006 | Billion Sorrys

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AIMEE AND EJ WALKED into the library, because Nini wanted to speak to EJ about something, and Aimee was just tagging along. The pair met Nini, down one of the isles in the library. "Hey, I got your text, what's up?"

"So, after yesterday and everything with my missing phone, an the rehearsal I missed and the dance break. I'm fairly certain Gina is trying to sabotage me so that she can have my part" Nini explained. Aimee looked towards EJ subtly. "So..." Nini opened her bag to show Gina's shoes

"You stole Gina's shoes?" EJ asked in disbelief

Nini nodded her head slightly "it wasn't that hard"

"But if what you are saying is true, wont she retaliate?" Aimee asked

"Then I'll come back at her twice as hard. I will rain down hellfire. I am the night!" Nini tried to sound threatening but it didn't come out that way

"Nini, I don't think this is the way to go about it, it's not you" Aimee tried to help her see sense, but all Nini could think was Gina stealing her phone

"I know, it didn't feel like me, but I've stepped into the light. I play to win now" Nini exclaimed. EJ's face dropped but didn't say anything "I thought you'd be proud"

"Yeah, but stealing just seems a little low. I mean you are better than that, you're better than..." EJ trailed off "You're Nini"

Nini thought for a second "Maybe you're right, and I do like that you see me that way"

"I always have"

Nini grabbed EJ's jacket and pulled him towards her "You're a good person, and I don't know if it's because you're a senior or because someone raised you right"

"Yeah it was me" Aimee cut in, EJ just glared at her in response

"But I wish that I had whatever you've got inside of you. It's like.. confidence mixed with morals and about a dozen abs" Nini laughed, as did EJ "Thank you for being you"

Nini leant up and went to kiss EJ. Aimee whined as they kissed, she looked away before they pulled away. Nini nodded goodbye to them both, and walked away.

"Let's go and find Ashlyn" EJ sighed. Aimee linked her arm through his as they walked through the halls.

They found Ashlyn sat on the stairs in one of the hallways. She smiled when they pair approached "Woah, EJ, you look terrible"

Aimee and EJ sat on the stairs by Ashlyn "Yeah I feel really guilty" EJ sighed

"Wow, that is not an emotion I knew you had" Ashlyn chuckled. EJ sent her a look "Sorry"

"I never should have stolen her phone" EJ sighed

Aimee stared at him "You've only just realised this!" She slapped his arm

"It's not the person I wanna be, it's not the person Nini thinks I am" EJ explained

"It's not the person you are, but you seem to think that you are better than others because you are popular. If you treat people the way you treat me, then you'd be fine" Aimee explained "Nini sees you how I see you, kinda"

EJ thought about it for a second "You know what I should do?" He asked


"Well, yes, but first I have to come clean, and if I'm gonna own up to this, I need to do it in a way that she really hears" EJ agreed

"What are you thinking?" Aimee asked

EJ looked between his cousin and his best friend "Okay; here me out. She wrote a song for Ricky, so I should do that"

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