Chapter 5

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{A/n: Hey everyone Roach here with another chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying this story. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own RWBY or One Piece!}

*(Y/n)'s pov*

It's been about week since Jaune was having trouble with Cardin, but now it seems like he's become pals with Cardin and has been spending a lot of time hanging out with him. I have no idea why but it seems awfully suspicious to me so I've been trying to keep an eye on them. Even Ammie has noticed this and has been helping as well though Ash and Adriana didn't really care to much about the situation as it had nothing to do with why they were in Beacon Academy to begin with. Currently though I had just finished working out in the Academy's gym and was on my way back to the room I shared with Ammie, Ash, and Adriana. Just as I got to my dorm room I saw Ruby and Jaune talking. I showed up just as I heard Jaune tell Ruby that he messed up and Cardin is blackmailing him to do all his schoolwork and other projects for him and how he's a terrible leader. I was quite surprised by the speech Ruby gave him about being a team leader. Ruby then went back into her room and Jaune started to go into his room but was stopped by a call from Cardin asking him to do a book report and get a bunch of Rapier Wasps.

I raised an eyebrow at this and walked into my room. Cardin is definitely planning something. I thought to myself as I walked into the room and as I entered Ammie noticed the look on my face. "Hey (Y/n), Is something wrong? You look troubled!" She said as Ash and Adriana glanced at me as well. I nod and explain to them what I heard Cardin telling Jaune to do. Mainly the gathering of the Rapier Wasps. "Rapier Wasps huh? Those are some nasty little Grimm." Ash said and Ammie nodded. "We should keep an eye on them in case they try something stupid!" Ammie said and I nodded in agreement. I then took a quick shower and got ready for bed. I laid down on my bed and Ammie got into bed with me and cuddled up with me and I smiled and went to sleep. Ash and Adriana soon went to bed as well. After all we have a school field trip in the morning.

*The Next Day, Forever Fall Forest*

We were now currently in the Forever Fall Forest with Professor Goodwitch. "Yes the Forever Fall Forest is beautiful but it is also very dangerous as it has a large population of Grimm! So do be careful as you collect sap for Professor Peach students!" Goodwitch explained to us and then all the students started going their separate ways. Ammie was chatting with team RWBY and some members of team JNPR so Ash, Adriana, and I followed her but I did notice Jaune getting dragged off by Cardin and his team. I looked over at Ash and Adriana. "You find that suspicious too?" I asked them and they both nodded. "I noticed a box with a W on it. I'm sure I heard buzzing coming from it too!" Ash said and I nodded and Adriana spoke up. "Don't Rapier Wasps have a liking to sweet smells?" She said and I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah they are, Why?" I asked and Adriana tilted her head. "Well doesn't this sap we're supposed to be collecting have a real sweet smell to it?" She said and I nodded. "So they're planning on hitting someone with the sap and releasing the wasps huh? But who are they targeting?" I said cupping my chin and both Ash and Adriana shrugged.

Everyone started gathering sap and I just decided to sit down and take a nap while leaning against a tree, but as I closed my eye and started to dose off I felt something hit me on the head. I opened my eye while rubbing my head where the unknown object hit me. I look at the thing sitting in my lap to see an empty glass jar laying on my lap and I looked at the person who threw it to see Ammie standing there with her hands on her hips. "(Y/n) just because I'm your wife doesn't mean I'm going to do your school work for you!? So get off your butt and put sap in your jar!" She said staring at me with slight annoyance in her eyes. I then noticed that Ash and Adriana had amused smirks on their faces and I rolled my eye as I sighed and stood up and started getting sap, but as I was walking to the tree to get the sap I noticed that we were being watched from the nearby hilltop. It was Cardin and his team with Jaune.

As I was walking towards a tree I changed direction to go closer to Ash, Ammie, and Adriana. "Cardin and his teammates are on the hilltop over there, seems like Jaune is with them. Whatever they have planned their going to be doing it soon I'm sure." I said in a low enough tone so the others couldn't hear me. "We should keep an eye on the situation." Ammie said and I nodded and then I noticed Blake's bow twitching quite a bit when I was even with the wind blowing it shouldn't move that much It seems like Blake is a Faunus as well! I thought to myself. We continued gathering sap and chatting but my attention was mainly on the hilltop where they were at. Ash had gathered her sap and had tucked it into her bag to keep it safe from Nora and she pulled out a cigarette and lit it and started smoking. Ruby noticed this and looked at her. "Aren't those bad for you?" Ruby asked her and she just shrugged nonchalantly not really caring as she just continued to smoke. Weiss was looking at Ash appalled by the fact that she was smoking but just kept quiet. 

Meanwhile while this was going on I noticed that team CRDL had dragged Jaune off after he threw a jar of sap at Cardin. 10 minutes later a loud roar was heard and 3 members of CRDL ran past us yelling about an Ursa. Yang asked one of them where and he said that it was where they came from and that it has Cardin. Yang, Blake, Ren, and Nora went to get Goodwitch and Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, Ammie, and I went to find the Ursa, but Ash and Adriana pretty much just stayed behind not really caring. I could tell Weiss was a little piss offed by this but kept any comment to herself since there was a Grimm in the area that needed to be dealt with first. So we all headed to the location of the Grimm. Once we got there we saw Jaune trying his best to fight off an Ursa Major but was taking bad hits. Weiss, Ammie, and I all got ready to help him but a voice stopped us. "Wait!" Pyrrha said. After the last hit he went to attack it one more time but had his shield in a terrible position to defend himself from the Ursa's attack. He's not going to survive that hi- Wait is his shield moving by itself?! I thought to myself then I noticed that Pyrrha had her hand out to to move his shield. The Ursa's attack hit his shield and slid across his shield and he managed to cut it's head off and then had a short talk with Cardin and we just walked away.

{And done with another chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Until the next update!} 

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