Chapter 8

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You guys don't know this but whenever I am posting a new chapter, I always check if I already used the meme.

Hanzo's POV
Me and McCree walked up the stairs of my house. I was unsure about our label since I don't want this to end like a one night stand. I opened the door and noticed that Genji had a female guest. She had almost white hair color with it having a yellow tint following it, she also had light blue eye color, and she was also barely shorter than Genji.

"O-oh hey brother, this is Angela." Genji said and she waved before standing up from the couch.

"Hello, I suppose you're Hanzo Shimada, nice to meet you." Angela said and she set her hand forward

I want to seem respectful and also shook her hand.

"So, uhh... how long have you two been together?." I asked them both

"For a few weeks actually... but it feels longer than that." Genji said and nudged Angela's shoulder.

"I wouldn't say it feels Long." She said and that has got to hurt (we talking about his pp)

"But I like it that way." She commented after holding his hand softly.

"I feel ya miss Angela." McCree said and my face heated up as Genji started laughing. Angela just stood there smiling and enjoying the moment.

"You two." I pointed at Genji and Angela

"Please don't be loud." I said and Genji rolled his eyes.

"Do not worry I won't stay here for long, I have to go back to work tomorrow." A

"I'll have to visit you in any way I can." G

"You already do that. In fact, I spend more time with you than I do with patients." A

"But I help you out at least." G

"I still don't know why you're allowed by my boss." A

"Probably because of my name, and also I'm like the security person of that place... which is useless since nothing ever happens there." G

"Anyways, I'm going back to sleep." I told them as I walked up the stairs, and went back to my room. I removed my clothing down to my underwear and slump on the bed.

McCree enters shortly after and lays down next to me

"Do you want to experience the biggest thing inside of ya?." McCree asked seductively.

"Not now, I'm tired." I easily turned him down.

"So... tomorrow?." M

"Yeah yeah, sure." I responded sarcastically.

"Okay then, tomorrow as soon as you get home." M

"Mhmm." I lazily replied.

McCree got off the bed to strip off his clothes and went back to the bed in his briefs. Although we weren't making contact, I could feel the heat radiating from his body that my mind was craving for. I am under my blankets and it still feels cold.

That's it, I couldn't handle it. I turned my body around, now facing him and his hairy chest is on my face. And his arm took me in while he was asleep (plot twist, he's not asleep). A few minutes passes and his leg goes around me, which was quite the turn on but warm and cozy at the same time. And there was no way I could pass this up. I wanted to feel more of him so I mangled my legs between his and now we're both wrapped with each other.

I had woken up and we both had a raging boner. I wanted to take care of it now but it'll make me late for work. Although I own the company... no I still shouldn't miss work. I muttered McCree's name a few times until he had woken up.

"What is it darlin?." McCree had asked while he was still fluttering his eyes open.

"I have to go to work." I told him and he took my chin between his thumb and his index, and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I can't wait for this evening." McCree said as he rubbed my member and made a moan escape quietly out of my mouth.

"I also cannot wait to hear those sweet screams coming from your mouth." He said as he brushes a finger against my hole. And he then rubbed his erect member on my thigh. For which I took and also rubbed it slowly.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." I reassured him and left the bed. He never dresses up for the job in the mornings and I wouldn't blame him since it is about 6 am and not even I want to be awake at the time.

I had my breakfast and my rocket fuel that is commonly known as coffee. McCree got in the car with only his briefs and a white tank top. Of course he looked good even though his features were messy, it gives him the rugged charm. He had dropped me off in front of my building and I headed inside.

In my free time I just sit there thinking about current events. I was also wondering if McCree only wants to date me because of my money. I haven't been able to trust anyone since they've been trying to do that since I took over the business. I don't think McCree would do that.

I got curious as to what he was doing, but I didn't want to ask him directly. So I went with my second option being Ty. I video called Ty

"What is it Master?."

"Do you know what McCree is doing at the moment?."

"I'm sure I saw him head to the gym."

"Can you show me?." I immediately wanted to regret what I said

"Sure, just a second."

Ty walked around the house for a bit until he opened the gym. McCree was sweating alot and he immediately looked at the camera angry

"WHAT ARE YOU RECORDING ME FOR?." I felt bad for Ty since I'm the one who asked him to do this, now McCree is angry at him.

"Master Hanzo wanted me to show him what you were doing." Ty explained a bit and McCree calmed down quickly.

"Can I borrow this for a moment?." McCree said as he pointed to the camera.

"Yes you can." Ty responded as he passed McCree the camera.

"Do ya not trust me hanny?." McCree said with puppy eyes.

"I do trust you, but I got bored here and wanted to see what you were up to."

"You're bored eh?." McCree set the camera on the table and inhaled before flexing his arm at the camera. His biceps looked quite big compared to when I took him in.

"You don't need to impress me anymore." I said while chuckling with him.

"Aw come on, you have an entire mansion to show off, let me have my moment." He chuckled along side me.

"I'm going to leave a little early so that I can see you." I said which gave McCree a mischievous smile

"Is it okay if we try something?."

"I'm pretty sure we'll have as many times to try about anything."

"I'll take that as a yes."

"I have to leave now, see you." I turned off my camera before he could respond since I had an aching boner that was very tight in my pants. Dont worry Hanzo, tonight you will get a huge dick shoved up your ass for the first time. I just hope McCree won't injure me much.

That's it for chapter 8 and chapter 9 will have SMUT!!!

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