Chapter 2: Firefly And Copper

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Firefly's POV

Walking through the dusty halls filled Firefly with regret. Why didn't I stay in the Rainforest like Charming?! I HAD to prove something didn't I? Grunting to herself, Firefly walked into the Prey Center. The lively cave was full of all types of dragons. IceWings, NightWings, MudWings, SkyWings and a whole bunch of hybrids. Speaking of with shiny copper scales and dark brown underscales walker up to her.

"Well, Well, Didn't think I would see you in a 'small and impure school' or did you change your mind?" Copper growled. Firefly lifted her head proudly and eyed Copper down.

"Well coming from you it sounds like I proved my point," She grinned-and not in the flirting way. "But I guess you won't admit that I was right." Firefly looked him up and down turned around. "Now I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"Then you should know that we are going to be in the same Winglet so you kinda have to see me," Copper said. Firefly turned around.

"We aren't," she growled.

"Oh, but we are," he said, grinning-and not in the good way. "So, you might want spend your free time while it lasts." And with that, the annoying son of Peril and Clay walked away, proudly. Leaving the Rainforest's Princess in shock.

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