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Kayla's POV

It was weeks after the deal was signed with Mrs De Punt, the excitement in the office had died down and Kayla was working in her office going over some financial reports. She heard the door to the office forcefully open and slamming hard, making her jump back in her seat.  She was taken aback to see her ex-husband looking dangerously mad at her.

"You lied to me." His thunderous voice screamed down at her. She raised her eyes to look at his face. He was fuming and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Miss King I tried to stop him." Valery, her assistant nervously said as she came into her office after Michael.

"It's okay Valery, you may go back to you desk." Kayla said with a reassuring smile. After Valery left she diverted her eyes back to Michael.

"What the fuck are you talking about and the hell are you doing in my office?" Her lips pursed in anger with her arms akimbo.

"You despicable woman... how could you do that to me?" He snapped at her once again.

"Who the hell do you think you are coming to my office acting like a god damn barbarian? You come in here shouting your lungs out as if you own this place.You forgot....."

"I'm not in the mood for your smart mouth Kayla. How can you do this to me?" He asked as he raked his hand furiously in his shortly cut hair. His eyes were full of rage as they probed into hers.

"What exactly did I do to you?" She asked cautiously sitting back in her chair.

"You lied about the baby goddamn it" His voice was brusque and she could see the hurt in his face. She had meant to hurt him but now looking at him she felt her heart break.

"Say something." His deafening voice ravaged her ear.

" How did you know about Ayanna?" She asked suprised. The last time she checked Michael believed that she had cheated on him.

"Mama came to me with some DNA tests that clearly verified that she is my daughter. Apparently she had been spending time with the baby. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"You mother did what?" Kayla felt anger bubble up her chest. She couldn't believe that Thulisiwe broke her trust.

"That's not the issue here Kayla. How can you let me believe that you cheated? How can you let me believe that she is not mine?" He asked once again.

"I wanted to hurt you so bad. You hurt me Michael and then you acted like it was my fault. The only fault I had made was loving you but you spit that love in my face. You can't even begin to imagine the pain I was in and the embarrassment of having my husband flaunt his mistress in front of me. I wanted you to feel the pain I felt " She explained calmly.

"And you used the baby...." He couldn't even get himself to finish the sentence it was as if the topic was too painful for him.

"She was all I had at that moment and that was the only way I knew how to hurt you" She said with a fake proudness in her voice. She didn't want him to see how his pain pained her.

"Do you realise what you did? The calamity of your actions?" He couldn't believe that she would do someone that has costed them so much. His anger towards her intensified as he saw how calm she looked about the whole situation.

"I did nothing Michael, you on the other hand did everything. You cheated, you filed for divorce and you took everything that we had. You used my company against me to get what you wanted." She stated with lack of interest. She was perplexed with how he was acting all high and mighty forgetting that he cheated.

"That is because you led me to believe that you betrayed me." He said throwing a cup of her half drank coffee against the wall. Kayla gave him a warning look.

"No Michael everything started falling apart the moment you decided to cheat. We are here right now because of your infidelity."

"Was it worth it? Lying to me and telling me she wasn't mine? Keeping her away from  me ?" He asked taking a step toward her. He looked her straight in the face waiting for an answer. She swallowed down saliva to soothe her dry throat.

"Yes it was. The look on your face that night was all I needed to ease my broken heart. Don't come here acting like a victim because you are not. You don't care about me and you certainly don't care about my baby" She defended herself.

"She is our baby." He roared back at her.

"She is not yours Michael, you will never be her father." She said once again.

"I will fight you tooth and nail to have my child in my life." He vowed.

"Oh I dare you to. Don't forget that this is Botswana and the mother is always favoured for the well beings of the baby. You are incapable of loving anyone unless it benefits you. How do you think you can care for a baby when you can't even take care of yourself . Take me to court and you will never see her." She gave him a sentimental smile.

"This is not you Kay, you are not this cruel person. What happened to you?"

"You happened to me. You broke me, you broke my heart and you stepped on it. So don't dare come to my office acting like a damn victim  This is all your doing, man up and live with it. Now if you will excuse me I have work to do". She turned back to the papers on her desk. Michael watched her with shock for a while before he left her office.

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