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Kayla's POV

Being back in the city felt strange. She didn't know if  it was the fact that she was now a divorced woman or that she was coming back a brand new person. She didn't know what the city held for her, all she had was her baby and her company.

Valery, her personal assistant had organised some interior designers to  redesigned the house in Kgale according to her instructions. It was even baby proofed. When she was still married to Michael they rarely used the house in Kgale so it needed some working on.

One thing she loved about the house was that it had an amazing balcony view of the city. It was a double storey cottage with a garden, a yard of green grass and an ernomous swimming pool. She loved the vintage vibe that the cottage gave and she had designed to have its interior vintagised. She was planning to have some swings installed for her child after some time.

As she passed through the old street that she and Michael once lived in she felt a tug to her heart. It was when they first rented a house together in Gaborone. They used to rent a house in Block 7 before they bought the house in Kgale view and Phakalane. She remembered the nights when she and Michael used to sit on the balcony and observed the bustling city of Gaborone.

Hearing the horns , the sounds of tires scratching mercilessly on the tared road, the sounds of the sirens and the chaotic lively sound of the city. They used to stare at the neon lights of CBD, "the city center" as most referred to it.

She still remembered when she was a little girl and her granny used to tell her about the big city. She always dreamed of coming to see the city . And when she first moved to Gaborone, she was  fascination by it.  She was eighteen years then and she had came to attend university. Later she got a job as an assistant in a boutique and she and Michael decided to live together.

When she first arrived  to the city it was late at night around nine, the breeze was nicely cool and the blinding lights of  the streets, cars and homestead gave the city a very impressive view. She understood why it was called the city of lights.

Though she was born in Gaborone and have lived with her mother in the city until she was  five, she believed that  the first time she really saw the city was when she moved to attend university. She had vowed to own one of the flats in the big city so she could always view the city at night on a balcony.

Little baby whimperes in the back bought her back from her trail of thoughts.

"We are nearly there my love just be patient with me" she coaxed the baby who was chewing her fingers. The journey from the village was long and by now Ayanna was getting restless.

She drove around the city until they arrived at the house at Kgale View. She packed in the garage and carried her baby and handbag to the house. It was redecorated and baby proofed exactly how she had asked.  She took a tour around the house to see where she would have to give the house her touch.

She noted that she would have to  paint Ayanna's room and that she would have to make some few changes to colour of curtains and linens around the house. She sat down in her bedroom and unbuttoned her shirt to feed Ayanna  who grabbed on her breast and sucked greedily. The baby finally fell asleep and she went back to the car to retrieve the remaining of their bags.

She checked the fridge and it was fully stocked and the shelves also had food. She was still deciding whether to order out or to cook when she heard a knock. It came as a shock as she had just arrived herself and she didn't think it would be the neighbours cause they didn't talk to each other that well. She opened the door.

" Wow, they say as soon as a woman cut her hair then she is ready for some major changes in her life. I love the new look. You look fantastic." Mekyla gushed when she saw Kayla open the door.

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