Chapter 8 : Which One

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"Please, get me out of here."

Norsha panicked. She doesn't know what to do. Carlisle's eyes were glowing as it shows its natural colors that even the contact lenses she's wearing could not suppress.

The sudden rage she was feeling after Anovi attacked her got into her system. She was getting wild. Her breath was shaking and her fist were crumpled into a ball, turning her knuckles white.

"Norsha, get me out of here," Carlisle once again said in a whisper. Her heart was beating rapidly that was out of control. The next thing she knew, she fell.


Carlisle woke up with another migraine again. She hisses in pain and questions her body of why she always feel migraines all over and over.

She scanned the room and noticed that she wasn't in their dorm. Carlisle sat back when she felt a presence approaching. To her surprise, she saw...

"Oh, hi. You're awake. You've been unconscious for a day after the party," the alpha said when he saw that Carlisle was up.

"How did I get here? What happened, Brent?" She asked the alpha, holding her head in place to manage the pain.

Yes, it was Brent. She was kinda disappointed that it wasn't her mate.

"You kinda lose consiousness from the party after Anovi pushed you. Norsha didn't know what to do. Luckily, I saw you right after you fell and offered to take you with me," Brent explained. Carlisle could just flush him a smile indicating that she was thankful for what he did.

"Am I in your place?" Brent only responded with a hesitant nod as he put down the tray with food on the nightstand beside the bed.

Carlisle heaved a sigh and had her head hung low. There she noticed saw she wasn't wearing the outfit she wore during the party. But instead, a comfy shirt and pajamas.

"What the fuck! Did you undressed m-"

Before she could even finish the last syllable of her sentence, Brent cut her off when he saw the shocked expression on Carlisle's face.

"Nope, Norsha did. She was just here a few minutes ago to check on you," Brent answered making Carlisle sigh in relief. Just the thought of an alpha seeing her naked body which is obviously not his mate scares her to death.

But the fact that Brent did not take advantage of her while she's in his room sleeping for the  whole 24 hours, kind of earned her trust. Brent can indeed learn to control himself.

"Anyway, thank you for your help, Brent. But I need to go back to my dorm," Carlisle retaliated and pushed herself to hop off the bed, which she failed to do so.

"Yeah, maybe not now considering your situation. Just rest here for a bit, then you can go," Brent said, putting Carlisle's feet back on the bed.

"Okay, then. Thanks for preparing a meal, too. God, I'm starving," she commented, eying the food prepared on the bedside table.

"Don't mention it. Just dig in," Brent giggled as he urged the omega to eat.

Carlisle grabbed a spoonful of mushroom soup and carefully slurped it as it was hot.

"Wow, you're an amazing cook," Carlisle complimented as multiple spoonfuls entered her mouth. "I'm glad you like it but be careful, it's hot."

Yet Carlisle didn't listen. She was beyond starving to even slow down. Unknowingly, she cupped the bowl and tried to slurp the soup in one go without blowing. It resulted to burn her tongue and winced in pain as she screamed "ow".

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