Chapter 1: Lily's arrival

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Staring at the large school in terror, Princess Lily of the SeaWings and RainWings stood tall. Standing next to her was her father, Prince Turtle of the SeaWings, and her mother, Queen Glory's royal adviser, Kinkajou. Turtle placed his wing around Lily and pulled her close to him, tears threatening to fall. "I love you," Turtle said, smiling down at Lily. The young hybrid started to shed a few tears and hugged her father like it was last time she will ever see him. 

"And I love you too," Lily whispered. Even though most dragons say it's weird to be really close to your father, Lily thought it was normal. I mean, they shared a A LOT in common. Lily LOVES to write and read stories and she HATES exercising. But just like her Aunt Tsunami, Lily can be a little rude-at least that's what her brother Toucan says. 

"Toucan, make sure your sister is safe," Kinkajou said to Toucan. The young male hybrid nodded grimly and looked at his sister. His body looked more RainWing just like Lily's but his SeaWing traits showed much more than Lily, like his illuminated scales on his talons and snout. Lily only had the ability to see underwater and change her scales according to her emotions. Red and orange radiated along her body. 

"I can take care of myself," Lily growled. Toucan rolled his eyes and nodded happily at Kinkajou. "I love you guys," Lily sighed. Turtle and Kinkajou gave Toucan and Lily a hug. Once they broke apart, Kinkajou squealed happily. 

"Is that Moon and Qibli?!" Kinkajou screamed. Turtle jumped backwards at the tone of her voice but looked at the direction Kinkajou was looking at. "Turtle we should go say hi!" As the two dragons went to say hi to their friends, Lily and Toucan walked into the Academy. 

This is it, Lily thought. Remember don't tell anyone your secret. Even if they are close friends. Lily walked towards a NightWing with purple scales. "Hello! My name is Fatespeaker! What's your name?"  

"My name is Lily-"

"And MY name is Toucan!" Toucan interrupted. 

"Toucan! Can't I just talk for like two minutes?" Lily growled. Toucan closed his mouth. "Thank you. We are Turtle and Kinkajou's dragonets."

"Ah, okay, Lily this is your Winglet, Sleeping cave, and you can get your library card from Starflight," Fatespeaker smiled. "Which reminds me, here is your map for the school." Fatespeaker handed Lily the map, sleeping cave number, and Winglet group. 


"Do you have mine?" Toucan asked, interrupting again. 

"TOUCAN!" Lily shouted. A few dragons looked in their direction. 

"What? You said to be quiet for two minutes and it's been three minutes!" Toucan laughed. Lily rolled her eyes and walked away. "Okay bye!" As Lily walked, she went to Cave 7. As she walked, she saw many dragons. 

One dragon that she recognized was Copper. Peril and Clay's dragonet and Lily's old crush. Copper has bronze colored scales and warm brown eyes. His body shape was more SkyWing than MudWing but if you look really closely you could see the MudWing traits. Lily sighed happily and walked over to him. 

"Copper!" Lily called. Copper's head lifted up and he looked around. "Copper! Over here!" Copper faced Lily and smiled. 

"Lily!" he said, running toward her. "How are you?" 

"I'm good! You? Did you and Bear get accepted?" Lily asked. 

"No. We just secretly snuck into the academy to learn because our parents forbid learning about peace," Copper said, being his sarcastic self. Lily laughed and hugged Copper. 

"I see you are still your sarcastic self," Lily laughed. Copper laughed along and bumped his wing against her's. "How's Bear?" 

"She's good." 

"Well, I'm going to go to the library and get my library card," Lily sighed. Copper smiled and went into his sleeping cave. Lily turned around and looked at her map, the library was the next hallway and the right. 

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