II: Discovery

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As they walked through the grasslands, Penny and Skye talked about everything. They mainly talked about Demille and how she turned Penny into a child of Darkness, which was a topic that she wanted to leave behind. But she understood how Skye felt—in the end, she just heard Eli's dramatic part of the story, but not the real thing. She was impressed most of the time, since the way she told it was really different to what she was used to hear.

They flew and flew, looking at their surroundings like a kid in his own garden. They looked at everything with a smile, happy to see that which they didn't see before. Skye felt brand new, and she started to forget the anger that made her lose her cool. She was happy once again.

They looked at everything they could, and they were a little tired.

"Woah! I didn't expect to have so much fun!" Skye said excitedly.

"I'm glad to know you did!" Said Penny as she hugged her. "Now, is there another place you want to visit?"

They both thought about this as they sat down and sighed. They intentionally took a long time so that they could have a decent time to rest. An uncomfortable yet repairing period of time, but totally worth it.

"What about the Sanctuary? That place means a lot to me." Skye asked as she remembered everything that happened there.

"Sure! Why not?" Penny said eagerly.

Night arrived, and they went back home. They were as silent as they could since they didn't want to wake Eli up. It was hard though—hearing him snore like a wild bear was hard to not laugh at.

They somehow held the laughter in until they reached the portal for the sanctuary. When they did, they both wheezed as hard as they could. They even teared up from the laughter. It was a pretty fun moment. They laughed and laughed, so much that they could hear their own echo bouncing off the walls. And when it did, they remembered why they were here.

"Oh, right! We're here to take a closer look at the place!" Said Penny as she abruptly stopped laughing. "Come on, feel free to look at everything!"

"Oh, right!" Skye said as she still chuckled a little. "I will! Thanks for taking me here you sweet little girl!" She gave her a soft pat in the head and started her journey around the narrow yet mysterious place. Penny waved from the far away, and she sat down and started playing a piano that Eli had made for her. In the end, he was a really sweet guy.

Skye walked at the beat of the piano, which slowly faded away as she made her way into the sanctuary. Before she could notice it, she was only hearing her own footsteps. She remembered everything, from the moment she arrived to this world to when she purified the crystal that led her to success. She closed her eyes, and talked to herself for a little.

"You've truly been a strong girl, haven't you? You've done incredible things! You've shown you're capable of doing anything you want!" She was really happy, and she wanted to let it out before it got to ridiculous levels. So she pulled out her harp and started playing it. Once again, she was playing the same melody that she first learned out of nowhere. And as she played, she actually thought about how that melody had arrived to her life.

"Was it fate? Was it meant to be? Or do I just have a really good ability for music?" She laughed at her own thoughts.

She kept playing, and it felt like heaven every time she did. She even thought that she could hear someone at the far away, mumbling the same melody.

"That's cute! Someone's actually liking what I'm pla-" She figured it out soon enough. She wasn't alone anymore.

"Wh- Who's there? Penny? If it's you, say something!" She started getting scared. Her hands started shaking, and the harp dropped to the floor. Thankfully, it didn't break or even take a scratch.

"This is not funny! If it's a joke, say it already! Stop it! I'm starting to freak out!"

She slowly stepped backwards and unexpectedly smashed into a wall from behind. She had nowhere to go now, and she was terrified. She started crying, hoping that it was just a joke or a trick of her own mind. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

A shadow appeared out of nowhere, and it slowly approached Skye. She wanted to get away, but the fear that crawled inside her wouldn't let her. She screamed one last time, thinking that this would be the end. But for her surprise, it didn't go that way.

Instead, she felt someone hugging her. It wasn't Penny, but she still felt comfortable with it. It was a hug that lasted at least a couple minutes. Skye even blushed a little, but she didn't even bother mentioning it. She slowly took this unknown person's hands off her shoulders and looked at them in the eyes. They had a peculiar looking mask, which made things a lot more interesting.

"Who are you? Are you here to help me?" She asked.

The other person said nothing. They just showed an expression of shock and disbelief. No one knows why that happened, but it was something Skye didn't expect.

"Don't be shy, I won't hurt you. Are you lost? Is there anything I can do to help?"

They still didn't say a thing, but they walked away and turned around. When suddenly, a deep yet sweet voice entered to break the silence.

"Call me... Lake. That's a good nickname."

"Well then, nice to meet you Lake! I'm Skye!"

"Wait, Skye? With an e on it?

"Yeah! How did you know?"

He didn't say a thing after that. He didn't even move. He stood there for a long time, and he eventually tried to walk away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Skye asked softly.

There was no reply. Lake slowly started speeding up, but Skye didn't just stand there. She started following him, without having an idea of where they would end up being at. She ran and ran, not caring that she was running out of breath. She eventually stopped and looked down, trying to get some air. When she looked up, she was amazed...

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