Chapter one

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*h/c= hair color. e/c= eye color.  y/n/n= your nickname*

"Y/n, Ginny get up! Breakfast is ready!" Hermione shouts, eagerly tapping on my shoulder. I groan as I slam a pillow on my face in an effort to block the ray of light coming in from the large window to the left of me. I can still hear Ginny's constant snoring as I lay on my blow up mattress beside her closet.

"There's bacon..." Hermione says in a sing-song voice. In under five seconds, Ginny is on her feet and rummaging through her drawers to find clothes, settling on the first pair of sweatpants and shirt she stumbles upon. "Come on, up." Hermione gives me her hand hoisting me up off of the mattress. I reach for my bag, grab a fresh set of clothes, and begin walking to the restroom to change out of my sleep set.

I trudge out of Ginny's room, still half asleep. I'm immediately bombarded with a luring, warm scent coming from down the stairs. I continue stepping on the squeaky floorboards, wondering what Mrs. Weasley cooked up today. I've always loved her cooking, there's nothing better than a home cooked meal of your favorite food.

I continue down the stairs in a black skirt, oversized dark blue sweater, and black high tops. My styled h/c hair looking presentable as it falls down my back. I saunter into the kitchen, catching a wave of the delicious scent  once again, this time stronger. I realize everyone is already sitting at the table aside from Ron.

"What is that delightful smell Mrs. Weasley?" She cracks two dozen eggs into a giant bowl while a few strips of bacon simmer on the stove. She wears an orange, plaid cooking apron that presents her first name in black cursive near the top.

"Oh, good morning dear. It's cinnamon buns, Ron's favorite. Oh and please, call me Molly." With a kind smile she turns back to the bacon, flipping it once again.

I make my way to the long wooden table and take a seat between Harry and Hermione. "Where's Ron?" I ask with furrowed brows.

"He's usually the first one down here when mom makes cinnamon buns." Ginny informs me, causing Harry to glance up at her.

"I don't know, probably just getting washed up." She blushes slightly and looks towards me. I shoot her a subtle grin.

Ron walks down the stairs will heavy feet, obviously half awake. "Where were you Ron?" I question.

"There's cinnamon buns." George mentions with a smirk.

"There's cinnamon buns?!" He asks frantically with wide eyes, completely ignoring my question.

"Yes, and you will get some once you sit down." Molly smiles while carrying two large plates to the table. One with eggs and bacon and one with a pile of warm cinnamon buns, dripping with a sweet, white frosting.

"Would anyone want to play some quidditch in the backyard after breakfast?" I ask.

"That sounds like fun. I haven't played in a while so I might be a bit rusty." Harry replies with a grin. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny all nod their heads. I look to Fred sitting in front of me.

"Sure, we'll play, but be prepared to lose."

I roll my eyes and gently kick his foot under the table. "We'll see about that." I reply. He smirks back at me.

"Y/n, are you planning to eat your other cinnamon bun?" Ron whispers as he eyes the pastry, hoping his mother wouldn't overhear.

"Ronald Weasley! You've had three! Let y/n have hers."

I look back to him and nod my head, slowly sliding it onto his plate.

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