Chapter fifty five

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Harry and I hurry Hermione and Ron up the stairs toward the fourth floor, allowing my brother the time to explain what he'd seen; what we'd seen.

"I saw it; It's just like with Mr. Weasley. It's the door I've been dreaming about. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before." He rambles.

"Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have the least time, in the Department of Mysteries." I add, but Hermione interrupts our explanation. 

"Both of you, please, just listen. What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius to get to you?" She asks Harry in a conflicted tone.

"What if he is? I'm supposed to just let him die?" He asks in disbelief. "Hermione, he's the only family I've got left." Reluctantly, she accepts his response, understanding where he's coming from.

"Alright, but why did y/n see the same thing? She hasn't anything to do with this." She states.

"She's involved a lot more than you think," Harry responds vaguely, not giving away any specific information. "We'll have to use the floo network."

"Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance." Ron chimes in as we continue to the fourth floor.

"Not all of them. Alohomora." The lock to the headmistress's office snaps off, barely hanging on by a thread as it swings side to side. "Alert the Order if you can."

"Are you mental? We're going with you." Hermione insists.

"It's too dangerous," I reply, but she only gives me a shocked look, having taken slight offense as we enter the office.

"You're allowing y/n to go, but not us as well?" She scoffs, but quickly got over her annoyance. "When are you going to get it into your head? We're in this together."

"That you are." Umbridge smiles from the doorway and I spot Draco dragging Neville in from behind her.

''Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl." He informs her, refusing to look in my direction as a Slytherin boy takes my arms behind my back.

"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" She accuses Harry with a wild look in her eyes.


"Liar!" She lifts her wand to his face.

"You sent for me Headmistress?" A monotone voice asks from the doorway.

"Snape, yes." Umbridge leans away from Harry who's fallen into a chair while attempting to step away from the mad woman. "The time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?" I send Hermione a worried glance and I catch Snape's eye for a moment as he speaks.

"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang. Unless you wish to poison him, and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did, I cannot help you."

"He's got Padfoot." Harry blurts, earning an irritated look from Umbridge. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."

"Padfoot? What's Padfoot?" She interrogates. "Where what is hidden? What is he talking about, Snape?"

"No idea." He gives the brunette boy a warning glare.

"Very well." She sighs. "You give me no choice, Potter. This is an issue of Ministry security. You leave me with no alternative...The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue."

"That's illegal," Hermione informs her in an uneasy voice.

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him." She raises her wand to Harry and I abruptly allow my words to slip out in a panic.

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