Dean Winchester

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The French Mistake Part 1(so here's the backstory... Dean and Sam get sent to our world where you are Jensens wife/the actress who plays Dean girlfriend. So when Sam and Dean get here they see you and your all over Dean thinking he's Jensen. Then Jared and Jensen are stuck in Supernatural and things get pretty crazy for poor little Jensen because you can tell the difference between your bad ass hunter boyfriend and a make up caked pretty boy Texan actor. (Lol just pointing some fun at at Jensen) This will be a two parter! Sorry for the long back story here's the real story.)

"Sammy we have to get out of here." Dean groaned. He hated this placed. "I know Dean. I want to go home as much as..."
"Babe!" Sam was cut off by a voice both boys knew well. "(Y/N)?" Dean whispered not believing it. Was it really you his girlfriend or some actress? "I've been looking for you. And Jared, Gen said to call her." you said leaning up to kiss who you thought was your husband. "Yeah. I'll get on that but we have to go study our lines really quick. So see you later." Sam lied and pulled Dean away from you.
The boys found his, well Jared's trailer, and went inside. Sam opened his laptop and did what he did best. Research. "So I'm something called a Jared Padalecki and I'm married to fake Ruby whose name is Gen. And you're Jensen Ackles and that was your wife (Y/N)." "She named her character after herself. She would do that." Dean laughed thinking of you back home.
What were you doing? Did you wake up to find his side of the bed empty? Were you worried? Did you have Cas searching for him? His thoughts were broken when Sam spoke again. "I think I found a way to get back. But we have to wait for the full moon. So we have to stay a night since the moon is tomorrow." "Got it." Dean nodded before thinking, "That means you have to go be a husband to fake Ruby and I get to be married to (Y/N)." That made him smile. Dean really did love you.
After the research session Sam and Dean went in search of a way to get to their new homes. Luckily they again found you this time with Gen by your side. "I told you to call. But since I love you I'll let it slide." Gen said and kissed Jared's cheek before leading him away with a quick goodbye.
"Ready to go home?" you ask. "Yep. But do you mind driving? We did some crazy stunts and my back hurts." Dean had no idea where you lived so he couldn't drive you. "Sure baby. When we get home do want me to run you a hot bath and give you a back rub?" you ask as walk up to a big black pick up truck. Dean opened the door for you like he always did. After the short drive you stop at the big two story house. 'Holy shit I live here?' Dean thought.
"Jensen? You okay babe?" you ask. "What? Oh yeah. Just my back. Can't wait for that bath. You gonna join me?" it wouldn't be cheating. Technically he was Jensen since Jensen played him on the show and it wouldn't be him cheating on his (Y/N) because you played her. And if his suspicions were right Jared and Jensen were now knee deep in monsters and demons back at the bunker which meant his (Y/N) and Jensen were in the same room together. "Of course I will. Let's go." you took his hand and led him up the stairs to your master bathroom running a hot bath. "We haven't had a bath together in a long time." you smile and turn off the water. "No we haven't. We should change that."
Dean smirked and put his hands under the short summer dress you were wearing pulling off you leaving you in nothing out your matching black bra and panties. You in turn unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants pulling them down letting him kick them off. You pull off his shirt and once it was off he kissed you. The small remainder of clothes you wore found their way to the floor and you and Dean got into the steamy bath.
While sitting in that bath with your body pressed against his Dean could only wonder what was happening back at the bunker.........

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