017 | Apologies

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Was how Aimee was awoken on the day of opening night. She rolled over to glare at the person who had awoken her, unsurprisingly she found her best friend stood over her with a grin. "No thank you" she replied turning over and pulling her duvet over her head

"Again, it wasn't a suggestion. It was a command, go get breakfast" EJ told her

"But it's opening night, I need to be refreshed, let me sleep" Aimee whined

EJ pulled the duvet away, exposing her to the cold air of the bedroom "Get up! I already let you sleep in, if I'd have had it my way then you'd have been awake like 3 hours ago"

"Ugh fine"

"Okay, well I'm gonna shower, go put some waffles in the microwave" He told her

Aimee wordlessly stood up and pulled her hair into a messy bun and slid her glasses onto her face "How long do you put waffles in the microwave for?" She scoffed

"Like two minutes overall" EJ shrugged leaving the room.

Aimee wondered into the kitchen and picked up two waffles that were sat on the side. She put them on a plate and slid them into the microwave and setting the timer for 2 minutes.

A minute and a half later she smelt smoke. In a panic she turned around and saw the microwave was smoking, she was quick to cancel the last thirty seconds and pull the waffles out. "EJ!" She yelled wafting the smoke away

He appeared at the top of the stairs and looked at her worriedly "What have you done?"

She smiled sheepishly "Okay, so like I may have like nearly blown up your microwave" she laughed nervous

"How the fuck did you manage that?" He said walking to the kitchen and opening a window to let the smoke out

"I put the waffles in" she said matter of factly

"For how long?"

"Two minutes, like you told me to" she said

EJ rolled his eyes "I said two minutes overall, not two minutes at once, dumbass. You're supposed to do it 30 seconds at a time to avoid this!" He said suppressing a laugh

"Well you didn't tell me that part did you!" Aimee yelled back

"I can't believe you nearly blew up my microwave" EJ whined

"And I burnt my waffles" Aimee cried holding up the waffles that were now completely black

The doorbell rang snapped Aimee from her trance. She stared at the waffles in disbelief while EJ went to answer the door. "Why does it smell of burning?" Ashlyn's voice filled her ears

"Because SOMEONE put her waffles in for two minutes and almost blew up my microwave" EJ said closing the door, making sure his best friend heard

"Fuck you! You told me to put them in for 2 minutes! That's what I did, dickwad" She yelled back from the kitchen. Ashlyn and EJ walked back into the kitchen and saw Aimee sat at the breakfast bar, sulking and staring at her burnt waffles.

Ashlyn rolled her eyes and sat next to her "So? Can we talk about what the hell happened at the Tech Rehearsal?"

"Nope" Aimee popped the 'P' as a way of ignoring the conversation

"Well we need to know, it's opening night, and it's obvious something happened" Ashlyn said

"Can we drop it? EJ and I left, we left and Miss Jenn decided that we are actually going to hold the production in the gym, that's the only important thing that happened" Aimee said harshly

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