misc 2

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Aranea was deadly curious of what happened to Mituna. She explored the dream bubbles once to find a doomed version of him that didn't sustain brain damage, but failed. This is because in every timeline, he succeeds at saving his friends.

Nepeta isn't the cute cat girl, she's the crazy cat lady. She traps her friends in her hive and talks about shipping because she gets lonely.

Kanaya enjoys spending time in Nepeta's hive the most due to her jade blood nature (Jade bloods are supposed to spend more time than others in the brooding caverns)

Many lusii actually did pick up the Signless/Sufferer when he was hatched, but they threw him out before a minute had even passed

Gl'bgolyb is cutely pronounced glub glub

Aradia's horns grow the most throughout the comic because she reached adulthood faster

Instead of dying before everyone, Karkat doesn't actually know when he'll die because he's a mutant. He heavily suspects the empire will kill him at 9 sweeps due to his blood, but sometimes he wonders if he'll live as long as Sollux or Aradia

(He would live longer than Sollux but less than Nepeta)

One sweep is 612 days. Days are drastically different on Alternia otherwise the trolls would be 7.8 sweeps at the start of the comic

Aranea and Meenah are the lame mom and cool mom of Vriska Serket (in canon, Meenah's relationship with Vriska is more sexual, which is okay because my headcanons aren't true, but I don't ship them)

The exposition booth was actually Rufioh's idea, and he told Aranea to do it because it would make Meenah happy to listen.

(Already canon but I really like to remind people of this) Karkat used to imagine he could rise through hemophobia by proving himself to be the best threshecutioner there was. He never hated the empire or the condesce despite how horrible his life was. He admired her leadership and only grew more inspired by her legacy when he realized how hard "leading" was

This is why he's friends with Tavros. They both have stupid imaginations. Karkat doesn't like to admit it and he treats Tavros like shit, but Tavros knows that's why they became friends. That's why Tavros tries so hard to reach out to him when he's in danger.

Tavros is badass. Not a headcanon so much as canon again, but he would have forcibly removed Vriska as his server if she ever called the ramps he needed a waste of grist. She just called them lame, which didn't bother him as much.

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