Chapter two

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Outside, we all enthusiastically grab our brooms from the shed. "I call referee!" Ginny shouts.

Even though we would be playing with different colored apples to symbolize the different balls, we would still need a referee to throw the apples and keep score.

We would play with the normal snitch, bluffers, and quaffles, but Mr.Weasley had given us strict orders not to. If a muggle saw us or a flying ball with wings, we'd surely run into some issues and most likely end up in a lot of trouble.

"We'll split up into two teams. Fred and I are the captains. I want...y/n." I flew over to George's side, quickly glancing at Fred and then over to Ginny, giving her a kind smile.  She returns the gesture, sending me a wink along with it.

As soon as I look back, Fred announces "I'll take Harry." He quickly flies over to Fred's side, excited to be riding his broom again.

George ended up picking Ron and Fred getting Hermione. The brunette haired girl usually isn't fond of playing quidditch herself, more so sees it as an activity to watch from a distance, but sometimes we are able to convince her to play if we have an odd number and really need her company.

Ginny sits on her broom over to the side with a big, wooden pale of apples on her lap. Soon enough, we are all racing around in the air, Harry and I being the seekers, Hermione and Ron being the Chasers, and of course Fred and George being the beaters.

"Those three trees are the goals. The red apple is the quaffle, green are the bludgers, and the yellow one is the snitch. Everyone ready? Ginny?" George called out to the other side of the clearing.

"Ready!" Ginny shouted back, Hermione giving me and 'wish me luck' type of look before getting into position. Broom riding was on the very short list of things she wasn't very confident doing.

In the matter of seconds there were different colored apples flying through the air, one almost hitting me. I sat ready to go on the side for one or two minutes, waiting for Ginny to throw the snitch.

Eventually, she did and I went full speed, diving to grab it. Harry was right next to me on his Nimbus Two Thousand. The speed of it intimidated me, challenging me to go faster. I was a foot away from the snitch when I started to reach for it, touching it with my fingertips. Harry did the same ,but was faster and wasn't leaning as far. He snatched the apple, flying ahead of me.

I lose my balance ,and start falling from seventy feet above the ground. I heard myself start to scream while trying to get a hold of my broom. Suddenly, I feel a slight thud on my back, expecting to be on the natural floor of the forest."Y/n! Are you alright?"

I open my eyes to see Fred, holding me with a worried expression.

"I'm alright, I think. Just a bit startled." He brings me down to the ground, my legs wobbling as my feet touch the floor once again. Everyone comes racing down to where Fred and I were standing.

"Merlins beard! Are you okay y/n?! I'm so sorry!"

"Yes, I'm okay Harry. It's not your fault. I was leaning too far forward." He gives me a quick hug.

"Well, that's enough quidditch for today. You didn't even last five minutes y/n/n!" George teases, making Fred snicker softly. I roll my eyes playfully as we all start walking towards the Burrow.


Later that night Ginny, Hermione and I finish getting ready for bed and hop into our beds. "Goodnight girls, get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow." Molly's voice never failed to comfort me; It was a new kind of feeling.

I never really got that since my father and mother weren't really part of my life, along with my sister. That's the reason I live with my grandparents now. She closes the door gently, hearing her footsteps fade away.

Ginny pops up from off her pillow and turns on the little, blue lamp on her nightstand, making Hermione and I sit up.

"Okay girl talk, Hermione who do you like?" Ginny chimes.

"You're going to wake everyone in this house if you continue speaking in that manner." She whispers back sharply.

"Just answer the question." She whispers back

"I don't know." Ginny and I raise a brow at her. "

Okay fine. Ron."

"I knew it!" Ginny squeals "I'm almost positive he likes you back 'mione. You two would look good together." I comment She gives me a half smile, pushing her light brown hair behind her ear.

"Your turn Ginny."

"Okay okay, I really like Harry ,but every time I'm around him it's like I can't speak. I just blush and look the other way out of embarrassment which makes it even more obvious that I fancy him." Of course Hermione and I have known this for the past three years ,but she doesn't need to know that.

"I say go for it Gin, if you really like him." Hermione gives her a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, you two would make quite the couple." I add

"Really?" She beams with hopeful eyes.

"Honestly." I grin in response.

"Who do you fancy y/n/n?" I look down, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

"I don't know, no one has really caught my eye yet." I lie. "Huh. I really thought u had a thing for Fred." Ginny murmured under her breath. My cheeks heat up immediately at the thought of him; I try to hide it with my hair unsuccessfully.

"Oh my gosh! You do!" Hermione blurts out in excitement. Ginny's head snapped towards me, I could hear the smile in her gasp.

"I knew I wasn't just imagining it!"

"I don't fancy him." I retort.

"Yes you do."

"Alright I'm going to bed!" I announce, before slipping under my soft, purple blanket.

"You do." She mutters one last time before turning off her lamp once again.

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