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This chapter is focused on humanstuck and how I would translate each troll to a human. If you're uncomfortable with me saying which race I think these fictional characters would be, skip this (it's no problem!) If you're not, leave comments telling me about your own ideas

Karkat is Jewish and has dark brown hair, fair skin, and bright brown eyes which look red. His mutation is far more obvious though. He has three arms. All of them are functional and he's really sensitive about it so don't touch em you dickweed. His house is the midpoint of everyone else's houses in true blood player fashion (although some live in different countries. most of this is set in Australia)

Kankri is also Jewish, but follows christian beliefs. This is because I see the Signless as a Jesus stand in, incase that wasn't clear. He has similar hair and skin to Karkat however he lacks the arm mutation. There's a white streak in his bangs and, though he doesn't like to explain it, it is 100% natural. Finally, he's an altar boy.

The Signless/Sufferer is named Solomon if I ever write about him which I probably won't. I mean if I make a story where all three Vantases exist at once as a family because technically his name is Kankri. Solomon is a famous biblical name and sounds a lot like salmon, a reddish color. It does not fit naming conventions, but I've always heard people call him Carmine..? So what's the harm. Ps if you know why the ancestors are sometimes called Carmine and Simon (psiioniic) please share!

Aradia Megido is Chinese, like her aunt Damara (I'll explain in a sec.) She has black hair very similar to her troll appearance and burgundy eyes. She also tends to look a beautiful shade of maroon in the sunlight and wears red mascara. Her family operates a funeral home.

Damara Megido as previously mentioned is Chinese. I know that she speaks Japanese in the comic and is from "the land of the weebs" but I never did see her that way. Her fashion sense along with the handmaids have always reminded me of a qipao and cheongsam. My headcanon is that she learned Japanese and is slightly embarrassed by her place of origin even though it doesn't make a whole lot of sense!

The Handmaid, who shares ethnicity with her daughter, is drumroll........ Cindy! It comes from Cinderella, the hardest working handmaid of them all. I don't have particularly interesting things to say about the ancestors except the names I might sometimes use. These descriptions are gonna git a lot shorter is all I'm sayin

Tavros is Spain-Spanish (as opposed to Mexican-Spanish or Anywhereinlatinamerica-Spanish.) This is because of bull fighting and toreador, which I guess is a bit stereotypical of me. He has black hair, lighter skin than Karkat, but isn't super "white." Spain has very unique skin tones, especially the South. It's comparable to the Middle East. He is paralyzed from being pushed off a cliff by Vriska Serket.

Rufioh has a hard tan and is from Spain like Tavbro. He keeps his signature red hair with dye and wears the same weird bone vest. He's still in a relationship with Horuss Zahhak because the reason he wants to break up with him in Openbound is that "the dream bubbles are forever and eternity seems kinda... foreboding."

Summoner = X/Salvador

Sollux is Japanese-American. He lives close to Aradia in a poor, heavily asian district. His psionics do not make their way in to humanstuck unfortunately but this makes his cool haxxor skillz the main focus.

Mituna is his severely brain damaged brother. The other dancestors are uncles or aunts unless I stated otherwise in their bio, but Mituna is his older brother. He falls on the whiter side despite their parents being the same. His hair is still black. Think Keanu Reaves or Penguinz0 (though I'm not sure if they have Japanese ancestry)

Psiioniic = Sai/Satoshi

Nepeta is Icelandic because she reminds me of Björk. This means it's also logical that her hair is a natural black. Pretty much all but a few of these have naturally black hair. I like drawings where the trolls are humanized and then made blonde, but it's so hard to see that myself. Her house is the most distant from the others.

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