Chapter 2

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"Mr. Slater?"

"It's nice to meet you, Elizabeth."

"I... I... I was expecting..." I still couldn't form a complete sentence.

I was so surprised by his appearance. I'd expected him to be... older? With white hair... But he was 40. Of course, he had no white hair.

"Elizabeth?" he repeated my name in that low, hoarse voice.

"What? Oh, I am sorry. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Slater."

Presumably, at that moment, I appeared to be a stupid schoolgirl.

"My son didn't tell me why he couldn't come," he continued. "But he asked me to make sure your stay is pleasant."

"Thank you," I replied, finally able to say something meaningful. "I'm sure it will be. Your hotel is amazing."

"We have a wonderfully well-equipped spa. There is a sauna, jacuzzi, massage, aromatherapies, and more. Everything is at your disposal."

"Thank you! I appreciate it."

"Good. I'll see you later."

"Yeah... See you."

As Mr. Slater walked away, I heard the receptionist saying something to me.

"Um, excuse me," I turned to her. "Would you repeat that?"

"Do you want me to book you an appointment for a massage? Or some procedure?"

"A massage sounds good. Thank you," I answered somewhat disinterestedly and hurried to turn around again to see if Mr. Slater was still there.

My God! Did I just admire Leo's dad? I admonished myself in bewilderment.

I shook my head, trying to shake off the inappropriate thoughts, and headed for my room.

As I'd expected, it was spacious and bright. On one side was a king-size bed, opposite which, a giant television hung on the wall. There was also a table with two comfortable armchairs.

I unloaded my luggage and arranged my clothes in the wardrobe.

Like I'm going to need this, I thought as I held a sexy black lace nightgown. I crushed it in my hands and threw it back in the suitcase.

I won't cry anymore!

I wasn't going to let the sad thoughts about Leo overwhelm me again, so I quickly headed to the spa area where I had a massage appointment.

A gorgeous masseuse with dark skin and long, blond, curly hair greeted me. A small tag attached to her apron provided her name—Shania. She appeared to be 30-35 years old.

Ten minutes after the massage began, she broke the silence. "Do you feel good?"

"Yes. This is delightful. I haven't felt so good lately," I answered.

"I feel the tension all over your body. You need to relax. Your body needs rest."

"Tension?" I exclaimed questioningly. "Maybe it's because my boyfriend just broke up with me after a six-year relationship."

"A six-year relationship?" she asked in surprise. "You look very young for such a long relationship."

"Will you tell me, too, that we have missed a lot of experience during this relationship?"

"Is that the reason he broke up with you?"

"Pretty much, yes." I didn't usually share personal things with people I had just met, but Shania somehow made me feel comfortable in her presence. "He said we don't have enough sexual experience."

Sinful Pleasure (#1 of "Trilogy of Pleasure")Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu