Chapter 1

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY, Okami, or One Piece!}

*(Y/n)'s pov*

A few days later we were on board an airship heading to Beacon Academy. Ammie and I were accepted into the academy. We were sitting by the windows on the airship and I was currently enjoying a short nap. Ammie was sitting next to me and I'm sure she was probably dozing off too. I was then awoken by the ship docking at the docks for Beacon Academy. I sat up and stretched slightly and looked around the room and saw the other students leaving the air ship. I look over at Ammie who was waking up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "We're there already?" She said as she stood up stretching. "Yeah. I was having such a good nap too!" I said and Ammie smiled and nodded. "Me too." She replied and we started to leave the airship. 

As we were walking towards the school I saw a blonde haired girl run off from a girl with black hair that has red highlights in it and she fell to the ground knocking over some white haired girl's luggage. Said white haired girl started yelling at the poor girl. "Perhaps we should help her?" Ammie said but my attention was now on something else. "Probably so but we have something more important to take care of!" I replied and Ammie looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" She asked me and I pointed to a black haired wolf girl walking with a silver haired wolf girl. Ammie nodded when she recognized the two as subordinates of Dracule Mihawk. "We should go talk to them!" Ammie said and I nodded in agreement and the two of us walked over to them. "What are you two doing here?" I said as we got closer to them and they looked at me. "Simple, Mihawk tasked us with keeping an eye on his greatest rival. It seems he wants to be sure you don't get yourself killed before fighting him again!" The black haired girl said. 

I nod and just looked at the two girls in front of me. I met them when I was training under Mihawk. Despite the difference in their hair color they're actually sisters. The black haired girl's name is Ashley and the girl with silver hair is named Adriana. They're both subordinates of Dracule Mihawk and they're both highly trained fighters. One of them could easily hold their own against a team of full fledged huntsmen and they're both capable of using Busoshoku Haki or Armament Haki. Unlike me who can use two variants of Haki these two can only use one type but are very skilled in using it. I sighed and shook my head. "Well do what ever you want!" I said before walking off and Ammie followed me as did Ashley and Adriana. I followed Ammie to the auditorium where Ozpin gave his speech. After his speech we all headed to the the locker room to put our weapons away before heading to the ballroom to sleep for the night. Ammie and I set up our sleeping bag near a corner of the room and I saw Ash and Adriana setting up nearby. I shrugged and laid down and Ammie laid down next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I noticed that I was getting a lot of jealous looks from several different guys in the room. I shrugged it off and just went to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

I wake up to some girl yelling 'It's Morning!' I groaned slightly and tried to sit up but couldn't do to a weight on top of my chest. I looked down to see Ammie laying on top of me with her head on my chest. I smiled softly and started trying to wake her up. "Ammie wake up. It's morning." I said softly and she groaned as her eyes flickered open. "Already?" She said as she yawned and I nodded. "Apparently so." I said and she nodded as she sat up and stretched her arms before getting up. I then got up as well and we both headed to get ready for the day before going to get breakfast. After breakfast we headed to get our weapons. I went to my locker and opened it and I started retrieving my swords. I put them on my waist and closed the door to the locker and looked at Ammie. "Ready to go?" I asked her and she nodded. "Yeah. Let's go." She said smiling and I nodded. The two of us then headed to the cliffs.

*Beacon Cliff*

We were now at the cliffs and Ozpin was explaining the goal of the Initiation. He said our goal was to go into the forest and retrieve relics from the ruins deep in the forest and return to the cliffs. He also said that several Grimm live in this forest and that if they weren't careful they would wind up dead. He also said that the instructors of the academy will not interfere in the initiation so if we got into danger then we're on our own. Like I'll need the help. However I don't know if some of them are the same! I thought to myself as I glanced at a blonde haired guy with blue eyes who looked like he's never been in a fight before. I sighed softly and soon we were launched into the forest one by one. It was getting close to my turn so I looked at Ammie. "See you on the ground." I said and she smiled and nodded and I was launched into the forest. When I got closed to the trees I pulled out Kintetsu and stabbed it into a tree and used it as a way to get onto the ground. Once I was on the ground I returned Kintetsu to it's scabbard but just after I did I heard growling and looked around and saw multiple Grimm surrounding me. I smirked and grabbed my blade. "Seems like I found myself a fight!" I said to myself as I prepared to fight the Grimm.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Until the next update!}

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