Chapter thirty nine

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I just wanted to remind you guys that I wrote that the Yule ball is an annual function. So, before I get any hate for changing the storyline so much in the comments, I'm going to be honest I wasn't expecting this to blow up like it did and I kind of regret the decisions I made a few months ago regarding it, but it is what it is. So, with that being said I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Love you bbs!

"Neville the flour!-" I shout frantically as the brown paper bag plummets to the ground, landing on its side, a puff of white smoke exploding into the air. "-is going to fall." I finish with a defeated expression. I glance at the flour that covers the ground completely, the last cup that we needed for the red velvet cake.

"Sorry." He apologizes with his head hung low and his hands holding each their nervously.

"It's alright Neville, we'll just head down to the shop in the village later." Luna assures him, patting his shoulder comfortingly. Suddenly, through the open bay window, my brown and black shaded owl floats in, a white piece of parchment held in her beak. "Oh, hello Estrella." Luna greets, petting the creature that has landed on my forearm. I take the envelope from her and run my finger under the stamp, unsticking the paper, and unfold it.

Dear Y/n,

This week has gone by so fast! I miss you though! Everyone has decided that we don't want to give each other gifts unless you're here so, we are going to wait until we get back to Hogwarts. Harry and Ron can't write to you right now because they are currently being chased around the house by George. I have no idea where Fred is though, probably making plans for their shop in his room. Anyways, I can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Hey y/n, it's Ron. I finally got away from George and his new products. Terrifying to be honest. I may or may not be currently hiding in a closet to write this. Beside the point, I'm excited to give you your gift though. I think you'll like it. I think he's found me so, that's all I can write for now. Talk soon.

Hey, so it's Ginny and I'm the last one writing to you. Believe me, I've tried to get Maddie to write something, but she's too busy running after the boys with George. I think their getting closer though. I mean they are practically never separated here. Rowan and Belle are having a good first experience here, I think. I mean probably better than you'd expect if we're referring to what's normally going on here. I'm miss you! I can't wait for the Yule ball, I still can't believe it has already been a year. Love you.

A grin creeps onto my face as I finish the letter, but it soon drops as I realize I had completely forgotten about the ball and it's in two days.

An hour later, we head down the field and through the forest to a small village, and in the center of it, a bakery sits. Several pastries stand on display in the windows, cookies, pie, cake, cupcakes, cake pops, and a lot more cake. "That looks delicious." I point out a strawberry rhubarb pie, baked into a dark tan shade on the top that oozes with red filling.

"Oh, yes it does." Luna agrees, swinging open the door and entering the bakery. The room's air is dripping with the scent of sweet frosting and fresh fruit fillings. "Hello." She greets, skipping her way to the counter where a man sits, his apron dusted with our desired ingredient.

"Good morning. What can I get for you kids?" He asks, his friendly voice sounding through the small two story building.

"A bag of flour please." The man ventures to the back of the shop where their inventory is held as Luna goes to place the money on the table.

"Luna! Those are galleons!" I quickly whisper, covering her hand full of gold coins so the man doesn't see on his way back.

"Merlin. My bad." She whispers, sliding them back into the pocket of her pastel yellow dress. She pays with the correct amount of muggle currency and we end up in the village square, glancing around at all the other shops. We jump from store to store, exploring all of the muggle products such as clothes, jewelry, and food.

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