Part 3

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When I made it back downstairs and towards the living room I noticed a small box sitting on the coffee table. Another note lay beside it, I picked it up and opened it "A new protection charm, this time a ring. Your mother told me about all the bad nights you've been having. I gave this to her before we left our old house. Told her to give it to you when she felt was the right time. I hope this protects you like your necklace." I sighed another stupid protection jewelry. The necklace one was given to me right after the accident. My parents believe it will help protect me. It's really been doing that. I put the ring on anyways though. It makes my parents happy to see them wearing gifts they've given me. Another day to walk to school. I grabbed my school bag and opens the front door. I locked the door and turned around, a blue jeep was sitting on the end of the driveway. Scott sat in the passenger seat, he waved at me. I walked towards the jeep. "Are you stalking me now?"
He shook his head "Just thought we would give you a ride to school." Scott looked over towards his friend in the drivers seat. "No thanks, you do realize that I haven't told anyone where I live. So for you guys to find that out you had to have stalked me or looked me up in the schools network. Which is probably illegal. So as far as I know I'm walking to school." I turned and started walking towards school. The jeep followed beside me "Oh come on Clara just one day." Scott called out. I shook my head and continued walking. A horn sounded behind us. I turned to look behind me to see a long line of cars waiting. Scott's friend sighed "Shes not gonna get in the car." They both sighed and drove past me. I smiled softly and continued on walking. When I made it to school Lydia meet me outside "What happened to watching lacrosse practice with me?"
"Sorry my mom had texted me and wanted me to help make dinner. I'm actually glad I was there. She cut her hand while getting dinner ready."
Lydia gasped and grabbed my hand "Is she alright?" I nodded my head "We went to the hospital and they stitched her hand up." A girl walked up beside Lydia "Hey Lydia!" Lydia turned towards this person and
greeted her "Oh you have to meet Clara." Lydia turned toward me and pointed at me "Clara this is Allison. I was going to introduce you guys at practice but someone didn't show up." Lydia made a face towards me. Allison laughed "It's okay Clara, Lydia just wanted to show off her boyfriend. Anyways it's nice to meet you. I'm also the new girl, moved in just before you." The bell rang and that was our cue to start school. We all needed up having the same first class. A few hours went by and it was time for lunch. The three of us walked towards our lockers to drop our books off. My locker ended up being a few down from Lydia and Allison. Someone opened a locker beside me and I felt someone standing next to me. I finished putting my books up and closed my locker. Scott stood to my right with his locker open. I turned and looked at my other side Scott's friend. I sighed "Following me again?Definitely a way to make me enjoy your guys company."
Scott smiled "Just wanting to walk with you to lunch." "Well funny enough I'm actually going to the bathroom. Now if you don't mind." I pushed my way past the two of them and towards the bathroom. I could hear footsteps behind me. I turned to see the two of them following me. "You can't follow me into the bathroom."
"Fine we'll wait for you." Scott shrugged. I shook my head. I'm sure they will so I will wait until the bell rings. It was a few minutes before I heard someone yell at them . It must have been the principal. I could hear their steps walking away from the bathroom door. A waited a few more minutes before exiting the bathroom. The hallway was empty, I pulled my phone out to check the time. A few more minutes left before lunch is over. I decided to go ahead and walk back to class, by the time I get there lunch should be over. The bell rang for classes to began again. I waited for Lydia and Allison at my locker before heading to class. When school was over I noticed that I hadn't seen Scott and his friend after the incident during lunch time. I shrugged and made my way out of the school. Before I could even start heading towards home a voice stopped me. I turned to see who it was who called out for me, Lydia. Allison trailing beside her "Lacrosse practice!" She smiled at me and linked arms with me. It was something about Lydia and her energy that made me smile. I didn't hesitate or try or come up with a reason to go home. Instead I spent the next hour and a half sitting on the Ben h watching lacrosse practice and working on homework. Scott and his friend were on the team, it seems as though they hadn't noticed me on the benches. I'm glad of that. My attention was drown back to Lydia and Allison "Are you in?" I looked at Lydia confused "For what?" I asked closing my notebook and shaving it in my bag.
"For a night out this weekend?" Allison answered.
I shook my head "My parents are coming back this weekend. And they are very strict on me staying out late. New town and all so they want me to stay safe. Maybe some other time though?" Lydia sighed but nodded her head. Coach was calling in the team, everyone around us was packing up and getting ready to leave. "Hey guys I'm gonna start heading home before it starts getting dark. And it looks like it may start to rain."
"Do you want a ride home?" Allison asked packing her bags up as well. I shook my head and pulled out my headphones and shook them "Nope, I enjoy walking, gives me time to myself so I can listen to music. Thank you though. I'll text you guys when I make it home. So you know I was safe." I let out a laugh that was followed by Allison and Lydia laughing as well. I said goodbye and started my walk home. Today was alright, it was just something about hanging out Lydia and Allison that made me happy and let me enjoy life. But the moment I left them it felt as though my heart sank. I shook my head and got rid of the thought. I felt a raindrop on my forehead. I wiped it away and looked at the clouds. If I don't start walking faster I'm going to get rained on. But the walk back home is several minutes away. I stopped walking and rubbed my forehead, a headache was forming. Probably because it's about to rain. This headache formed fast, I started to feel light headed and nauseous. I started walking again trying to ignore my headache that was forming into a migraine. I held my hand over my eyes for a second. I heard a honk sound from beside me, before I even had time to process what had happened. A strong gripped pulled me back onto the sidewalk, my foot getting caught on the ledge, causing me and whoever had grabbed me to fall to the ground. The person lay on top on me, I looked towards the road and the car that almost hit me. I sighed and laid my head back down, closing my eyes my head pounding. The person sighed and stood up "Trying to kill yourself now?" I knew that voice and that scent. It was Derek. I opened my eyes slightly, I sat up slowly. I covered my eyes again. I felt sick to my stomach. The force from him pulling me away from the road did not help with my nauseated stomach. Derek pulled my hand away from my eyes, "Are you alright?" I shook my head and covered my mouth, trying to stop myself from getting sick. Derek put his hand to my forehead "Your burning up. Do you easily get sick?" I ignored his question and closed my eyes again. I could feel the rain again, and realized that I was soaking wet now and probably have been for a few minutes. I must have blacked out from my migraine but this has never happened before, at least not that I know of. Derek lightly grabbed my shoulder and forced me to stand. He started walking forcing me to walk beside him. I don't know why but I leaned into his touch. I opened my eyes just barely enough to see where we were going. I could spot his car a few feet infront of us. I wondered if he just happened to be driving by and noticed me or if he may have been following me.
Once we made it to his car he grabbed my bag from my shoulders and tossed it in the back. He opened the passenger door for me and let me get inside before closing the door. I leaned the seat back as far as it could go. Derek got in and noticed what I had done and sighed. He started his car and turned the heat on full blast. It was nice to feel the warm air but it felt as though it made my head hurt even more. "Derek?" I opened my eyes fully and looked towards him. He glanced at me for a second. "Why was it you that pulled me away from the road? Did you just happen to drive by or...?" I trailed off.
"I was driving by and noticed you. You had your eyes covered and clearly weren't paying attention to where you were going. Would you have liked for me to just let you get hit?" I shook my head quickly. "No-I... thank you." I looked out the window, the rain was heavy now. I could barely see the trees as we drove past them. I winced as I felt a stinging pain run across my forehead. I could feel my head pulsing on my temple. I wanted to cry, I don't know why my head hurts and it's frustrating. I watched as Derek pulled the car over to the side of the road.
Once the car was in park he turned towards me. "What hurts?" I think he already knew the answer to that. He removed my hand from my head and placed it in my lap. He didn't remove his hand though. We sat there quietly for a few minutes. Him holding my hand in my lap. I think he could tell I felt uncomfortable because he removed his hand and started driving again. I don't know what he is trying to do. I closed my eyes again and focused on trying not to get sick.
I felt a light push on my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly, Dereks face infront of mine. Once he saw that I was awake he leaned back into his seat. I sat the seat up and saw that we were at my house. I need to stop falling asleep in Dereks car, he's gonna think all I do is sleep. Derek got out first, I followed after grabbing my bag from the back. Once I made it out of the car and closed the door, I could feel my head start to pound even more. I stood there for a second staring at the front of the house. Derek looked back at me, confusion written all over his face. My vision blurred and my thoughts trailed away. I tried to take a step forward but my body began to hurt. I couldn't move and my vision was becoming more blurred by the second. I could hear Derek speaking but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I tried to take another step but my body gave out. Derek caught me before I hit the ground. I could feel my body shivering both from the cold and from pain. My face was buried in his chest. His body was warm but it wasn't enough to make me feel warm. I could feel tears rushing down my checks. My body hurt so much and I didn't know why. Derek leaned my head back and saw my tears , "Clara what's wrong?" I cried harder, my breath getting caught. I tried to calm myself and breath but it was no use. I could see the worry written on Dereks face. He wrapped his arm around my waist I could feel his hand on my waist, part of it touching my bare skin. I could feel some of my pain fading away but not all of it. The pain was bearable for me to tell him what was wrong. But he seemed to already know "You need to go to the ER." He started to stand. I shook my head "No, please. I'm more than likely over reacting. Just help me inside." He sighed but didn't reject. He wanted to carry me in but I was already too embarrassed. He held onto my arm and helped me inside and upstairs to my room.

Golden Miracle Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora