Chapter 10 : The Newbie

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"Look, Carlisle. I know you're still upset about what happened that night, and all I could do for now is apologize. I'm really sorry for hurting you. I wasn't myself and I put in on you. I'm so sorry," Anovi explained without even pausing while holding Carlisle's hands.

"Yeah, I get it. It's alright. I was kinda pushy and I'm sorry, too," Carlisle apologized as she flushed a smile.

"Thank you for understanding."

"Maybe I'm just not comfortable of someone hurting you," she added.

"I really appreciate that. But there's no need worry. It's all healed up, see?" Anovi laughed as he showed her arm to Carlisle. But still, it has a little scar.


Weeks had passed and the girls have already moved on from what had happened during the party. Everything went back to normal after that incident.

"Oh, my God! Did you guys hear about the new girl?" Norsha approached the two girls who were walking to their first classes.

"What new girl?" Anovi asked when she knew that Norsha, being herself as the gossiper, always has something to report for the day. Like every single day.

"She was really mysterious and I heard she has connections here," Norsha replied.

"What connections?" Carlisle questioned.

"I don't know yet. But someone said she's already a Luna. Can you imagine that?" Norsha fake fanned.

"Well, maybe she's the only girl in their pack, that is why," Carlisle added.

"I don't know, ladies. But this girl, she sure got some jams," Norsha stated as she pointed Carlisle and Anovi with her newly manicured nails.

"I really wonder why are we twins? We don't even have a common trait," Liha butted in, cringing to her twin sister's actions as she plugged her earphones.

"Oh no, sis. I know deep inside that you like it. Imagine if we have the same personality, it's so boring. We couldn't even make friends with that, considering your antisocial ass."

"Well, at least my ass looks better than yours," Liha retaliated.

"Ooooh! Burn!" Carlisle and Anovi said in unison, followed by a fist bump.

"Hey, that's out of the line! You know that I'm working on my squats!" Norsha huffed. The girls just then laughed it off and continue their ways.

"So, what are we going to do for lunch?" Anovi asked. "Oh, I'm definitely winning the burger-eating contest today," Carlisle cheered as she smirked to them.

Yes, you heard it right. The burger-eating contest. These girls made their own event in which they will have a match of eating burgers. The one who eats the most in 5 minutes will win. Yeah, they surely just gave 5 minutes so that they could afford  to buy at least 5 burgers only. In short, they don't have much to spend. But due to their discovery that all four of them adores the delicious taste of burger that their cafeteria is selling, then no time to waste.

"I am still the undefeated queen," Norsha said in a poker face. That's right she won the last time. And by last time, I mean their first time of having the contest. They just started it last week.

"How can you call yourself the undefeated queen when we only had one contest done?" Liha asked, questioning her twin's logic again.

"That's supposed to be a joke. Sad, that you can't take any." Norsha replied and stuck her tongue out.

"Here they go again." Anovi heaved a deep sigh.

"Your reign will be over, Norsh. Just wait till lunch time." Carlisle threatened in a playful tone of voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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