Captain America

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Coulsons daughter unedited

Growing up your dad always talked about amazing Captain America was. How kind he was, how strong he was, everything. Then came the day they doing him. You were 22 when they found Captain America. And you're dad put you in charge of teaching Steve Rogers the modern world. At first it was awkward. Since you knew everything about him and he knew nothing about you. So the first few days was him getting to know you. He was really sweet. He would listen to everything you said and was actually learning how to work the modern world. His favorite was Netflix.

"(Y/N) will you show me how to work the Netflix again?" he blushed and looked at the ground.
"It's just Netflix Steve. Not 'the' Netflix. But yes I'll show you." you take him to the living room of stark tower and show him how to set up the Xbox and turn on Netflix. "There. All set. What do you want to watch?"

"You can pick something. If you want to stay and watch with me." his blush was so cute.

"Well, we can watch a scary movie since it's storming outside and that's the best time to watch scary films." he just nodded so you picked the new doll movie Annabelle. It was suppose to be super scary. You made popcorn and sat next to Steve on the couch. About half way through the movie you were getting so scared you were hiding your face in Steve's chest.

"You okay?" he looked down and asked you. The movie was scary but he was acting like it scare him to impress you. You nod and started watching the movie again.

Both you and Steve fell asleep before the movie was over. You were on his chest and his arms held your waist in place. About an hour later your dad walked in and saw the sight. He immediately went fanboy because his daughter was cuddling with Captain America! He smiled and pulled a blanket over the two of you before running off to tell everyone what was happening.

"You know my dad is going crazy. He will probably think we are dating."

"Well, um, (Y/N) I've been wanted to ask you for a while... um can we go on a real date, because I kinda want to count this as a date."

"Steve! Yeah. Of course." you smiled and kissed his cheek. "Daddy's going to be so excited." You then heard a thud sound and turned around to see your dad, the amazing Agent Phil Coulson, passed out.

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