Chapter 1

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It was a wonderful day.

Only my fierce struggles with my suitcase were giving me a headache. Did I have too much luggage, or was the suitcase too small?

While I was busy pondering my predicament, my phone rang.

"What's up, girl?"

I was as happy as always to hear my best friend Kelly's voice.

"Hey, Kelly! I am packing," I answered, just as I finally managed to close the suitcase.

"Did you remember your sexy underwear?"

"Kelly!" I scolded. "Anyway, I think I've packed all my stuff."

She started giggling. "Damn, Liz, you will be on vacation only for a week."

"Yeah, I know. But I've been waiting for this for so long. I want to have everything I could possibly want with me."

"Ha-ha! Okay, don't forget to write to me from the hotel! If Leo gives you a break, at least for a while, of course."

"Jeez, Kells! Do you only think about sex? We are going to a spa. Massages and relaxation—that is all I need."

The doorbell rang while Kelly and I continued the conversation.

"Leo's here. Bye, Kelly!"

I hung up and opened the door.

"Hey, babe!" I greeted Leo enthusiastically.

"Hello, Liz," he replied. He approached me and kissed me on the cheek.

On the cheek!? I was surprised, but I brushed it off. "Come in! I'm almost done with my luggage. I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Liz, I need to talk to you."

For a split second, the smile disappeared from my face. My heart started beating fast. I had never seen Leo so serious.

"What is it, Leo?"

"I know that the moment is not the best... but... I need to tell you something."

"You're starting to scare me."

"I think we need to break up."


His words came to me like thunder from a clear sky. Leo and I had been together for six years. And we were happy. Or so I had thought...

"Listen, Liz. I love you..."

"If you love me, why are you breaking up with me?"

"Just listen to me. It is difficult for me to tell you this, but I owe you the truth."

"Is there another woman?" I asked him, unsure if I really wanted to hear the answer.

"No! I would never do that to you! It's just..." He sighed heavily. "We were sixteen when we started dating... We were kids... You were my first girl... And I was your first... You know what I mean..."

"No, Leo! I don't!"

I felt so confused at that moment. Everything seemed surreal as if I was in a nightmare.

"Okay... What I mean is that the only experience we have... the only sexual experience... is with each other..."

"You want to sleep with other women?"

"To be honest, yes, I do."

"Am I not good enough in bed?"

"No, Liz. You are good. I'm just saying we both have no other experience." He paused for a second, running his fingers through his hair. "Don't you feel that our relationship has become stagnant?"

Sinful Pleasure (#1 of "Trilogy of Pleasure")Where stories live. Discover now