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"She seems to be waking up..."

She could hear people speaking around her, but her hearing was muffled. She slowly started to open her eyes, confused of what had happened. She knew she had gone through a surgery, but she never really knew what had happened while she was unconscious. At last, she had woken up, and she had some energy to speak.

"He... Hello? What happened?"

"Oh, honey! You're finally awake!" Her mother said with tears in her eyes. She gently hugged her, and she felt relaxed.

"I'm glad to know you're up, Skye!" Said the doctor. "Tell me, how are you feeling?"

"I feel tired, but I guess that's normal. Putting that aside, I feel great!"

"I'm glad to hear that! We'll make sure everything's working properly in a few hours. For now, make sure you have some rest, ok? Your mother and I will talk about your surgery in my office."

"Alright then! I'll be ok!"

"Don't try to move too much, love!" Said her mother to her.

"You know I won't, haha!" Skye replied.

Even with all the things she had gone through, she was still happy and with a positive attitude. The door shut behind her mother, and she closed her eyes and relaxed. He tried imagining a lot of cute memories to not think about the pain she could feel from the surgery. She imagined when she was a baby. She thought about when she was a little girl that would always play around with her friends. But at last, she remember her beloved, Oliver.

Her smile turned into a frown when she thought about everything that had happened recently. She just hoped that he would be healthy for as long as he could. She sighed and leaned her head to the side, only to see something that she wasn't expecting.

"Oh...? Why is this here?"

She carefully moved her arm to grab a piece of paper from a table beside her. When she looked at it with more detail, she realized it was an envelope with her name on it. A bit confused, she decided to open it and read a letter that was inside it. Just because of the handwriting she could tell her boyfriend had written this. She took a deep breath, and she started reading...

Dear Skye,

Ever since we met, you've always been my reason to keep living. You've taught me to be strong and positive. You've taught me how to love without my insecurities affecting me. You've taught me that, no matter what happens, I should never be afraid of anything...

...and now more than ever, I decided to not be afraid of moving on.

You might be wondering, where am I? How have I been doing while you were asleep? Why are you reading this in the first place? And though you might have already figured it out, I think I should tell you in case you haven't.

Your heart... Doesn't it feel different? Doesn't it feel like I'm closer to you? That's because your heart has changed, honey. That broken heart you used to have is no more. It's been replaced by one you've taken care of and protected from the moment you crossed paths with it. You have a different heart, Skye. My heart...

I know this will be hard for you, to think that I sacrificed my life to save yours. But it was meant to be, honey. I was going to leave either way, but I didn't plan on leaving without putting my mark on this world. And gladly, I was able to do it with the one I love the most. To think that I'll be able to save your life... I can die in peace with that thought in my head.

Before I bid my farewell, know that we will meet again. We'll find each other in afterlife, remember? No matter how far apart life takes me from you, I'll find you and keep loving you like I always have! So don't cry, my dear. Everything will be ok. We'll be able to hug and love each other sooner than you can imagine. Just be strong, and make sure to enjoy life at its fullest! Do it for me, my love... I know you will be happy knowing that our love is not over yet, and know that I will as well.

I love you, Skye. That has always been, is, and forever will be that way. Be strong, and may the Light be with you...

- Oliver ♡

She slowly put the paper down, devastated. She didn't know how to feel, and she eventually broke into tears. Her weeping made her mother rush into the room. She saw the paper in Skye's hands, and she knew what she was going through.

"Oh, honey..."

She hugged her and rubbed her arm. Skye kept crying, and the end of her sorrow was nowhere near at sight.

"Why... Why did he do it?" She asked between her sobbing. "He could still be here... He didn't have to do this! Why didn't he tell me!?"

"Skye... It was for both your own good and his..." Her mother said. "But everything will be ok, I promise you..."

The noise of the door opening caught Skye's attention, only to see the doctor standing in front of it. He closed his eyes and looked down, while Skye slowly but surely tried to stop her crying.

"Hey, Skye..." The doctor said as he remembered something.

"Yeah...?" She asked.

"Oliver left something for you..."

He walked to a drawer at the other side of the room. He opened it, and from within it he pulled out a red candle that had a piece of paper tied up to it. He handed it to Skye, who gently wiped her tears away and extended her arms to grab it. She looked at it, interested. She took a look at the piece of paper, and it had some writing on it.

"This candle will open the doors to a new world where we will meet. Be strong, and it will all be worth it in the end. May the Light be with you..."

She put the candle close to her chest and heart, and she closed her eyes. Her crying stopped, and she felt inspired by every word Oliver had written for her. She opened them again, now with a little smirk on her face.

"I think I feel better now..."

"I'm glad to hear that, Skye." The doctor said. "We'll do your tests and analysis tomorrow. For now make sure you get some rest. Good night!"

"Good night, doctor!" Skye and her mother replied. Before Skye could say another word, she fell asleep with the candle in her arms.


Days passed, and everything had gone back to normal. Skye's body had accepted Oliver's heart pretty effectively, allowing her to go home just a few days after. She still thought about Oliver all the time, but having the candle by her side made her feel better and safer. One of those days, she was laying down in her bed, when an interesting thought came to her mind.

"What if I... Light the candle?"

She grabbed a lighter from her kitchen and went to a forest near her home. She made a hole in the dirt, and she placed the candle there so that it wouldn't fall. She was a bit nervous, but the curiosity inside her told her to do it. With a flick of her thumb, she was now holding fire in her hand. She slowly approached the fire to the wick, curious to see what would happen.

"I love you, Oliver..."

The fire finally touched the candle and lit it in a way Skye had never seen. It burned bright, and the wax didn't seem to melt with the fire near it. She felt alive and happy, like if this moment was meant for her and her alone. She closed her eyes as she felt the cold night breeze, and got lost in her mind. She even heard an interesting voice, so much that she remembered every word it said. She took the candle back home, its fire still burning as bright as a star. She placed it in her room, went to bed, and said the words she had heard out loud.

"We have all waited for this moment. Even you have waited, but you never knew what to wait for. You will have the chance to show this world what you are made of. But you must be ready and willing to do it. Wake up, chosen one. Help us bring light back to this world once again..."

She stayed silent for some time, inspired. She looked at the candle with a smile, but then she started to close her eyes.

"What could those words mean...?" She asked herself. "I guess I'll find out soon enough..."

Sky: The Truth Untold (III)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora