Chapter 4: The Tour

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Lily's POV

Walking down the hallway awkwardly to go to the Prey Center was Lily and Nighthowler. Lily still couldn't believe that Nighthowler's dad sent them to go explore the mountain. Why would he do it? Shouldn't he be a little worried that I like him, Lily thought. It would only make sense, but then again, nothing makes sense in Pyrhhia.  

Nighthowler was looking everywhere except at her. Lily guessed that Nighthowler didn't find that attractive. Maybe she should talk to him. "Sooo," Lily started, "what's it like to be Starflight's son?" 

"Well...there's a lot of pressure to be the best in classes," Nighthowler said. Lily nodded, her wingtips started to turn blue. 

"I know how that feels," she muttered. 

"Really?" Nighthowler asked, stopping in his tracks. The young hybrid nodded sadly. "How so?" he questioned. 

"Every time I walk out my hut, everyone is always praising me because I'm the daughter of the dragons who helped stop Darkstalker," Lily sighed. Nighthowler looked at her sympathetically and he placed his wing around her. 

"Hey, you know a trick that I learned?" Nighthowler wondered. 

"No," Lily said. 

"All you have to do is pretend they're not there," Nighthowler smiled. 

Lily chuckled and started to walk, "I think I already know that trick." Nighthowler started to laugh too. This was nice. Nighthowler continued to walk to the Prey Center when he suddenly stopped. Lily stopped too and turned around. 

"Want to do something fun?" Nighthowler asked. 

"I LOVE to do fun stuff," Lily exclaimed. 

"Good," Nighthowler grinned. Nighthowler dragged Lily into the Prey Center he caught a chicken and then ran to the art cave. There, Nighthowler took a long piece of string and tied the string around the dead chicken. 

The two trouble makers ran into Clay's sleeping cave and placed the chicken in the middle of the room. The two dragons snickered and waited for Clay to come walking into the cave. When he did, Clay looked at the ground hungrily. 

"Chicken," Clay growled. "What are you doing there? Laying there? Teasing me? You will NOT win this time," Clay hissed.  Lily and Nighthowler snickered. "But sadly, I can't eat you," Clay sighed. "I have to look fit for my date with Peril..." he grinned. "But, one bite couldn't hurt anyone," Clay smiled. 

Nighthowler winked at Lily and pulled the string. Just as Clay was going to bite the chicken, it was pulled to the entrance. "Oh no, you don't!" Clay yelled. He chased the chicken all the way down the hallway screaming, "I WILL EAT YOU SO DON'T EVEN TRY TO RUN YOU DEAD CHICKEN!!!" The whole time, Nighthowler and Lily were laughing their heads off. 

"Watch this," Lily whispered. Lily leaned down and whispered to the string. "I enchant this string to pull the chicken around the school until someone breaks it," Lily whispered. Lily faced Nighthowler and took the string out of his talons. Then she let it go. 

As fast as lightning, it started to pull the chicken through all the caves and hallways. Nighthowler seemed to enjoy the funny little act since he was laughing so hard he could almost die. Lily did the same. Watching Clay run around the school and yelling at a dead chicken was just! 

Finally, the string was burnt off, and standing in front of Clay was Peril. She had her eye ridge raised. Peril tapped her talon on the ground and faked coughed. Clay raised his head and smiled sweetly at Peril. 

"Clay, were you chasing dead chickens again?" Peril asked. 

"Again," Lily whispered loudly. She may be her father's daughter, but Lily didn't get the spying gift from her dad. 

"Shush!" Nighthowler hushed, placing his talon over his snout. 

"Yes," Clay said, ashamed. "It just looked so delicious that I HAD to eat it." Peril looked down at the chicken and then at Clay. Peril cut the chicken in half, she gave one half to Clay and the other to herself. 

"Eat up Clay," Peril smiled. 

"You're the best!" Clay beamed. Peril chuckled and shook her head. Nighthowler pulled Lily to the Prey Center, laughing. 

"Now, you can't tell me that, that wasn't fun," he laughed. 

"That would be impossible!" Lily chuckled. She was laughing so hard that she accidentally brushed her wing against his. She blushed and pulled away and Nighthowler did the same. 

Once things calmed down, Nighthowler looked at Lily curiously. "Hey, can I ask a question?" he asked. Lily nodded. "How did you make the string move?" Nighthowler wondered. 

It was in that moment, Lily knew that she messed up. How could I be that stupid, she thought. I can't believe that I showed Nighthowler that I was an animus! Lily had to think of something to say. She couldn't just be cold to him and tell Nighthowler that it was none of his business. Maybe I can say something cheesy...

"None of your bees-wax," Lily said, playing around. 

"Oh," Nighthowler said. "Sorry," he lowered his head. Did I mention that he had little teardrop scales next to his eyes? 

"It was a magic trick," Lily lied. She couldn't hurt his feelings. Nighthowler smiled at Lily and walked her to the fruit stand. "Ooo, can I have fish?" Lily asked. 

"Sure," Nighthowler said. But as he was walking to get the fish, he tripped and he fell on top of Lily. They tumbled to the floor, all the dragons in the Center either grinned and or laughed. "Sorry," he muttered. 

"It's fine," she murmured. Nighthowler stood up and gave Lily his talon. She took it and stood up. Lily put her tail in her talons. "Well, I'm going to go to my room," Lily said. Nighthowler nodded and watched her leave.  

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