Chapter 5: The Alexandrite Winglet

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That night, Lily dreamt about many things and one of them had the memory of her and Nighthowler laughing at Clay chasing a chicken around the school. Lily captured the look on Clay's face perfectly. "You really did that?" a dragon said, breaking off Lily's thoughts. Lily looked up and saw Moon and Qibli's daughter. 

The NightWing MudWing hybrid had the body of a NightWing but she had a yellow streak of yellow scales. She even had the NightWing teardrop scale. Lily smiled kindly at her but in her mind, she imagined killing her. "Starguider," Lily said, gritting her teeth. "It's SO lovely to see you again..." 

"I would say the same but you keep on imagining yourself killing me in your head," Starguider growled. "Which might I add isn't very role model-like." 

"How many times must I tell you...I don't want to be a role model!" Lily hissed. 

"Hm, usually Mr. Winter would burst out with anger but you seem to fill his shoes," smirked the ANNOYING hybrid. I can't wait 'till lunch, Lily thought. Many dragons -- Copper, Toucan, Firefly, Charming, Isla, and Oceana -- don't understand why she hated her so much. Well, Starguider isn't herself. Whenever she's around other dragons, she's the kind, sweet, hilarious dragon that everyone knew and love. But when she was around Lily, she was cold, dark, annoying, and mean. And Lily didn't know why. 

"Can't you leave me alone, Starguider?" Lily wondered, bowing her head. 

"Fine...but remember, I can read minds," smirked Starguider. Lily shivered and did her best not to dream about anything that will reveal her secret. 

The next morning, Lily heard the bell ring. She jumped out of bed and raced down the halls, every dragon stared at her strangely but ignored her. The second bell rang. Moons! Father and Mother would be so disappointed if I was late, Lily groaned. Moments before the third bell rang, Lily skirrtted into the room. 

Suddenly, all eyes were on her. But the only eyes that Lily focused on were Nighthowlers. His black eyes never left hers and he had his gorgeous smile on. Lily smiled back. After she sat down, that's when Lily started to notice everyone in her class. And strange enough...most of them were hyrbids. Well, except an IceWing, Isla, and Nighthowler. Lily saw Copper, Starguider, Firefly, Toucan, and Bear. The only dragon that she didn't recognize was the IceWing, but he looked really familiar. 

"Princess Lily," Webs said, checking off his list. "Please introduce yourself." 

"Um, my name is Lily...most of you know me already," Lily started. "I am a SeaWing-RainWing hybrid and my parents are Turtle and Kinkajou. I lived in the rainforest my whole life-"

"HI! My name is Toucan!" Toucan said, cutting Lily off. Lily bit her tongue so she would growl or snap at him. "I'm Lily's sister-"

"That makes me wonder..." the IceWing said. "How come you two are in the same Winglet. In fact, why are you guys -- dragons who know each other -- doing here? In THIS Winglet?"  he wondered. 

"Chill out...Frostbite?" Starguider paused. Then her eyes widened and so did Frostbite. "Oh my mooons! It's been forever since I seen you!" Starguider beamed. They hugged and Lily rolled her eyes so she wouldn't gag. "Did you get my joke?" she grinned. 

"Yes. You are exactly like your father, happy now?" Frostbite said, rolling his eyes. 

"Hmm, still as cold as ice, aren't you Frosty," Starguider smirked. Frostbite scoffed but Lily could see right through his act. 

"Can I say-"

"I think we are all here because we are, well, more important than the other dragonets here," Firefly said, cutting me off. Her star scales turned red and she rolled her eyes. Lily could spot the same teardrop scales that both Nighthowler and Starguider had. What was her power? She looks like she's having trouble with something. 

"Or maybe it's because you're important and your mother and father wanted you to hang around dragons that you know," Copper hissed. His brown eyes seemed REALLY angry. "Only princess and princes get the special treatment. What about us normal dragons?" 

"Can I please-"

"Copper, you of all dragons should know that we aren't normal dragons!" Bear said, trying to calm the tension between Firefly and Copper. Even if they aren't together anymore -- like the ever where, but they hanged around each other -- Lily still shipped them. "We are know as the product of a love that never should happened," Bear huffed. "Which I find totally ridiculous!" 

"You find everything ridcuolous, Bear," Copper growled. 

"Um, guys-" Nighthowler peeped, but everyone was arguing so loud that no one heard him. 

"The point is, I think the reason why we're here is because we are more privliaged-" 

"CAN EVERYONE JUST LISTENED TO MY INTRODUCTION BEFORE THEY START ANOTHER WAR?!!" Lily screeched. Everyone looked at her, some looked at her confused, others angry, others amused, and sometimes a mix of all three. "I GREW UP IN THE RAINFOREST AND I LIKE THE COLOR YELLOW! NOW YOU CAN START YOUR FOOLISH ARGUMENT!" Lily screamed. 

"Thank you...Lily," Webs whispered, shaking his head. "Takes after her aunt," he muttered. 

"MR. WEBS I HEARD THAT!" Lily yelled. 

"Lily...calm down...okay?" Webs said. Lily rolled her eyes but nodded. "The reason why you are all here is well...because you are all known as the reject club. A lot of the parents here don't want hybrids near their dragonets. So, they took all the hybrids that they knew and placed them in their own Winglet...The Alexzandrite Winglet," Webs informed. 

We were all quiet. Nobody wanted to be near us? 

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