Chapter 1

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Kayla's POV

Six months had passed since Kayla has discovered that her husband had a mistress. She had discovered that she was pregnant after that faithful day. After that dreadful day Michael had packed his suitcase and left. He  had revealing that he was not willing to let go of his mistress.

Summer has passed and winter was upon the people of Gaborone city. The winters were too harsh like the past few months of her life. She was relaxed and catching up on Money heist when she heard a knock. It has been a while since she had visitors. Her friends have tried reaching out but she was in no mood for company.

She shived at the cold wind that blew through an open window. She sometimes wished that Michael was with her to keep her warm at nights. He usually held her during nights when they slept together and his body heat will radiate from his body to heat her up. Nowadays she cried herself to sleep hoping that when she wake up Michael will be by his side.

When she opened the door, he stood there looking painfully handsome, he had always been a handsome man. Now when she looked at him, his beauty was tainted by the image she saw in his office. Don't be mistaken he still looked handsome but it was like she was seeing him in a different light now.

Pregnant Kayla

Pregnant Kayla

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Kay........" Michael said as his eyes absorbed the her . His wife looked pregnant, heavily pregnant for that matter. Something in him switched and he felt all the guilt creep up all the way up to his heart.

He truly never meant to hurt her but somehow things got out of control and he didn't know of a way to fix the mess he made. Kayla just stared at him, she was glowing and looked  radiantly beautiful.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a stern voice, face not betraying any emotions.

"You are pregnant?" He asked the question more to himself than to her.

It was more like he didn't want to believe it. Like his mind was playing tricks on him. They had always wanted babies, but not like this. They used to talk about how they would provide a warm and loving home to their kids. After many years of trying finally it has happened.

"No Michael I'm not pregnant, I'm just full." She lashed out sarcastically and he stared at her astonished. Kayla was never a harsh person and she never raised her voice to him.

"Of course I am pregnant Michael. You would have known that if you have been here with me, your wife." She continued eying him with hurt, anger and betrayal in her beautiful eyes.

He couldn't get his eyes to reach hers. He was too ashamed to do that.

"I'm so sorry Kay I didn't mean......"
Kayla raised her hand to stop him  amid his sentence.

"No Michael, you don't get to say you are sorry. You left remember?. So go ahead and do whatever you have been doing all this time and when you are done, don't you dare come back to me . So go ahead and do what makes you happy. Abandon me and this baby for that little girl but just know that karma will deal with you. Please leave."She said as a single tear streamed down her perfectly heart-sharped face.

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