The Unexpected

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She decided to return to the hospital after she took a break in her home. She was excited to see his boyfriend again and check on him yet another time. She always stepped into the room hoping that he would look better and better, which had been a failure most of the time. But this time, it was different. He was just laying in bed, smiling. His skin had recovered some color, and the heartbeat monitor showed really good stats. She was really happy, but something in her body didn't match with her feelings. She thought she'd be shaking from excitement or just feel happy afterall, but apparently it wasn't that way. She ignored it, but she took note of it in her mind.

"How's my pretty angel doing?" She asked.

"I feel better than ever! I might actually pull this off!" He said with great enthusiasm.

As they talked about it. A doctor entered the room. He seemed to be happy, but at the same time he was a bit concerned if what he was about to say would be good or not.

"Sorry if I interrupt something, but I have some... interesting, interesting news."

"Oh, what is it?" He asked politely.

"We've been researching your case, and it is quite the thing. We've never seen something like this, and I have to say, you are lucky to be hearing me right now." He said with a more serious tone.

"You have a terminal disease, meaning that, well... Death is unescapable for you. However, in comparison with other terminal diseases, yours somehow hasn't affected your heart. With that organ working correctly, your time alive increases by a lot. And we could give you a special treatment to help you lengthen that time. How does that sound?"

He was a bit shocked, but not a lot. He honestly expected news like this to come sooner or later, but they ended up being a bit better than he thought. He looked at his beloved, who was crying.

"Doctor, could you leave us alone for a moment?"

"Sure, I can. You two take your time."

He closed the door behind him. She couldn't hold the tears in. She hugged him with all their might, and sobbed until she couldn't anymore.

"I don't want you to go! I want you to stay! Let me go with you! DON'T LEAVE ME!"

She broke into tears millions of times. She couldn't handle the pain of knowing her other half would go. He tried to help, but he was speechless. He had never seen her this sad ever before. Even after all this time together, this amount of sadness and despair was new for him.

"What will I do when you go? I'll never find someone like you, never!"

"There is no need for you to worry... I'll always be here, in your heart."

He got close to her and kissed her. She closed her eyes, but she felt like she couldn't open them again. The feeling she had before returned, stronger. Her lips let go of his, and she was starting to get scared. She felt weak, and she slowly fell to the floor.

"Honey, I don't feel too well..."

She fainted right before his eyes, and he freaked out. He tapped on the emergency button more times than he could count, and he screamed, crying for help.


The doctors came rushing at the room and saw the incident. They gently picked her up and sent her to another room. His heartbeat increased, and he was scared.

"Sh- She'll be o- ok, I... know she will be..."

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