Chapter 8

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter! I'm sorry for the lack of updates I've been very busy with work and life and I want to try updating more. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY, One Piece, or any other characters used in this story!}

*(Y/n)'s pov*

I was currently on the rooftop with Blake, Ash, and Adriana were on the roof of a warehouse and were overlooking the docks and we were watching the crew on the docks unloading a large Schnee Dust Company freighter that had arrived and after they finished getting all the containers off the ship they called it a day as the sun was already setting. The dock crew started leaving and as they were leaving Sun returned from where ever he disappeared too. "Anything yet?" He asked and Blake shook her head. "Nothing yet. They just finished unloading the dust!" She explained and Sun nodded. "Cool. I stole us some food!" He said offering us some fruit he took. Ash rolled her eyes and just continued smoking a cigarette, Adriana accepted one of the pieces of fruit, and Blake just glared at him. "Do you always have to steal?" She asked him and he pointed at her. "Weren't you apart of a cult?" He asked here and Blake glared at him and Ash and Adriana looked at him and Ash flicked her cigarette but at him and it hit him in the face. "Your mouth has no filter does it?" She said to him and he rubbed his cheek where it hit him. "Not really!" He said sheepishly. 

Suddenly the sound of engines was heard in the air and a bullhead was flying over us. "Down!" Blake said as we all laid on the roof to keep from being seen. The Bullhead landed on the ground and several White Fang ran out of the Bullhead and started hooking up cables and other stuff to the containers. "Is that them?" I heard Sun ask and Blake nodded. "Yeah, That's them. I didn't want to believe it was them but deep down I knew it was true!" She replied. Suddenly a red haired man walked out and started berating the White Fang grunts. "Something's not right! The White Fang would never work with a human!" Blake said. "I'm actually surprised Roman is actually working with Faunus!" Adriana said and they looked surprised. "You know him?" Sun asked and Adriana nodded. "Yeah I do. In fact both me and Ash know him!" Adriana explained but Blake had already ran off and confronted him. "Well it seems things are going to be quite exciting now!" I said as I went to help her after Roman fired an explosive at Blake's feet. Sun went to confront Roman as I started dealing with the White Fang. White Fang grunts surrounded me and went to attack me but I smirk and easily took them out.

Several charged me and I took up the stance to do a Tatsumaki and I unleash the technique and several White fang were pulled into the twister where they were continuously slashed by the wind then a couple bull heads flew towards me firing their guns at me and I leapt on top of a container then used it to launch higher into the air. "1080 Pound Phoenix!" I said before launching the attack and slicing all them into pieces and they fell to the docks and exploded. I smirk as I landed on the docks and rested the blade of Kitetsu on my shoulder. "I thought you guys were a bigger threat then this!" I said smirking. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY?!" I heard one of them say. "Is this guy even human?!" Another one said. 

*Roman's pov*

This was supposed to be a simple job! Fly in, Land, get the dust, and leave! That's all we had to do, but nope some stupid kids had to show up and ruin everything! First that annoying cat and monkey show up, then little red and her weirdo friend shows up as well. Then there's the monster wielding three swords. I watched as he easily cut down those stupid animals of the White Fang and was in shock when he sliced 3 bull heads into pieces. "He's quite skilled isn't he?" I heard a female voice say from behind me. This voice made my heart drop as I know the owner of this voice and this person is someone much scarier then Cinder. Especially since she works for someone not even I want to go against. I turn around immediately and chuckled nervously. "Hey Ash! L-long time no see!" I said nervously as I backed away only to bump into something or should I say someone. I turn my head and was met with the Ash's sister Adriana. I swallowed nervously as I knew that Ash was the more reasonalbe of these two but if I even made one misstep around Adriana I'm as good as dead. "Hiya Roman!" Adriana said smirking at me as I moved away from her. 

"Hey Adriana! What brings you two here? I mean I know your boss has no ties to Vale and that I haven't exactly entered your boss's territory since he so graciously let me live last time we met!" I said nervously. "You're right. You haven't done anything against our boss!" Ash said to me and I relaxed slightly. "Yet that is!" She continued as she glanced over at the green haired guy fighting off White Fang. "You see our boss has taken an interest in that guy and wants to be the one to face him when the time comes. If you do something that prevents that then I'm sure you'll know what will happen, correct?" Ash said to me and I nodded slowly. "I see. I-I'll keep that in mind!" I told them and they both leave me alone. I sigh softly and put my hand to my neck knowing that they could have easily killed me. I then quickly made my way to the nearest bull head and we flew off.

*(Y/n)'s pov*

Blake, Sun, Ruby, a girl I haven't met before named Penny, and I had just finished fighting White Fang. Ash and Adriana had reappeared nearby. I don't know where those two disappeared to during the fight but it wasn't my problem. After we told our side to the police Yang and Weiss showed up and they immediately started talking to Blake and it seems they worked out their problems. Weiss then walked over to Adriana and Ash and the two of them looked at her. "Can I help you Princess?" Ash asked and Weiss sighed. "I want to apologize for what I said about you two the other day. It was out of line and I'm sorry." She explained and Ash and Adriana were surprised and looked at each other before looking back at Weiss. "It's alright Weiss, no hard feelings." Ash replied and Weiss smiled and nodded. "I'm glad to see everyone is getting along again!" Ammie said having appeared out of nowhere. "Ah!? Ammie how'd you get here?!" Ruby asked and Ammie just giggled and winked at her. "That's a secret!" She said smiling and everyone looks at her confused except for Ash, Adriana, and I. Ruby then was shaken out of the surprise of Ammie's appearance by noticing that there was now one less person among them. "Hey where did Penny go?" Ruby asked looking around and that's when I noticed that she was indeed missing. Where did she go? That girl is quite strange! I thought to myself.

{And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Until the next update!}

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