Chapter One: Elena

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We were all hanging out in Percy's blue maserati that I'd bought him for his seventeenth birthday. He was turning eighteen in a week. I couldn't believe it. I kinda wished the end of the world wouldn't start but you know. A pegasus had to land on the hood of his car. I screamed and so did Percy. Rachel shrieked; yeah that bitch was with us. Percy wanted us to get along since she was his friend but she still needs to understand that he and I are together. Blackjack showed up and neighed.

"Blackjack what-" Percy stopped himself when we saw who was on Blackjack.

Charles Beckendorf from the Hephaestus cabin. He was one of our old friends. He was two years older than Percy, and one of the best armorsmiths Camp Half-Blood had. He was dressed for battle with a bag of explosives slung over his shoulder.

"Time?" I asked.

Beckendorf nodded grimly. Percy and I sighed, "I guess you have to save the world again." Rachel sighed.

Percy and I nodded, they'd been planning this for weeks. They were planning to blow up Luke's ship.

"Elena can you-"

"I'll drive back and tell your mom for you." I responded.

Percy leaned in to kiss me, I saw his eyes close and before mine did. I saw a blur of red. Rachel kissed him, Rachel kissed my boyfriend! I growled and Percy pulled away, he saw her. Percy screamed and wiped his mouth and tongue on his shirt, "Rachel what the fuck!" he fumbled for water, he gurgled and spit out water multiple times. Beckendorf was stunned.

I looked at Rachel, my hands burned with fire. I was pissed, beyond pissed actually. I was infuriated, I had told her to back off and she still didn't listen.

"Elena I'm so sorry. I don't know it was her until I opened my eyes. I swear I-" I raised my hand and Percy stopped.

"It's okay Seaweed Brain, I know what happened. Rachel Elizabeth Dare you have until the count of five to get out this car. I'm giving you a head start until I beat the undying shit out of you." I stared at her, her face lost all it's color.

"Five...." I started.

She was too scared to move, "Four....." I continued.

Nothing, "Three...." I pressed.

"Rachel I'd start running." Percy said.

"Two....." I said.

"I don't know you but you'd better run." Beckedorf spoke up.

"One..." I finally said she fumbled for the door handle and I shot a blast of fire. I willed the fire to not burn the car just Rachel. She yelped in pain and ran out of the car.

I turned to Percy, "be right back, don't go anywhere. I wanna say goodbye."

I sprinted from the car and tackled Rachel to the ground. I hit and kicked her repeatedly until her face was bruised and bloody, "Kiss him again and you'll be begging for mercy. Which is an honor I won't grant." I snarled.

She nodded and I kicked her in an attempt to get her to leave. She ran off to Zeus knows where. I went back to the car. Percy was out and standing next to Beckendorf.

"Elena I'm so sorry. I didn't-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"It's okay, I took care of the bitch anyway."

He smiled and kissed me again, I hooked my arms around his neck and pressed further into the kiss.

"Okay, okay break it up. C'mon Perce we gotta go." Beckendorf interrupted.

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