III: Visitors

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Her running suddenly stopped, speechless of the things that were in front of her. She couldn't even think of a word to describe the beautiful things that were now surrounding her. But she didn't care, she just wanted to know what they were at this point.

Big creatures were somehow floating around the hall, which got wider as Lake and Skye moved forward. They were releasing a soft glow, and for some reason they sparkled as well. Skye didn't question any of these things though—she loved them already, and she didn't even know what they were.

She tried to be stealthy to don't "alert" these beautiful beings. However, one step was enough to make them realize that she was here. They got close to her and made a weird sound (you could say it was a call). They didn't seem to have any intentions of harming her, so she was calm.

"Oh, how cute! Seems like you are all friendly!" Said Skye in relief. "Well, if you don't mind, I'll get goi-"

She couldn't even finish the phrase, for these special creatures started messing around and playing with her. They picked her up and gave her a great view of everything from above. She was in love with it all. The view, the place, the creatures that were now her friends...

"I love it! Thank you... Whatever you guys are!" She said with a smile. "Unfortunately I have to go! Lake is out there somewhere and I need to find him!"

The creatures made their call once again and let her free from above. She used her cape and flew through the place, hoping that she could find him before she reached the floor.

"Lake! Where are you?" She said it over and over again, but there was no response. When suddenly, she saw a figure in the distance. There was no doubt; someone was there.

Skye eventually reached this guy and got close to him. She was happy to find someone, but maybe she got a little too confident.

"There you are, Lake! Why did you run away?" She asked.

"Lake? Who's that?" The guy asked.

"Oh, don't try to be silly! I found you!"

She thought about it for a second. This guy didn't really look like Lake did. Maybe it truly was someone else.

"Wait... Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I got totally confused!"

"No need to worry... But, can I ask who you are?"

"I'm Skye! I was looking for someone around here but I think he got away."

"Oh, I see..."

The guy turned around and laughed a little. This made Skye a little confused, so she got close to try and figure out what was happening. He seemed like he was whispering to someone, and her curiosity forced her to get even closer. What she heard, though, was a little unexpected.

"Master, I think I found her..."

"Wait, find who? Me!?" Skye said as she slowly got scared.

"Wha- No! I was just talking to myself, haha!"

She stared at him carefully. Something in his eyes was different. They looked darker than before, and his skin darkened as well. Something wasn't right, and she knew it. She was in danger, but she didn't say a thing. She started to really freak out, so she tried to run away.

"Oh, don't think you'll get away so easily..."

Skye's instincts were right. She kept running to get away from this weird yet menacing guy that was after her. She tried to lose him, but there was no point in trying. They were running in a straight hall after all, so the key to this was speed.

Sky: The Truth Untold (III)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang