⚠️This is Halloween⚠️ (Gonkillu)

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A/N: Inspired by teenage hormones, a song about wasting money on strip clubs, and art.

To be fair, Gon never wanted to come here in the first place. However, the subtle want of escaping this dreadful establishment immediately went away with his breath when he walked in.


"It's been literal years. Why are you resisting going to a damn strip club so much? What could possibly happen?"

Gon narrows his eyes. "You kidding me? I'm going to have to be the designated driver for your sorry asses and then get home at 5 am. No way."

Still, Leorio doesn't budge. "Gon! Come on buddy! Who else am I going to bring?"

"I never said you were going to bring anyone."

Leorio hums.

"You are going to flirt with that blonde server all night like last time and take her home while both of you are drunk off your asses. By the way," Gon brings his attention to the fence he currently resided behind and brought a lighter to his cigarette. "Isn't she like three years younger than you?—"

"It's he and age never stopped anyone. Also, I thought you quit?"

"No one really quits." With a huff, Gon turns on his heel and walks around the balcony with squinted eyes. Before sighing in defeat, he looks back at Leorio once more and gives in. "Look, I'll take you but you are not downing more than 3 drinks. And no taking hookers home, got it?"

"Oh, Gon! I knew I could trust you!"

"Sure. Anytime..."


That brief discussion only led to him finally giving into Leorio's sexual desires. Gon thought he'd listen to him but here they were, ten minutes into partying amd Leorio had already deserted him plus was onto harassing that blonde waiter with 5 shots in his system.

The heavy scent of liquor and tobacco infested Gon's nose which was sensitive enough as is. Not to mention the smell of sweat was high in the atmosphere. The club was packed, filled with dozens of men ranging from ages 21-50. The dancers, while stunning, weren't quite Gon's type. Mostly because the majority were young females. However, to see a handful of male workers behind counters in tight suits made his heart flutter.

However, he never expected to see one on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Let's welcome the club's favorite gem!" Cheers ensued the club though what set Gon off was the amount of men that were actually leaving. He supposes only a selected audience liked this newcomers presence. Two seconds later when he's staring the gem in the eye, he realizes why. "Give it up for our Angel, Kitten. See what we did there—"

"Enough, get off! We can't see."

To be frank, Kitten was... a sight. Not because of her ridiculous get up but more so because she was, in fact, not a her. She is a he. Kitten is a male stripper egging on the club with his fluid, smooth movements. Judging by the money thrown at him from every direction, he was a local favorite. Gon wouldn't say Leorio wasn't the biggest fan though, if him making out with their waiter in the corner of the bar had anything to say about it.

The thing about Kitten was he really stuck to his role. Even hissed at a couple of costumers that were being inappropriate or something of the sort. Gon supposes he must've been staring for too long from his spot at a table in the back because not much later, he's lifting a finger and motioning for him to come closer.

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