X: Gray Flashbacks

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"It seems like the rumbling stopped..." Liv stated.

They felt safe, but they couldn't be completely sure until Eli and Luna were back. And just as they started to get a little worried, they saw a familiar shadow approaching.

"Penny, your boyfriend's really powerful! Wow!" Luna screamed as she got closer to the rest of the team.

"Wait, di- did he tell you?" Penny asked as she blushed. Skye couldn't help giggling a little, but everyone gasped out of surprise.

"Oh, it's obvious! They way you treat each other, how you call each other honey or dear... It's really cute!"

"Ah... Well, thank you!" She said, gaining a lot of confidence after hearing that.

"I'm here!"

Eli arrived and quickly went to hug his beloved. She smiled and hugged him back, lost in his arms.

"You'll always be a hero. My hero..." She whispered to his ear.

"I'll make sure I never fail you then..." He whispered back as he hugged her tighter.

Everyone was delighted by their proof of innocent love. Skye couldn't stop seeing them and smiling, and as she did she felt a pair or arms wrap around her. She was so lost in the moment that she just grabbed one arm and pushed it against her heart, her mind full of peace and love. But eventually, she decided to look at who was hugging her.

She turned around and couldn't help gasping. It was Liv who was hugging her, and he seemed to be a bit sad. It was against her will to let someone alone when down, so she tried helping.

"Oh? Liv, is something wrong?" She asked.

"Mind if we... Talk about it alone?" He suggested.

"Sure, if that's what makes you feel better."

They slowly walked away from the rest of the team and went to where Eli had fought the dark dragon. The place was full of dust and crumbled walls, but they didn't care about that for now. Liv held Skye's hand, and she felt secure. At last, they stopped walking and tried to fix this unexpected situation.

"So... What happened?"

"I just..." He stuttered for a bit. "I miss the days when we were like that..."

"Wait... What do you mean?" She asked, confused. Liv seemed to slowly go desperate, and he couldn't hide it.

"Do you... Really not remember me?" He asked as he finally took his mask off.


She was impressed by what she saw. His eyes glowed green like emeralds, and he was frowning. Skye covered her mouth with her hands, and she gasped a little.

"You are..." She couldn't help finishing the phrase.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You are really pretty..." She said as she blushed and turned away.

"Ah..." He couldn't help blushing too. He tried to remain calm, and got close to Skye to play with her hair a little.

"You know... I've always thought you're beautiful too." He said.

"You... Think so?" She said with an innocent voice.

"Heh, of course!"

Yet another time, they had broken a little barrier that increased the confidence between them. It's like they knew things like these would happen. They both felt safe and happy, to the point where they completely forgot about what they were mainly going to talk about. Perhaps it was because Liv's insecurity had already faded away.

"Hey Liv?"


"Thanks for protecting me... Words can't explain how safe I feel when you're around. Perhaps what I asked some time ago was true, maybe I did know you in my past life!"

He stayed silent, and his arms moved to hug her. She chuckled a little and smile, while Liv felt like it was time to tell her something important.

"Skye... I think it's about time I tell you this."

"Oh? What is it?"

"I'm... I'm someone you used to know. In fact, we were more than friends before we both got here. You might remember me by my name..."

Skye was a bit shocked, and she was intrigued to know if this was true or not. Maybe hearing the real name would help her remember everything, but she couldn't know until she at least tried.

"I want to know! Tell me your name!" She said excitedly.

"Alright then! It's O-"

Before he could say the full thing, he noticed something shining from behind Skye. It was blurry since he was focusing on Skye's face, but he moved a little to see. An orange shape moved around, and he started to feel like the hall smelt like smoke. He realized soon enough, but he tried to stay calm.

"Wait... We can talk about this later. We have to go." Liv told her.

"Wait, what do you mean? Come on, tell me now! It shouldn't take too long!"

"N- No, we REALLY have to go. It's urgent!"

"But what is it that's stopping you!?"


Skye turned around to see something Liv hadn't seen yet either. The fire had grown to consume the entire hall. The both felt the heat in their bodies, and they started to run away.

They sprinted with all their might, the wild fire slowly catching up behind them and their faces full of fear. They didn't know what had happened for this fire to start, but Liv thought this could be one of Demille's tricks. He didn't mention anything, but the answer appeared right in front of him before he could think more about it. He was looking at Skye, but she suddenly stopped running out of fear.

"Wait! Liv! WATCH OUT!"


He looked up front again to recieve a massive punch to his face. He fell to the ground, but his rage and resolve made him stand up immediately and activate his dark powers. He first looked at the ground to see drops of tarr along with a pair of ominous legs. His sight slowly moved upwards, only to find his worst enemy in front of him.

"DEMILLE!" He screamed with all his might as he pulled his knife out, ready for battle.

"HAHAHA! We finally meet again, Oliver!" Demille said with a grin in his face.

"Wait... Oliver?" Skye said. "Oliver... WAIT!"

Before she could keep speaking, she got lost on her thoughts. Something inside her had happened, like if she had remembered something that was crucial. She felt like she was going back in time, until the memory she was looking for finally appeared...

Sky: The Truth Untold (III)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن