Chapter 3: Nighthowler

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Lily walked through the halls of Jade Mountain Academy, wondering where she was going. Okay the library is next to some other caves, so where are the caves, Lily thought. Why is it so hard to find a library! Maybe... Looking back and forth, Lily checked to see if she was by herself.

When the coast was clear, Lily picked up a stick and pressed it to her snout. "I enchant this stick to find me the place I wish," she whispered.

"Take me to the library please," she whispered again. Please. Just like dad, she thought, laughing to herself. The stick shook rapidly and flew out of her talons. The stick zoomed behind her and at a rapid speed. Lily had to run to keep up.

When skidded side ways and continued to run. Why is it so hard to run! Can't was go a little slower? Lily shook her head and passed a bunch of dragons. "Look out RUNAWAY STICK!" screamed a dragon.

Lily looked at the dragon that yelled it and it was none other than Toucan. Ugh, brothers, she rolled her eyes. Finally, after a LONG time of running, Lily finally made it.

Panting, Lily limped into the library. Standing behind a stone rock was Starflight. His eyes were still covered in leaves and paste. Aw, poor dragon. Maybe I can help him, Lily thought. The first thing that came to mind was her mom saying, 'Lily you have such a big heart.'

"Mr...Star... flight?" She panted. " Can...I card?" Lily wheezed.

"Hello, may I ask what your name is?" Starflight asked.

"L-Lily. Princess Lily," she declared, still panting.

"Hm," Starflight murmured. He searched his desk until he finally picked up a wooden card. "Enjoy-"

"Hey, father," called male dragon. "Where do you want the tine travel scroll to be put?" The dragon that walked towards Starflight had black scales and a grey underbelly. His black eyes landed on her body and he went wide eyed.

"Nighthowler, this is Lily, Lily this is Nighthowler," Starflight introduced.

"Hi," Nighthowler said.

"Hi." Lily had a loss for words. This NightWing was extremely handsome.

Out of the corner of Lily's eye she saw Starflight grin. Obviously he knew, by the sound of her voice that Lily liked Nighthowler. And if the blind dragon knows the so does everyone else.

"Hey, I just got a crazy idea!" Starflight grinned. "What if you two dragonents go around Jade Mountain for a bit."

"Sure, I guess I can show Lily around," Nighthowler agreed. "Do you wanna come?"

"Sure." And the two dragons walked out the library and headed towards the Prey Center.

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