel as
she continued to speak with Jed, she didn’t bother to tell him she was with Nick. She
omitted him from their discussion to save him the torment or the rise of any
Two weeks passed swiftly, it was three days after Sarah wrote her papers, the
result is due to be out any moment. The suspense is killing Sarah but she decided to
stay in the hostel for the day with her roommate that was still around. She had a
friend who came by to see her a day after her exam, there was a rumour about the
result been pasted but it had turned out false, there was another rumour that
morning but she decide to chill in the hostel instead of raising her blood pressure.
Now, it was almost noon, the girl that came to see her roommate had slept over and
it was more comfortable because the other two roomies have left for their house. She
was friendly and relates well with Sarah, the only time she felt uncomfortable with
them was when she and Ugochi speaks in their dialect, the two girls are from same
tribe. But they do have interesting discussion like they are having now, talking about
celebrity crushes. Sarah told the girls of her celebrity crush who is a Korean actor by
Name Lee Min Hoo. The girls burst out laughing saying how weird she really was,
the only medical student in their room. They didn’t even expect that she would have
one. Going with how serious she was however, with her declaration of a Korean as
crush, she looks weirder to Ugochi. Ugochi chose Brad Pit as her celebrity crush
while her friend went for Idris Alba, she went on and on describing his physique,
personality and the fact the he is black, made him all the more appealing to her. She
wasn’t so keen about whites, giving the excuse that they wrinkle easily and grow old
quickly unless the plastic surgeon came to their rescue. But Ugochi argued with her
that her Brad Pit will always be ever green and her only beef with him is that he is
dating Angelina Joilie. The others laughed as she made a funny face. Sarah was
feeling so light headed too, she told the girls the reason for her preference, the main
reason been that Koreans are romantic and very affectionate, going by their movies.
The girls laughed out so loud at Sarah’s revelation that Nick had to ask that they
share the humour with him when he came in.Nick almost dragged Sarah out with him to excuse themselves from the
others. He politely remove her from their midst. Though what they were talking
about sounded interesting but he had much better thing to tell Sarah which he was
sure she would agree to, after she hears him out. They stepped out into the balcony
of the storey building and he just kept on grinning…without further ardour, he split
it out “Your result is out and you passed!”
“Are you serious?” she shrieked, jumping up.

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