Chapter 4 - The Shield

Start from the beginning

"It looks sore." He nodded towards my lip. "You sure your alright?" He asked placing his left hand back on his thigh as his tongue came out and slowly ran along the bottom of his top teeth before licking his lips. 

"Mr Ambrose...." 

"It's about me I got it." He interrupted with a snap before leaning forward so his elbows were resting on his knees. "But it's obvious someone is responsible for that and that doesn't sit well with me. So you want to know how I'm feeling, I'm annoyed you won't answer the question truthfully and I'm pissed someone put their hands on you." 

"I...uh." I stumbled over my words as I shifted awkwardly on my chair. I didn't know what to say or where to look at this moment. "I walked into..." 

"Don't lie to me." He breathed, I looked over at him making eye contact instantly. His head was tilted to the left, a smirk playing on his lip as his tongue ran back and forth over his bottom lip. I felt like a deer caught in headlights, what was I to say to this man if I lied to him he will never trust me  but he has no business knowing what happens in my life. I glanced over by my door and noticed the red roses, still as beautiful as ever. "Nice flowers." 

"Thank you." I smile looking back over at Mr Ambrose who had moved back into the chair, his arms back on either side of the chair. I needed to come up with a way to divert the conversation from my lip. "Have you had any blackouts this week?" I asked the first thing that came to my head. Idiotic I know.

"Nope" He replied popping the 'p'. "But I may have one today after this session." He shrugged looking down at his fingernails before looking back up at me, his eyebrows raised. 

"Wait, you can willingly go into a blacked out state." I asked, now that was fascinating if that was true. Most of my clients had no control over what happened to them, that's why they were called episodes. 

"Absolutely." He grinned an almost sinister grin, the colour of his eyes darkened as he leaned forward on his knees once more. "Want to know more Angel?" He asked. Ignoring his nickname for me I nodded feeling myself leaning forward on my knees almost as if we were about to share a secret. "I don't really black out, I only said that so I could meet you personally." He whispered. I felt my face fall as I jumped back onto my chair, what the hell did that mean? 

"I'm sorry what?" I breathed trying to regain my composure as Mr Ambrose chuckled darkly with a shake of his head. 

"You wanted to know princess." He chuckled throwing himself back on the chair and putting his hands up. "I'm beyond your help, I am fucked in the head if you knew who I was you would have never agreed to do this." 

"I'm confused Mr Ambrose what do you mean who you are?" I asked, my feet planted firmly on the ground so that if he made a move I could run and get security before he could do any real damage. My gaze dropped to his mouth as he mouthed to me the word 'Shield'. It was then my blood ran cold. The Shield were like the mafia, they took no shit and ran the streets of Vegas, even the police worked for them and once you were in their sights, God couldn't even save you. They were the most powerful man in all of Nevada. 

Panic ran through my system as I carefully looked back into his blue eyes, hoping to find some form of delusion in them but nothing. It quickly hit me that here in front of me was one of the three leaders. How could I be so stupid, Ambrose isn't a coming name here of course he was that Ambrose. How did I not see it sooner? Now here I was in a confined room with one of the most brutal and sadistic people on the world. Nothing was said, I glanced between Ambrose and the door, he followed my gaze a smirk on his face as he tilted his head to the side almost daring me to run. 

Inhaling deeply, I kicked my stiletto heels off and bolted towards the door throwing it open. I heard his sinister laugh behind me but I wouldn't stop running. I managed to make it out of my office completely and down the hallway I went to run for the stairs where his friend with the half black, half blond hair stood a smirk on his face as he guarded the door, his arms folded over his chest. I felt myself back up until I hit off what felt like a brick wall but I knew it was. Turning on my heel I noticed the third man, his lips curling up in a scowl as I backed away from him and towards my office again. I was going to die.  I was trapped between three lunatics. 

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I closed my eyes, I knew Ambrose was behind me. I heard his breathing in my ear. I didn't have much time to register what was going on when I felt his hand on my hip and the other on my neck as he slammed me against the wall. I whimpered as he moved his head down towards my neck, I could feel his breath on me as his nose just about touched my skin, moving along my jaw bone until his was directly in my eyeline. 

"See you next week." He grinned before letting me go and walking backwards towards the other two menacing men. Both smirking at me as they joined by his side before all three men disappeared. 

Terrified I ran back to my office locking the reception area door before running into my room and locking that door. I ran straight for my desk and lifted the phone before slamming it down again. Who was I going to call? No one and I mean no one will help me. Like I said before the police work for them and the few that don't just turn a blind eye in fear of the ramifications. If I tell Amelie I run the risk of involving her. I had no choice, I had to leave. I had to get out of Vegas completely. 

I grabbed my bag and coat before noticing a note sitting on the table which wasn't there before, it was from him. 

Don't run Angel, I'll always find you 

D A 

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