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During the time Bruce was absent. I got to know a new person at school. He and I became good friends over the three weeks Bruce was in Switzerland. Little did I know that he was being paid to become my friend, and keep me safe. He did come in handy a couple of times and I must thank Bruce for employing him. But having someone protect you under another ones commands sends warning bells ringing in my mind. Though Hal, became an amazing friend of mine. I feel betrayed, because he didn't tell me he was hired. Though I see why he didn't tell me, I feel doublecrossed. I'm not sure if I can trust him as I did prior to acquiring this information. Maybe it's just my naive way, but I feel like I should try and trust him again. I should trust him because he seemed genuine during the time of his employment. He was carefree and lighthearted, he gave me hope when my father's departure from home was final.

"Catrina?" Was his first question to me on that Monday morning. I looked up and greeted his bright, happy eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern lining his features. I smiled fakely. No I wasn't okay. I was hurting. I felt alone.

"Yeah, I'm all right." I lied, he shook his head.

"Okay, just checking. You looked like you were about to burst into tears. " I laughed mechanically. He knew I was faking. "If you want to talk about anything... " He trailed off I nodded and thanked him. As I walked away I felt piercing eyes in the back of my head. I glanced over my shoulder and shot a hard stare. You're not going to get any satisfaction out of seeing my pain, Bruce. I walked confidently to my next hour class. I knew he was following a safe distance behind me.


"Catrina." He whispered across the lab table, "can we talk sometime after class?" He asked, I slowly shook my head. We were in the middle of taking a Biology test. "Please?" He begged.

"Why would you need, or even want to talk to me after 'what you saw'?" I spat, "I wanted to apologize to you, but no." I paused, glancing at the teacher who thankfully wasn't paying any attention. "You wouldn't have it no matter how hard I tried to talk to you." I hissed, he glared at me, his eyes filled with anger. Only because I was right, and he was wrong.

"Fine." He said a little too loudly. 

"Bruce!" Scolded the teacher, Bruce looked over and then left his seat when beckoned over. Ha! He was going to get some heat about this. I focused on my test but my mind wandered. Did he want me back? What made him change his mind so quickly? Was a week enough for him to, regret, or rethink, or go back on his decision? What did he want? Bruce returned with a brand new test. I laughed in my mind, serves him right. I finished my test in a rush to get it done, and so that I could ponder. I handed my papers to the teacher and sat back down. I stared ahead of me, at Bruce who was hard at work on his fresh test.

We were in my house, the television noise crackled in the background. But we didn't hear any of it. He had me pinned down on the couch. Our fingers entwined and our hearts racing. Our lips parted and I gasped for air, his face was red and he breathed in again before attacking my neck. His hands moved away from mine and grabbed my waist. His fingers left small imprints in my skin making me quiver. He only had to do so much to make me want more. My hands grabbed his face and pulled his head towards me. His right hand slipped below my pants, and past my undies. I moaned, as he started caressing me. I felt him smile as he kissed me harder and plunged his hand deeper within my clothing. My hips came off the couch, and I kissed him feverishly. My heart pounded louder than a bass drum, I could feel it thumping against my chest. There were no thoughts. There was no outside noise it was just Bruce and I in the world. I heard a door slam and he yanked himself off of me. We both sat bolt upright on the couch and fixed our appearances. Both of us were red in the face, my Mom only shook her head and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

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