"Alright. Nurse Barton would you go get a hospital gown while Nurse Daniels and I check and wrap her wounds," Doctor Jenny told her grabbing some scissors from the side table.

   Nurse Barton nodded and walked out of the room. They made quick work of checking, cleaning and wrapping her wounds. When they were done Nurse Barton came in with the gown.

    They all quickly got Hope in the gown. They all froze when Hope made a noise. They stared at her but she didn't do anything else so Nurse Barton finished tying the gown in the front.

    "Is she done?" A new voice came from behind them. They turned to see a blue eyed blonde man at the door. "Yes sir. We cleaned her wounds and checked them. She's already healing."

     He raised an eyebrow, "why isn't she waking up?", moving towards Hope's unconscious body. Doctor Jenny moved quickly showing the healing gash on Hope's head.

   "From the looks of this gash I think she hit her head hard enough that she's unconscious. With the speed  she's healing at I expect her to wake up in a couple of days."

    He hummed and brushed Hope's hair out of her face then nodded. "Great. Let's move Hope to her room so she can heal in there."

     "Yes, sir." the nurses started pushing Hope's burning out and followed the man to Hope's assigned room with Doctor Jenny behind them.

   He stopped in front of a door pulling out his keycard and swiped it on the card pad. The door opened and the man let them go in first then followed.

    "Do you ladies need any help," he asked them. They looked at him and nodded. He went over and picked up Hope and put her on the bed.

   "Um how are we going to monitor her?," Nurse Barton asked. He looked at her, "don't worry we got that covered."

Hope's POV:

A few days later....

    I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times to blink away the blurriness. I sat up with a groan and looked around the room I am in. 'Where am I?" I thought looking around confused.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I reached up to rub my eyes when I felt something rough on my hand. I looked at it and noticed my hand and arm is wrapped up.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I looked down at my body seeing it completely covered in bandages and a hospital gown. I stood up on shaky legs and went towards the sink that's in here.

I turned it on and leaned down to drink the water since my mouth felt dry. I sighed in relief and kept drinking then turned it off and wiped my mouth.

I walked towards the door and tried opening it but it was locked. I tried forcing it open with my werewolf strength but it wouldn't budge. I growled in annoyance.

I backed up a little and was gonna ram my shoulder against it when a voice stopped me dead in my tracks. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, Hope," a mans voice said.

I turned around quickly but nobody was there. I looked up at the corners for any cameras but found none. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" I demanded.

"My name is Dr. Isaacs. As for how I know your name, well I know a lot about you, miss Abernathy,"the man named Dr. Isaacs told me. I tensed.

If I wasn't on edge before I am now. "Where are you?" I sneered looking around. Suddenly half of the wall glitched and became clear showing three men. One was on the computer and the other two are standing watching me.

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