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Kayla's POV

The DSTV viewers choice awards had passed, she had attended with Sibusiso and she had been dazzled by the whole experience. The celebrities she designed dresses for were impressed by her work. She gave out too many business cards as other celebrities wanted to do business with her in the near future. She thanked Mrs De Punt for the career exposure. Rubbing shoulders with the rich and glamour made her feel like a princess.

She and Sibusiso then spent three days in South Africa after the awards. They visited places like Swanepoel, Sun city and they bunjee jumped at Soweto heights. Kayla took Sibusiso with her to visit all the fine boutiques in Sandton and Durban. She bought different fabrics, new dresses for herself and her girlfriends. Sibusiso showered her with beautiful jewellery from the most expensive shops in Johannesburg.

Before they went to Victoria Falls town in Zimbabwe to spend another three days, Sibusiso promised to take her on a holiday to South Africa so they could swim with the dolphins in Cape Town.

When they got to Zimbabwe, Kayla had instantly loved the Victoria Falls town. It was a small tourist town situated in the north-west corner of Zimbabwe. The town was pervaded by the tourists who came to view the Victoria Falls.

Sibusiso booked them into the  grand and glamorous Victoria Falls Hotel. The hotel was antique and yet splendid, it had fine restaurants and a glamour bar salon. Victoria hotel never lost it's appealing beauty and shine despite that the fact that it was the first-class hotel that had survived the country's woes. The hotel still stood firm and beautiful.

Kayla loved how the hotel gave them a magnificent view of the Victoria Falls bridge. Since they arrived in the afternoon she didn't want to waste time, she explored the hotel's public areas and corridors. The hotel corridors were developed into museum of antique art, maps and photographs making it a kind of museum. She took pictures, making memories of this ancient magnificent place.

On their second day, Sibusiso had reconnoitred the town with her. Kayla had loved the little Farmer's market they went to, the local restaurants and the little clothing shops. She bought beautiful baby clothes for Ayanna from the clothing shops.

She mostly loved the free market where the locals displayed their sculptures, paintings, dresses and drawings while some sold traditional foods. Kayla had bought souvenirs for her grandmother, uncle and her friends from the market.

Sibusiso introduced her to some of his associates there who painted tourists for money and those who sold sculptures. Kayla felt close to him than ever, having to experience the life that he once lived. Kayla learnt that Sibusiso used to travel a lot and he seemed to enjoy it. His eyes occasionally lit up as he explained the town to her. She loved hearing his authoritarian voice as he spoke. Here in this place he looked boyish and relaxed in his washed blue frayed jeans and his t-shirts.

On the second day of their stay in Victoria Falls town he took her to Victoria Falls. Kayla's eyes had consumed the Victoria Falls, the  spectacular sight of awe-inspiring beauty and grandeur presented by the Falls was endearing. The falls fell on the Zambezi River, forming the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Like other tourists, they swam on the mesmerizing Devil's Pool a laying dangerously on the edge of the Falls. Swimming in the Devil's pool was both scary and awfully enchanting. It allowed one to look down at the water that cascaded down the rock. The pool also gave way to view the Zambezi River which was nuzzled below the Falls.
After their morning at the falls they visited the Victoria Falls Bridge which gave them a glimpse of the Falls from its centre. They bungee jumped from the bridge and rode zip wires from the bridge to the surrounding gorge. The whole experience was deliriously thrilling. Later that day as the sunset,  they had dinner in an antique locomotive railway carriage above the bridge. They watched the yellow and gold rays of the sun reflected on the blue waters of the falls, giving it a crimson look. On their final day they went for bush walking safaris and a horse-back safari.

By the end of their sojourn Kayla was sad that they had to go home. She  had a great time with him. Though she was tired from the strenuous activities that they did she was happy that he gave her a perfect trip.

Kayla missed how they toured around during day and participated into any activity that sounded appealing. While at night they made passionate, intense love that left them breathless. Kayla had fell over and over in love with him throughout their escapade.

It was three month after their trip, Kayla was tired from work. Since it was a Friday afternoon she was looking forward to sleeping in the following morning. Since Bontle got the internship she had to find another babysitter. Martha, an elderly woman of forty five was a good replacement. She was good with Ayanna, which was surprising to see her not home by the time she got back.

She had seen Sibusiso's Bentley by the driveway and she knew he might be in. Like she suspected he was in the kitchen feeding Ayanna. Kayla went over to drop a kiss on his lips before kissing Ayanna's head.

"Baby where is Martha?" She asked as she pulled open the fridge for a drink.

"I gave her the afternoon off. I think you should go pack, I'm taking you out on a vacation." Sibusiso announced, making her nearly choke on her juice.

"What are you talking about?"

"I talked to Valery to organise you a week away. You need this Kayla, we need this. The last few months have been hectic and you have been tense. Valery agreed with me that you are long overdue a vacation. Let me take you and Ayanna on a vacation and spoil the both of you rotten." He coaxed her with kisses down her neck.

How could she say no when he was kissing her like that and looking at her with those eyes? Just like that Kayla and Ayanna were whisked away on a mystery vacation. Like last time they were travelling in his family plane, Kayla didn't know where they were going but she knew wherever they go would be a good place. She had the two people  she loved so anyplace would do.

Ayanna was cranky from the moment they bordered the plane. It was her first time in the plane and she protested to the confined space. Kayla left Sibusiso to deal with her while she took a nap. She didn't know how tired she was until her eyes dropped, she was engulfed into a deep sleep. She was woken by a slight shake to her shoulder and she realised that they were already landing.

When she got out of the plane she looked at the familiar surroundings. She has been here once, a few months back. She turned to look at him and she saw a big smile on his face.

"I had promised to come back here with you and Ayanna." Sibusiso announced when he saw her puzzled look. Her face softened and she stood on her toes to place a kiss on his lips.

This time they were not going on the way of his family resort, he had booked them into Chobe Marina lodge. The lodge was exquisite. For the next few days they took an adventure around Kasane. They went for car safaris, walking in the bushes and a whole lot of other activities.

They visited Sibusiso's family at his father's house in Kasane. His mother and father were currently in one of the house they own in Kasane while his sister was at their other home in Maun. Sibusiso's father quickly took a liking to Ayanna and it seemed that the feelings were reciprocated. Anessa  distanced herself from the baby as if Ayanna was lethal. It was a funny sight to see.

Kayla was once again relaxed and at peace in this serene environment. She admitted that Sibusiso was right when he suggested their trip. Even Ayanna was happy.

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