Chapter 4

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Mimi's POV

Mimi hastily gulped the contents of her glass. It was the sixth glass of margarita that she had since they arrived about an hour ago. She mentioned to the bartender to refill her glass.

"You need to slow down on that stuff Mimi, remember we have lectures tomorrow." Bontle, her best friend scolded her.

Bontle and Mimi were both 24 year students doing their final year of  Law at University of Botswana. They met during their first year and they had been friends ever since. Whenever they were given accommodation in different rooms they made sure to swap their roommates so that they end up being roommates.

When Bontle learnt that Mimi was dating an older guy she was against it. They had an argument which ended with Mimi moving from their room to cohabitate with Michael in his suite at Avani.

Earlier that day Mimi had arrived at their rooms on campus with her bags on tow. She was  heartbroken and she bawled her eyes out and Bontle had felt sorry for her. Bontle comforted her and when she saw the state her friend was in she proposed the idea that they go blow out some steam.

Mimi thought going to Dro's was a good idea and she had been drinking glass after glass of margarita since they arrived. She was claded in some sexy shimmering short dress and  matching hills while Bontle was wearing a royal blue sexy wrap over dress with simple gold heels

Mimi's outfit

Bontle's outfit

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Bontle's outfit

"I thought by now he would have forgotten about her

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"I thought by now he would have forgotten about her. I mean he moved out of their apartment for goodness sake. What is so hard about him divorcing her? And now she is pregnant." Mimi slurred and  hiccuped in between.

"You knew he was married Mimi and you still went ahead. Married men rarely leave their wives for a fling". Bontle said sipping on her cocktail.

"It was not a fling. I truly love that man and the thought of him going back to that old hag breaks my heart." She said in between hiccups. She downed another shot and nibbled on the lemon.

"Im sorry chomi". Bontle said sympathetically.

"I will show him what he is missing" Mimi said as she downed yet another glass and before Bontle could say anything she staggered to the stage.
She swayed her hips to the song that was playing. She didn't know the song but the beat was great so she moved with it.

The alcohol in her system was fueling her confidence. While she was still shaking her body to the song a guy who appeared to be in his early twenties approached her. He took her hands and twirled her around. She let out a hearty laugh as he hugged her from behind.

He leaned to plant a kiss in her neck. His lips were soft against her skin and his kiss light. She grinded against him with her soft ass and she was satisfied when a deep groan tore from his mouth.

Bontle watched as her friend danced with the good looking stranger and she knew that if she didn't intervene Mimi was going to get laid and probably regret it in the morning.

Under normal circumstances Bontle would have left her to enjoy the good looking dude but she was heartbroken and Bontle knew  heartbreak made people tend to do stupid things. She watched as the stranger twirled Mimi around and planted a kiss on her lips. She decided it was time to cut in so she went up to the stage and pulled Mimi away from the stranger.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked in a husky voice as his red eyes intensely looked at her. He looked high and by the look of it he took something stronger than alcohol.

"Sorry but my baby sister here needs to get home" she said with a voice that was meant to be intimidating but somehow she was the one who sounded intimidated.

"You are such a party pooper Bontle can't you see that I am dancing. " Mimi said as she seductively eyed the stranger.

"Your sister looks like she doesn't  wanna go home and by just looking at her she ain't no baby". The stranger said eyeing Mimi up and down with raw lust in his eyes.

"Okay enough of this, Mimi we are leaving."

Bontle dragged the reluctant Mimi out of Dro's and she hailed a cab. Mimi was pouting the whole journey to school and whenever she tried to talk Bontle could not make sense of  what she said. It was all slurs and hiccups.

When they got to school she had to drag Mimi to their room and tucked her to bed. Bontle watched her sleep and she looks so innocent and sweet. She placed a soft kiss on her forehead and went to her bed. She knew Mimi was a sweet girl but sometimes she was plain stupid when it came to men.

With a heavy sigh she fell asleep.
Mimi woke up with a throbbing headache. She found Bontle already dressed and playing on her phone. She groaned as the string of sunlight that penetrated through the thin curtains painfully blinded her.

"What time is it?"she asked in a cranky voice.

Bontle placed her phone on the bed and sat to face her.

"It's way past 11 and you have missed PAD lecture." She rebuked her.

"Don't even get me started my head is killing me"

Bontle let out a laugh as she saw the misery her friend was in.

"I won't be surprised, with the way you were downing those margaritas it is a miracle that I got you to bed last night."

"Was I really that bad?"

"No , you were worse. You even flirted with a guy who looked like a stoner. You guys were kissing on the stage and...." she couldn't finish the sentence as another laughter erupted from her.

"But he was so hot." Mimi said in between her own laughter and she threw a pillow at Bontle.

"On a serious note though don't let this break up turn you into something you are not."

"Its not a break up and this was just one stupid night."

"You have also been bunking lectures"

"Bontle I will catch up on lectures that I have missed I promise. So please stop lecturing me my head feels like exploding."

The moment of silent passed before Bontle asked.

"Whats gonna happen now? I mean with sugar daddy?"

"Michael may give me money but I love him.  Money is not the only thing I want from him, I want his love too. Also don't forget that the money he gives to me helps back at home. Being raised by poor parents is no joke and if it means that the man I love is willing to spent his money on me then I don't see any problem."

"What if you parents finds out...."

"They will never find out do you understand that? Don't forget that you promised to keep this a secret." Mimi said with a stern voice.

"I'm not really comfortable with it Mimi"

"Then you will have to make a plan to be comfortable with it. Let me go and bath then we will go buy something to eat. Thanks for taking care of me last night." She placed a soft kiss on Bontle's temple.

She threw on a gown,  took her toiletry bag and waddled towards the bathrooms.

Bontle hated the things that Mimi was doing lately. She loved Mimi, that's why she was willing to keep her relationship a secret to her parents. Bontle loved Mimi's parents because they were loving and caring. She sighed heavily at the position that Mimi put her in.

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