The Batman

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The thing that Joker put in me was a poison of some kind. I knew only that much. The Batman jumped off the ferris wheel and landed on the wood below the chairs. He put me down on my feet and I fell to my butt. He fended off some of the Jokers men and then Harley. She was ruthless, she beat him and smashed him with her hammer, it seemed impossible that the Bat kept getting up again. Even though I was released from my bonds, I couldn't move. I felt arms come around my waist and drag me away from the commotion, I didn't have the power to move, or to speak. I watched the Bat get beaten, and retreat. Harley Quinn was too much for him at the moment. I watched from the shadows, his mobile hover twenty feet from the ground looking for something. Me? It soared off moments later, and I heard voices approaching me.

"Let's get outta here, I don't want Batsy coming back any time soon while we're around." Harley said as three men surrounded me and picked me up. They carried me to a white non-descript van and placed me in the back. We drove for a while and I was blindfolded before I was taken out of the car. The men laid me down on a cold floor and unblindfolded me. It was dark, and it smelled like motor oil. Joker and Harley were no where to be seen, but I could hear them. And all their screams of pain, and joy. Lust much? A guy started talking to me and asked if I was comfortable, I tried to speak, but I still couldn't move. I tried to speak with him, through my eyes but failed. He went and got me a pillow and a blanket and tried to make me feel at home. How in the hell was a cement floor supposed to feel like home? He sat next to me and started telling me about my brother.

"He, he was nice. I knew him too, but he didn't know me." He started out. "He was pitiful, he would cry for you and your parents, he would scream sometimes when Joker came and visited him. I don't know what Joker did, but he always came back with a little blood on his hands. You know that he's not really scared with a smile on his face? It's just a bunch of make-up? I watched him put it on in the elevator when we crashed that fancy party." He said, I looked at him, coaxing him to tell me more. But he fell silent. He sighed and pulled out his game boy and stopped talking to me.


What seemed like hours later, I was finally able to move my limbs and I was able to speak. Before I could speak again, I was gagged. Before I could move, I was zip tied to a chair in an upright position. The room was still dark, and dank. A door opened and Joker entered, he was dressed in a vest and a dress shirt. He was tying his tie when he came down the two steps into the room I was in. His white face and red lips looked more gruesome now than they did before. Some of the make-up had rubbed off from Harleys lips I'm guessing, but it still hid who he truly was. But there was no hiding the fact that he was a monster.

"Is she awake?" Joker asked the guy that had fallen asleep, watching me sit in the chair. He woke up and looked at me, looked at Joker and nodded. Joker looked at me then, I saw his blue eyes that looked sane at the moment. His blue eyes came closer to me until they were staring inches in from my own. "You, my dear. Are worth..." He paused looking me over. I glared at him, with all the hatred I could. "Millions." He breathed as he stood up tall, reached into his pocket and pulled out his switch blade. "I have been trying to get you for a while now." He pulled up a chair and sat on it backwards. "I always thought you were beautiful." He scooted closer with his chair. I was becoming creeped out. "But now, now that you're here..." He trailed off, he rested his head on his hands and stared at me for a while. His blue eyes were changing, they held a kind of fire that was true, that was kind. But they changed with a blink to something more horrible, harsh, and evil. With vile thoughts and bad intentions. "Don't scream when I take off your gag." He said, his voice soft. He reached out with his knife and slipped it under the cloth and sawed the cloth off.

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