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*Cassidy Scott (Catrina's Mom)'s Point of View a Few Days Prior*

Dean came back to us in rags. His jeans were bloody and ripped, his hair was greasy, his face was tired, and scared. He showed up with his father at the police station. He walked in and called my name, I perked up and looked over to see my precious son. It took me a minute to absorb what was happening, but before I knew it I was running towards him and practically running him over with a hug. I peppered his face with kisses and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and we all started to cry. Mike, Dean, and I stood in a group hug until Gordon broke us apart.

"We need to talk." Gordon said, pulling Dean away from me. I asked to come with Dean too. Gordon walked us all into his office. Dean sat down exhausted in a cushioned chair. He started talking, slowly and slurred. He was so tired. His eyes were sunken in and he looked older. He looked wiser.

"He took me from Grandma's apartment, and he stuffed me in the back of a van." He started. "He had stabbed me with a needle before he took me, I was only aware of my surroundings. But I couldn't move anything, and I couldn't speak." He paused, "He drove for a while, and before he took me out of the van he blindfolded me. Then I was zip tied to a chair, and I sat there for a long time."

"What did he do to you?" Gordon asked, leaning forward on his desk.

"He talked to me a lot, he was always halfway in between madness, and total depression. He told me that Harley Quinn was making him do the crimes that he had committed." He said. Gordon was recording the entire sitting, he listened intently and asked few questions. Dean described his horrible encounters with Harley and Joker. But mostly, he was alone.

"How long was he gone during the day?" Gordon asked.

"Nine, maybe ten hours a day?" Dean responded, Gordon nodded.

"He's a student." Gordon concluded.

"How can you be sure? He might have a job." Mike concluded.

"I can't be sure, but the school would be a start." Gordon said, turning off the recorder.

"We'll start with the private schools and we'll go to Gotham High after that." Gordon concluded. "Mike, I want you to make a list of questions that we need answers to, I'll have a personality analyzer come in and assess the kids." Mike nodded and we all left Gordons office. Dean was quiet the whole way home, once we arrived I started to prepare dinner while Dean went to shower. Mike sat at the counter and snatched a few bites of food here and there.

"Do you think Catrina will be okay?" I asked, Mike nodded.

"I'm sure of it. She has a strong mind, she'll make it out okay." I could hear the lie as it escaped his lips. He was terrified for her safety. So was I. She was our baby girl, and Dean, our baby boy.

"Mike." I said sternly.

"I put a tracker in the mic, if anything happens... We can track her." Mike said, his voice still weary. "Don't worry, I have guys posted at every exit." He reached over the cutting board and resting his hand on mine. I sighed and started chopping again. I was nervous for my daughter. She was in the reaches of that clown. That hideous clown.

*Dean's Point of View, Present Day*

And she's gone, gone, gone. Taken by the one and only Joker, what a fucking surprise. I mean really? Did you not see this coming Dad? You literally traded up. Joker even told me that it was his plan to get my sister through me. I had no way of telling anyone this information at the time that it was given to me. There was no use now, because I knew it was going to happen regardless. We were eating dinner when my Dad got a call from the station that Catrina was gone. He asked what had happened to the snipers and apparently they were paid off, and if they were true police officers that refused, they were found at their post with no throat.

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