Part 8

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I sighed and finished drying my hair. "Clara, are you almost ready?" I heard my aunt call from downstairs. I rubbed my forehead and called back down to her, "Yes, aunt I'm almost done getting ready!" I took one last look at my stomach and the healed scars now running across my body and pulled the blue dress over my head. A choice of my aunt for my first day back at school. She came in once my parents didn't show back home for another month. She told me she was with them the whole time and something had happened to their phones or something like that. I partially believed what she said but than my parents came back. But they only came back for a weekend and than they had to leave, dad has some work business to finish before they came back fully. Once I got done pulling the dress on I pinned a side of my hair back and left the bathroom.

 Once I got done pulling the dress on I pinned a side of my hair back and left the bathroom

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I ran down the stairs once my aunt called for me again. I met her at the front door and she handed me my shoes and my new school bag. Both she had also bought me. I pulled the shoes on and grabbed the bag from her hands. She smiled and ran her fingers threw my hair "I know you think I'm trying to change your life by buying all of this for you. But I'm just trying to spoil you." She opened the front door and let me go first, "And I am trying to change up your style. Let's be honest these clothes and shoes are to die for." She laughed and I smiled and nodded, agreeing with her. We got in her red car and she started the drive to school. Once we made it there she waved a quick goodbye to me and I entered the school. I met Lydia and Allison at our lockers. They were already talking once I met them. Lydia smiled and hugged me tightly. I gave a hug to Allison and opened my locker. I closed my locker when Lydia mentioned something about the new freshman. Allison and I followed her gaze as Lydia watched two brothers walking down the hallway "Brothers?" Allison asked. "Twins," Lydia answered excitedly. They both held helmets in their hands and leather jackets. Definitely someone Lydia would be excited for. I shook my head and we headed towards our first class. Lydia and I walked in first and found seats quickly. I sat behind Stiles and Lydia sat beside him with Scott on the other side. The only other open seat was infront of Scott. We both gave Allison a worried look as we saw who she would have to be sitting close to. Our phones buzzed and each of us pulled them out quickly. A text from an unknown number.I glanced up as someone began to speak. Reading the same passage from what was texted to us. "The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness."  I placed my phone down and watched as a woman dressed nicely scanned the room. "This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off everyone." I turned towards the others as we turned our phones off and I placed mine in my bag. Stiles and I made a face towards one another before turning our attention towards the teacher once again.
It was halfway into first period. Scott got called to leave the class. Something with Melissa at the hospital. I was trying to focus but Stiles started talking to Lydia. I put my pencil down and leaned forward as Stiles mention something about a deer. "What deer? What on earth are guys talking about."
Stiles turned back to me, "A deer hit Lydias car the other night. Allison and Lydia are both fine. But Lydia said the deer looked scared and was running away from something. But than Lydias dog bit her. Which it's never bitten her before." Stiles pointed towards a bandaid on her ankle. Stiles turned back to Lydia"Okay. What if it's like the same thing as the deer? You know like how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?"
"Meaning what? There's gonna be an earthquake?" Lydia asked.
"Stiles, why would there be an earthquake." I asked and he waved his hand at me to quite down. "Or something. I just- maybe it means somethings coming. Something bad."
I leaned back as Lydia answered him, "It was a deer and a dog. What's that thing you say about threes? Once, twice-" Lydia was cut off as something hit the window. Blood in the spot of whatever hit the widow . Everyone stopped and looked towards the widow. I could hear birds squawking as the teacher walked towards the widow to see what was going on. More birds started to fly into the widows causing everyone to jump. I shot a scared look towards Stiles and Lydia as birds began to break the widows and fly into the classroom. I could faintly hear the teacher yelling for everyone to get down. The screams coming from everyone had me frozen in my seat and I hadn't noticed that everyone was already out of their seats and covering their heads. I felt someone grab my arm and force me out of my seat. At the same time several birds had flown at me and caused a few scratches on my arm. I blinked my eyes as I finally realized what was happening. I took my attention off of the windows and turned towards who had grabbed me, Allison. My arms burned and my head was beginning to hurt. She wrapped her arms around me and we both took cover under a desk. I closed my eyes and held onto Allison's arms.
I could feel Allison slowly rising to her feet bringing me up with her. I opened my eyes and noticed the birds had stopped and everyone was quiet. But I could still hear a faint noise like birds were still flapping their wings. Allison grabbed one of my arms and looked at the cuts caused by the birds. She grabbed my face gently and lifted it to look at her and not the mess "Are you okay?"
I took my glance away from the birds and feathers and looked at her and nodded my head, "I'm okay... I think. But I don't understand what just happened."
Police and paramedics had shown up and was checking everyone. I sat on the desk besides Allison as her father checked her over. "Next time you're feeling you wanna stay home, you stay home." He lowered her hand that he was checking.
She lightly shook her head, "I'm okay. But dad, the deer and now this?" " I know. I know." "It can't be a coincidence." They were whispering but Stilinski had somehow heard them. "Mr.Argent, you wouldn't have any insight into this, would you?" "Me?" "Yeah." Stilinski took a look around the room, "All of this bizarre animal behavior, it's-" he looked at Argent again "You must have seen something like this before, right?" "I'm not other sure why I would or why you would think I would." Stilinski had a look of confusion has he looked between Argent and Allison. "I'm sorry I un- I could've sworn I overheard my son talking about how you were an experienced hunter." I looked at Stiles as he dropped his head. My attention was drawn away from the conversation as a paramedic asked me if I wanted to get checked over. I nodded my head and allowed him to lead me to another desk. He bandage most of the cuts and said I was good to go. I walked over to Stiles right as he had finished a call. "Wanna go to Derek's with me?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Sure, why not. Better there than here with suicidal birds." Stiles nodded his head, "Meet outside." He rushed out the door. I walked towards Lydia and Allison, "I'm going with Stiles. I'll met you guys after school?" Lydia nodded her head. "Are you sure you're alright?" Allison asked. I nodded my head and grabbed my bag from the floor and waved bye to them as I left. I met Stiles outside and we walked to his jeep. We made it to Derek's house and Stiles got out. "Hey, I'm gonna call my aunt real fast and let her know where I'm at and when I'll be home." I shout to Stiles and he nodded his head and a gave a thumbs up. I pulled out my phone and turned it back on. Once it was on I noticed I had a bunch of missed calls and texts. But it wasn't from anyone I knew. I clicked on my message app but none of the unknown messages were there. I shrugged and went to my contacts to call my aunt. I put the phone up to my ear but she didn't answer. I left a quick voicemail telling her I maybe home early and put my phone back in my bag. I hopped out of the jeep and started to walk towards the house but my head began to hurt. I tried to ignore it, but it started to throb and the cuts on my arms began to burn. I grabbed into the door of the jeep and slowly sat down on the ground. I closed my eyes and used my other hand to cover my eyes. The throbbing subsided, along with the burning feeling. I slowly opened my eyes, it was dark out now. I stood up quickly and looked around. Stiles' jeep was still here but no sign of everyone else. I took one more look around before making my way towards the house. I stepped inside "Stiles!" no answer. "Derek!".... "Scott!" Still no answer. I heard a rustling noise come from my left and started walking towards it. The overgrown leaves were moving and a soft noise come from the middle. I crouched down next to it. I lifted a few of the branches, glowing red eyes stared back at me. My heart began to race and I froze. I feel back as the eyes lunged at me.
When I hit the ground I was back at Stiles' jeep and it was daytime again. I sat up and noticed blood on my dress. I wiped at my nose and saw dried blood on my hand. My nose bled again. I stood up slowly and brushed the dirt off the back of my dress. The front door opened and Scott and Stiles began to walk out. Scott stopped and looked at the door. "You painted the door. Why'd you paint the door?" I could hear Derek call out to him "Go home Scott."
Scott ran his hand across the door, "And why only one side?" He flicked his claws out and ran a fingernail across the paint. "Scott!" Derek yelled as Scott ran both sets of claws across the door. Paint flinging everywhere. An image began to appear on the door and I slowly made my way towards the door, stopping at the steps. "The birds at school and the deer last night, just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the alpha." He paused and looked towards Derek , "how many are there?"
Derek sighed "a pack of them."
I cleared my throat getting everyone's attention, "a pack of what? What the hell did I miss again?" I made my way up the stairs and stood besides Scott.
Stiles made a quick motion towards his nose asking about mine. I waved my hand at him letting him know that it was nothing to be concerned of. Derek took a quick glance at me before looking at Scott, "An alpha pack."
Stiles looked at Derek, "All of them? How does that even work?"
Derek sighed "I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion." I shivered when he spoke that name. But it's a name I've never heard before.
Derek continued, "We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Issac and I have been looking for them for the last four months." Scott made a step towards him "Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an alpha pack?"
"With all the help I can get"
Stiles and Scott looked at each other before a voice behind us spoke up "Where is she? Where's the girl?" I turned to see Issac sitting up.
Derek looked at him, "What girl?"
Derek and Scott walked over to him while Stiles and I headed back out to the jeep. "Stiles I think that's enough supernatural problems for me today. My head is killing me." I rubbed both sides of my temple as a migraine began to form. I opened the passenger door and hopped in. "Just lean your seat back and close your eyes. This won't take much longer." He stood at the door and motioned for me to lean my seat back. I groaned but did as he said anyways. He closed the door and I covered my eyes.
It was some time before they all came back out. Stiles drove me back home and left to go to Scott. I walked back in and was greeted with an empty house. I sighed and made my way upstairs to change my clothes. Once I was changed into shorts and a tank top I laid own in bed. Sleep took over me quickly.

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