Part 9

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I turned to look at the alarm clock; 3 am. I sighed and sat up, brushing the hair out of my face. I opened the drawer to my nightstand. I rummaged around, looking for my pills. But they were nowhere to be found. I groaned and rubbed the forehead. I didn't really want to get out of bed, but I got up anyways. I walked over to my backpack and opened up the front pocket. I pulled out the pill bottles but didn't find my sleeping pills. I walked out of my room and towards the bathroom hoping they were in there. I opened the drawer, empty. I opened the other drawers to also find those were empty. I opened the medicine cabinet, empty. Guess I'll just have to try my aunt's sleepy time tea. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I first grabbed a mug and set it down on the counter. I than grabbed aunt's kettle and filled it with water before putting it on the burner. I flipped the nozzle turning the burner on. I walked over to jars my aunt brought with her. I remember her showing me how to make a cup when she first arrived. Something she wanted me to try and use instead of my medicine. I opened the cabinet infront of me and pulled out her fancy reusable tea bags. I opened up the jar she showed me and grabbed the spoon. I breathed in the scent of the tea leaves, it definitely didn't smell like tea. But my aunt did make this herself so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. I scooped one spoonful into the tea bag and placed it in the mug. I waited a few minutes until the kettle was ready. I turned the burner off and grabbed the kettle. Pouring it into my mug. I rubbed my eyes as I waited for the tea to seep. I added some sugar and took a sip. I made a face as the bitter taste went down my throat. I coughed a little bit and looked down at the mug. "That's horrible." I whispered to myself. I took another sip and tried to keep the reaction to myself. I felt bad that the tea was horrible but I didn't want to waste any. Seeing as it wasn't mine in the first place and I didn't want my aunt getting mad at me. I finished the tea quickly and placed the mug in the sink. I walked back upstairs already feeling the tiredness setting in.
I closed my eyes and rubbed my eyes, trying to keep myself awake long enough to make it to my bed. I felt a tickle on my check and swatted it away from my face. I opened my eyes and stepped back. Leaves crunched beneath my bare feet, the woods. Again. I groaned and rubbed my arms trying to get warmth. I don't even remember falling asleep let alone making it to my bed. I continued to rub my arms and moved down to my forearms. I stopped feeling something dry flaking off my arm. I looked down and saw dried blood. I wiped some more off and noticed cuts along my forearms. They began to bleed again after I wiped them. I could feel myself become tired again. I shook my head trying to get myself to stay awake. I held the sides of my face and slowly dropped to the ground. I could feel the cold air and the goose bumps forming. I blinked my eyes several times before sleep overtook me.
My eyes shot wide open and I could immediately feel someone shaking my shoulders and yelling my name. I blinked my eyes and looked up, Derek.
"Clara what the hell!?" He grabbed one of my arms and looked at them. I continued to look around me, my heart beating fast. I could feel his touch move down to my hands and fingers. "Clara what did you do to your arms?" He asked forcing me to look at them. I looked at the arm he held in his hands and than my other one. "You scratched them raw to the point you broke the skin. Why?"
I shook my head, "...I don't know."
"Clara are you doing this on purpose?" His tone was more serious and I could sense a hint of anger.
I harshly pulled my arms away from him. I hung my head low and gripped at my hair. I could feel myself having difficulty breathing. I could feel Derek place his jacket around me. He lightly grabbed my hands and removed them from my hair. He gently pulled me towards him. His arms wrapped around me and he softly brushed my hair down. "I don't know what's happening to me." I softly cried.
Derek lifted me up and he placed me on the ground and lead me out of the woods and to his car. He opened the passenger door and closed it behind me once I got in. I leaned the seat back and closed my eyes. I could hear Derek get in the car and start it. He reached over towards me and gently shook my shoulder, "You better not be falling asleep."
I groaned quietly and opened my eyes. I reached forward and turned the heat on full and pointed the vents at me. I watched the scenery as we drove by. Soon we come to my house. Derek parked the car and looked at my house, "Is your aunt home?" I shook my head. "No, she won't be back until the morning probably. She found this bar the other weekend. She says there's this cute guy that works there. She probably flirting her way to a free drink or something." I looked towards Derek as I could feel him heavily staring at me. "Why do you ask."
He turned the car off, "Because I'm not letting you stay home by yourself. There's too many incidences of you sleep walking." I nodded my head and followed him out of the car. "So... what are you staying here with me or...." I trailed off as he grabbed the hidden key and unlocked the door. My mouth hung open a little as I watched him place the hidden key back. "What?" He asked opening the door and stepping to the side to let me in first. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders "Um... nothing I guess." I stepped inside and turned towards him, "So...?" He looked at me puzzled "You'll be coming to my place. So go grab a clean set of clothes." I nodded my head and made my way upstairs.
I grabbed my school bag and tossed it onto my bed. I went over to my dresser and grabbed a flannel and a shirt. I than grabbed a pair of leggings. I grabbed everything else and neatly folded them and placed them into my bag. "Hey Derek!" I called down to him. I waited a few seconds for a reply but I didn't hear any. I grabbed my bag and made my way back down the stairs. "Derek?" I searched around the living room and noticed the kitchen light was on. When I walked in Derek was infront of the sink holding the mug I had used earlier. "Um... Derek?" I paused now standing beside him. "What are you doing?" He placed the mug down and looked towards me, "What is this?" Mentioning towards the mug. I shrugged my shoulders, "I had tea, one that my aunt had made special for trouble sleeping." I walked towards the cabinet and pulled out the tea. He grabbed it from my hands and opened it. It smelled and it quickly closed it coughing slightly. "Your aunt made this?" I nodded my head and gave him a puzzled look. "She did. Like I said. Why is there something wrong with it?"
Derek grabbed my hand, "Nothings wrong with it but we should get going." He started to drag me out of the kitchen. I stopped him "Hey!" I pulled my hand out of his and gripped my bag tightly "I need to take a shower." He sighed and grabbed my hand again. "You can take one when we get to my place."
I huffed and threw my head back as he took me back out to his car.
I watched out the window as we drove to his place. He pulled into the parking lot and I peered my head up to look at the building. My heart beat faster has I realized it was the same apartment building from my dream. Derek could hear my heart, I could feel him turn towards me. He didn't ask what was wrong though and got out of the car instead. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and made my way out of the car. I closed the door behind me and stared up at the building. I felt a shiver run down my spine and shook it off. Derek looked back at me and motioned for me to hurry up and follow him. He lead me inside, opening a huge metal sliding door that showed me his living space. I took a pause at the entrance and scanned around the room. It was just like my dream and it made me feel uneasy. "Clara," I turned towards Derek "Bathroom is right here." I nodded my head and made my over to him. He flicked the light switch on and let me go in first before following in after me. I walked over to the counter and dropped my bag on top. I took a quick glance in the mirror and inwardly cringed at myself. Dried mud clung to my face and hair. I could tell me hair was a matted mess. I scanned down my arms, mud and dried blood as well. My eyes slowly moved up to my collarbone. The scar across it stood out much more than usual. Subconsciously my fingers moved to touch it, moving up and down it. Remembering the events that happened to cause such a scar. I was knocked my daze by Derek's voice coming from behind me. I dropped my hand quickly and turned to look at him. He was by the shower with towels in his hands. I moved to stand beside him, "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What did you say?" He handed the towels over to me. "I was only explaining how to turn the shower on." "Oh" was I could muster to say. I wondered if he saw me just than. Standing there looking at my scar. I shook my head a little and leaned in closer, putting my full attention on what he was showing me. He quickly showed me how to turn the water to prefect temperature and how to turn the shower head on. "When you're done just call for me and I'll come bandage those up." He points down at my arms and I nodded softly. With that he left locking the bathroom door behind him. I placed the towels on the counter and got undressed. I hoped into the shower. I let the water run a little before it was warm and turned the shower head on. I slowly washed the mud and dried blood off. Being careful of my arms. I let the water run down my hair before I dared tried to untangle it. Shampoo and conditioner catch my eye and I grabbed the shampoo bottle. I lathered it into my hair and rinsed it out. I grabbed the conditioner and focused on the spots that were matted the most. I tried my best to run my fingers through and detangle it. I let that sit and grabbed the body wash. I opened the lid and smelled it. Most definitely Derek's soap. I put that down and looked around the shower. No other body wash was in here. So I grabbed the shampoo again and used that. I washed the remaining mud and blood off. After rinsing the shampoo off my body. I finally rinsed the conditioner out of my hair feeling no tangles in the process Once no more mats were there I turned the water off and reached out to grab the towel. Once dried I quickly got dressed and did as Derek asked and called for him. I had on black leggings and a loose dark blue shirt. When he came in I was standing infront of the mirror towel drying my hair. Derek came over to the counter placed a first aid kit down. "Sit on the counter." I groaned but did as he said and jumped up on the counter. Thankfully this bathroom counter was huge and there was enough space for me to sit here without the sink being in the way. I placed the towel in my lap and Derek moved the first aid kit closer to me. I placed my hands in my lap and watched as he pulled stuff out of the kit. "You don't have much in there." He glanced up at me "I heal so no need for a first aid kit." "Than how'd you get this one?" "Got it while you were showering." I nodded my head and continued getting everything ready. He grabbed my right arm gently and a cloth. He dipped it in peroxide before slowly and carefully cleaning the cuts. I hissed a little as he cleaned the center of the whole mess. I watched as it started to bleed a little. I looked away but could feel him grab a new cloth and start cleaning it again. I looked back over as he began wrapping my arm up. I sat quietly and looked away again. Derek paused, "What's wrong?" I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. I could feel Derek move a strand of hair behind my ear. He reached his fingers down to my chin and slowly turned my face so I was looking at him. He repeated his question. I closed my eyes to try and stop myself from crying "What if they scar?" I quietly answered. I could hear him chuckle softly "Than they scar." I shook my head and dropped my face as a tear slowly ran down my cheek. Derek's hand moved to caress my check, wiping away the tear. I opened my eyes and slowly looked up at him as he brought his face closer to mine. I watched as his eyes quickly darted down to my lips than back up. His other hand reached up to lay on my chin leaning my face up towards his. My breath caught in my throat and I moved my hands back behind me as he came much closer. I closed my eyes as his lips brushed against mine. Than it happened, he kissed me. But this wasn't just a quick kiss on the lips this was much more. I let out the breath I was holding in and I could feel myself relax a little. I found myself moving an arm around his neck and my other hand reaching up to hold his cheek. He wasn't quick and instead followed my speed. I could feel his hand move away from my chin and down to my side. He quickly moved it around my back. His fingers brushing against bare skin. I whimpered and jumped back grabbing his hand in the process. I held his hand that was once on my back and dropped my head. My breath quickened and I tightly closed my eyes. He started to back away and I grabbed the back of his shirt collar. "I'm sorry." He whispered softly. I shook my head and held the tears in. I could feel his hand in mine slowly start to pull away. "De-Derek... I... I don't." I sighed heavily. Derek stayed quiet and grabbed my other arm. He quickly cleaned and covered the wounds. Once he was finished he left without saying a word or a glance my way. I loosely crossed my arms in my lap. I slowly slid off the counter and onto the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I rested my head on my knees and closed my eyes.
I could feel a hand softly brush threw my hair. I slowly lifted my head feeling very groggy. Derek wrapped my arms around his neck and gently picked me up. I fought to keep my eyes opened but my body felt sore and ached. Derek placed me down on his bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I tried to sit up but he slowly pushed me back down. I shook my head and grabbed his hands trying to pry them off. "Derek, I don't want to go to sleep." He pushed my hands off and it was a back and forth game. I kept shaking my head "Please I don't want to go to sleep. I don't want to sleep," I cried. He moved onto the bed and pulled me into his lap. "I don't want to sleep." I gripped his shirt tight and shut my eyes. He grabbed my face and pushed back my hair. He wiped my continuous tears "Hey.....hey!" I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. "I'm right here. I'll be right here the whole time." I sniffled and closed my eyes again. He wiped the rest of my tears away and laid my head on his chest. I opened my eyes again, wanting to fight the sleep. I could feel Derek lightly playing with my hair. I soon felt my body start to drift off to sleep. Derek's arms still wrapped around me.

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