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The typical hipster couple stand at the mall food court.

Equally skinny jeans, thick, would-be nerd glasses and beanies that say stuff like ain't no wifey and parental advisory warning; explicit.

She orders a burger and him a chicken wrap, and they wait in a pleasant, no rush sort of way.

Her hair is stick straight, falling around her striped t-shirt shoulders beneath a gray [okay I'm pretty sure thats the right spelling but autocorrect thinks i mean fray and i don't] beanie. She smiles at him beneath the glasses, and he winds an arm around her waist. She leans against his side.

He's wearing gray skinny jeans and a black patterned cardigan which is extremely attractive. His hair is short and dark, and his glasses are a little off-kilter.

What I wouldn't give to have someone like that for a boyfriend. [this phrase doesn't make much sense to me honestly...]

She's got a nice, flat sort of wide mouth that makes me think of Asians, and his skin is blatantly Caucasian. She seems to be the same height as him, but one of those skinny people that look elegant - not huge - when they're as tall as a boy.

His wrap comes first, and he steps away from her to retrieve it. When he returns to her side after three long-legged strides, he wraps her hand in his securely.

The kind of handholding that makes the holdeé [not a word ik ik] feel safe. Protected. Adored.

Her burger is called, and then they take a seat a league away from me.

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