003 | Sick

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EJ AND HIS PARENTS had gone out of the city to look at colleges for EJ to attend in fall. They gave Aimee the option to come with them, but Mike had offered for her to stay with him and Ricky, to which she agreed. Which is why she was currently laid in Ricky's arms, on his bed at 10 am. Mike trusted the pair enough for Aimee to sleep in the same bed as Ricky. Her eyes fluttered open and she heard the soft beating of his heart. She lifted her head, and saw that Ricky was staring at her. "Morning" he smiled.

Aimee let out a small groaned and buried her head into his chest. Her head was aching and she was burning up. "Morning" she mumbled

"You okay, baby?" Ricky asked stroking her hair

Aimee shifted and rolled over to she was facing him. "I feel a bit off" she mumbled

"Do you wanna cancel today?" Ricky asked her. They had plans to go with their friends, except EJ, to the fair that was in town for the week.

Aimee shook her head slowly "No, I'll be okay, I don't wanna ruin the day, we've been so excited for this" she said

Ricky smiled and kissed her forehead "Okay, but if you start to feel worse then let me know and we can come home"

"Okay" Aimee agreed.

They stared at each other for a little while longer, just admiring each other before a knock on the door broke their gaze. Mike peeked his head through the door "Hey, just making sure you were up, Rick. You said Gina was coming at 10:45, it's already 10:15"

Ricky practically shot out of the bed "What? I didn't realise it was that late" he said, making Aimee chuckle.

Ricky ran into the bathroom, while Aimee sat up on the bed and started to do her hair. She finished it sluggishly, before deciding she couldn't be bothered to shower, she picked up on of Ricky's hoodies, and slid it on before sliding into a pair of her own jeans. When she was finished Ricky walked back in, fully dressed, and as if on cue, the door bell rang.

Aimee grabbed Ricky's hand smiling slightly as they started to walk down the stairs "Hey Gigi" Aimee grinned slightly as she saw her friend stood at the door

"Hey Aims, you okay? You're looking a bit pale" Gina said

"Peachy" Aimee shrugged "But I'll be okay"

"Have you eaten Gina? Because we haven't" Ricky laughed slightly

"I have but thank you" Gina chuckled as the three of them walked to the kitchen. Ricky offered Aimee some cereal, but she declined. Her stomach was starting to hurt and she didn't have an appetite.


THEY ARRIVED AT the fair not long after Ricky finished his breakfast, upon arriving, they were the last ones to arrive. The group collectively went on numerous rides together, before the pain in Aimee's stomach became more prominent and she started feeling nauseous.

"Let's go on the rollercoaster!" Nini cheered. Everyone agreed and they started to move towards the rollercoaster.

Just before they arrived at the queue, Aimee rested her forehead against Ricky's shoulder "Ricky, I don't feel so good"

Ricky moves her hair slightly "Do you wanna go home?"

"No, but I don't think I should go onto the rollercoaster" Aimee mumbled

"Hey guys, Aims and I are gonna pass on this one, she isn't feeling great" Ricky spoke up "We'll just sit on the bench and wait for you guys"

"Okay" Carlos agreed before the all got in the queue. Aimee and Ricky made their way over to the bench and sat down on it.

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