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The school day started out as any other would, after a hectic weekend and a spa Sunday the school week was lined up to be pretty normal. But knowing Gotham, nothing is ever normal. They started construction of a new hospital, and they asked my Mom to work out of our house until she had an office to work from.

My Dad had been around more, Gordan finally agreeing to give him more time off because he was sick of my Mom's calls to the station about his absence at home. The GCPD still aren't any closer to catching the maniac that killed the mayor, robbed several banks now, demolished the hospital, killed 500 + people, is holding three major business executives hostage, and vandalized the amusement park.

Back to the school day. I arrived at school on time, for once, and went inside. Immediately I saw Karen and Jared making out at the end of the lockers by the door, I literally groaned when I walked past. Karen pulled away from Jared and looked at me. At first, not knowing who I was she was pissed, so her expression was nothing less than an angry snake about to bite you in the neck. When she realized it was me, she was still pissed, just a different degree of pissed. She walked away from Jared and fell into step with me.

"Problems?" She asked hotly.

"No, just. You and him. I'm not shipping you guys too hard." I sighed, glancing over my shoulder to make sure Jared wasn't following us.

"Ah, I see. You're jealous." She teased, I felt the tips of my ears turn pink.

"Yes, and no. Because you have a relationship." I paused, "While I'm over here, old, alone, done for." I said gesturing to myself.

"Oh, come, on." Karen nudged me gently, "You know who-" She stopped, "Nevermind."

"What?" I asked, intrigued. She shook her head, closing her lips tight. "What." I pressed, she shook her head again and looked at the ground. We stopped, coming to my locker. "What!" I demanded.

"Nothing, I'm not allowed to say." She said, I gently pushed her.

"Tell me." I begged.

"I cant." She persisted, I gave her a look. You know the, 'I know you're holding something from me, and know that the information may, or may not ruin my life' look. She was stubborn, and didn't give into what I wanted.

"Come on, Karen." I groaned, shoving my backpack into my locker.

"I can't, Jared told me I can't repeat anything he tells me about other people." She claimed, lowering her voice.

"And what is he going to do if you do?"

"I don't know. I don't really wanna find out." She whispered, frightened.

"Is he threatening you?" She shrugged.

"Depends on what you consider 'threatening'." She said, I saw Jared walking down the hallway and nodded in his direction. She turned and waved goodbye, hooking her arm in Jareds and falling into step with him. I gathered my books and headed to the library, it was nearly full. Only God knows why it was, but the only seat that was open was crowded by books and stray papers. I plopped my books down and opened my book, I started reading but was distracted by all the commotion going on around me. I sighed, extremely annoyed with all the talking going on. I noticed the guy down the table, head in his hands, rocking back and forth. I got up and grabbed my books, walking out of the library. I suffered through my classes that morning, that is, until the lock down. Over the P.A. the automated voice repeated.

"Hard lock down, hard lock down. Hard lock down, hard lock down." There was an intruder in the building, shots had been fired. I heard them down the hall. My class sat in silent fear, stock still in silence. I looked around, and decided to take action. I got up from my desk and went to shut off the lights just as the gunman burst into the room knocking me to the floor and shooting all my classmates, I fell to the ground and watched in horror as the masked man sprayed bullets at them. He was dressed in black, his face covered with a red hood. I layed on the floor, with the dead students around me. I slowly got up, my heart pounding in my ears. I didn't dare turn around and see the blood bath behind me. I walked out of the room and peered down the hallway. I saw Red Hood walking down the hallway, nailing anyone who crossed his path. I stepped out into the hallway and turned the opposite direction. I started to run, as fast as I could down the long straight hallway. I heard another gun, a bullet missed me by inches. There was more than one gunman in the building. The screams of my other classmates echoed through the hallways. Someone grabbed my waist and stopped me, they started to drag be backwards. I wanted to scream but didn't get enough sound out for anyone to notice me. The person clamped a hand over my mouth and dragged me into the dark faculty bathroom.

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