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Kayla's POV

After a long tiring day at the office, Kayla called her grandmother. It has been a while since they talked, as they conversed her grandmother could pick up the happiness in her voice. Kayla was still not sure if it was a good idea to tell her grandmother about Sibusiso. She knew she had strong feelings and cared for him but she wasn't sure if it was love. This time she wanted to take things slowly and to avoid making mistakes.

She knew Sibusiso cared for her but he never told her that he loved her. Kayla was currently comfortable with their status quo. They connecting on many levels, Sibusiso always told her that he loved how competitive and smart she was. She loved that he could keep up with her competitive nature and was not intimidated by her intelligence and quirkiness. Kayla changed the topic when her grandmother continued probing for information on the new man in her life, she didn't want to jinx things.

She was relaxing with a glass of her merlot when she got a message from Sibusiso. He wanted her to get ready because he was taking her and Ayanna out. He informed her to wear casual because he was taking them to see Frozen 2, one of the cartoons that Ayanna was obsessed with. It was showing in 3D at the cinema.

Kayla got ready, she settled on wearing blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Sibusiso arrived just as she finished getting Ayanna ready. Just as they were about to walk to his car a car approached her house, it was a two sitter BMW that she knew very much.

The gate slid to let him in, Michael climbed out and his eyes darkened when he saw Sibusiso with Ayanna leaning in his broad shoulders. Ayanna was currently snuggled in Sibusiso's neck and she was playing with his collar, oblivious to the tension around her.

"What the hell is he doing with my daughter?" Michael's thunderous voice asked.

"Michael calm down okay. You know that Sibusiso is my boyfriend so is there a problem with him holding my daughter?" Kayla asked with a bored expression.

"She is our daughter. So now my daughter is going to be introduced to all your boyfriends? What the hell Kay." His booming voice raised again.

"Okay that enough. You don't talk to her like that." Sbu warned him.

"You stay out of this man. This is between my child's mother and I. What kind of example are you setting for our daughter Kayla? Do you want her to grow up a slut?" Kayla's hand collided with his cheek. She felt her hand sting due to the impact. He was surprised by the slap as much as she was.

"That should be the last time you talk to me like that. How dare you insinuate that I am a bad mother to our daughter? You don't even know a single thing when it comes to being a parent." Kayla warned him with hooded eyes. She was shaking with anger.

"That is because you letting this idiot play my role in our child's life." He accused.

"Buddy enough with the insults okay. Kayla is a terrific mother and we both know that. You have a problem with me then you sort it out with me but leave her out of it." Sibusiso's voice was low and threatening as he said that.

"You know what baby, maybe he is right. Maybe I don't give him enough time with him daughter. So how about you spend the night with her. In this bag you will find her formula, her blanket, diapers, favourite stuffed animal and everything you will need." Kayla said with an exaggerated smile

"What?" Michael panicked. He had never spent the night with the baby.

"This is what you want right? Ayanna baby you gonna spend the night with daddy. Be a good girl for mommy and behave okay." Kayla kissed the baby's forehead.

Ayanna was reluctant to let go of Sibusiso as he gave her to Michael. She whimpered as she saw her mother walking away from her. Kayla went to Sibusiso's car without looking back. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to leave Ayanna but she knew that Michael will try his best to care for her. As they pulled away from her driveway her eyes lingered on the mirror, Michael was still rooted to where they left him. He was rocking Ayanna who was now crying at the top of her lungs. Kayla felt her heart break but it had to be done.

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