XII: Peaceful Endings

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"...and now we're! After all this time, we were finally able to find each other again. I just couldn't be happier right now..." Oliver said out loud as he kissed Skye on the cheek.

"That is SO FREAKING CUTE!!!" Said Luna as she nearly squealed from joy.

After Demille's death, there was finally time to gather all the thoughts that had been roaming around everyone's heads. Oliver explained everything about his story with Skye, and everyone was delighted by it. Nathan and Luna were able to explain everything that Demille planned on doing, and they were grateful that they could stop him. At last, the world of Flockya was at peace again by the help of these seven heroes.

"Well, I don't know about you all, but I'm reaaaaaaaally tired," said Emily. "So if you don't mind, I'll just go take a nap!" She walked off to an edge of an island that used to be home for three of them, but now was used to unite seven lives.

"You know what? I think that's a great idea!" Nathan said as he walked off as well.

Soon enough, everyone had decided to go get some rest, except for two people. Skye and Oliver decided to walk their way to the hall where everything had happened. They held hands as they went there, not thinking about anything else but their love for each other. Before they could realize, they had arrived.

"We finally did it..." Said Skye with a face of relief.

"Yes... But I don't think that's the most important thing right now." Oliver said.

"What is it then?" She asked.

"The fact that you're finally here..."

He looked at her, completely in love. He got her hair out of the way, and he was finally able to kiss her after so long.

"See? I told you we would find each other again..."

"I just can't believe it actually happened... Oliver, I love you so much!"

"I love you too, honey!"

They hugged tighter than ever, and they didn't want to let go. Their love was completely sincere and that had always stayed that way, even in another life and world. Oliver looked at the ceiling as they hugged, and he saw an interesting light. At first he thought it was a star, but that couldn't be possible considering where they were. He paid close attention to it, and he realized it started getting closer and closer.

"Skye, do you know what that is?" He asked.


She turned around and saw the light he was talking about. It slowly started growing, and from within it appeared a woman that would leave Oliver in pure shock.

"Oh! Hello Samira!" Skye said as she waved with a smile.

"Wait... Samira!? Oh my! Forgive me for my doubting!" Oliver said as he bowed down.

Samira did nothing but chuckle a little, but she then gave Oliver a pat in the head.

"Oh, my dear Oliver!" She said. "There's no need to be so delicate around me, haha!"

"Are you... Sure?" He asked as he stood up.

"Of course! It's not like I'm your queen or anything. I'm just here to protect you!"

He caught a smirk and felt more comfortable around her after that. He looked at Skye, which seemed to still be really happy about Samira's arrival.

"Why did you come here with us? Did something happen?" Skye asked.

"Not really. I just came here for two really special reasons." She said as she started walking around. Little sparkles started appearing around the hall, making it look really sacred.

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